Grocery store

Kiwi Bomb

Junsu made way towards the employee room since his break was over.
While walking over to his department, he knew the rest of his shift was going to be like hell.
The store manager was there who for some weird reason, hated Junsu’s guts.

An hour after Junsu was back working; his manager was in his office window watching him like a hawk.

‘’What did you this time to make him look at you like that?” whispered his friend beside him.

“Nothing,” Junsu sighed while shaking his head.

“Maybe it’s because he still didn’t like the fact that your boyfriend dragged you in the toilet for a make out session last week.”

“ Yah!”Junsu hissed while putting hand to stop the blabbermouth, “I already got in trouble for that, Changmin! You don’t have to bring it up.”

“Too bad I wasn’t the first one in the toilet. I’m sure it was hot!” Changmin chuckled before stepping out.

“KIM JUNSU! In my office now!” Yelled the store manager.

“What did I do?” he whined before following.

“The new food stocks should be delivered tonight. You’ll be here and fix everything, understood?”


“ I don’t care if you have something with your boyfriend. You’ll do as I say or you can kiss your job good bye.”
Junsu swore he heard a growl from his boss.

‘’ Well go!”Junsu was shooed out and he made sure that all were beyond earshot when he grumbled, “ing useless boss.”

Junsu went in the back of the store to grab everything he need after he took a look at the little problem in alley 7.

“So, what did your best friend boss ask you to do this time?” Asked Changmin.

“Are you working sometime?”Junsu joked back.

“Yep working really hard…”
“Sometimes I wish I was working in the alley…”

“You should request it.”

“ Hell no. he won’t move me anyway.”Junsu sighed defeatetly.

“ I think he likes you, that’s why you’re in the fruits and vegetables department. He can keep all his lovely eyes on you,” of course, leave it to Changmin to cheer anyone up.

The tall man left as Junsu shivered in disgust, just thinking of the possibility that his manager could have a crush on him…

Shoot! I have to call Yoochun I won’t make it tonight!

Junsu took his time to bring everything back after he was done cleaning. In the little closet, he took his cell.

“Hey baby what’s up?”

“Sorry Chun, I have to work overtime tonight…”

“Why are you working overtime again? Your manager wants you for himself again?”

Junsu couldn’t see him but knowing his boyfriend, he knew that the older man was probably in his office, sitting on his leather chair with feet on his desk and smirking for the fact that Junsu was in trouble again.

“Don’t make me puke. Thinking about this old ugly monkey makes me sick! Anyway the fruits load is late so I have to stay until it’s here.”

“ You want me to come over?”

“Not really…”

“Aww babe, why not? Your boss won’t be there.” Yoochun chuckled.

“Baby you know I love you, but I also love my job. Sure I hate my boss, but I really don’t want to get fired.”

“What your boss doesn’t know can’t hurt him…”

“There are cameras in the store, Chun.”

“ Oh… …”


“ Anyway, I’ll see you later; I have to go since they can’t start the meeting without my y body.”


“But you love this bastard…But seriously, love you babe.”
“Greasy bastard!” But then Junsu added in a whisper, “love you too,” before going out of the closet he was hiding in.

“ through the phone?”

“Geez Changmin! Don’t pop up out of nowhere like that!”

The rest of the day passed in a flash…inthe end, everybody in the store started to leave.

“KIM! Since you have to wait, I want you to clean everything in your department! Take all the bad stuff out and make place for what you gonna have tonight. When the load is here, fill everything.”

“WHAT? We’re supposed to fill it up in the morning! What if the load is here at midnight? I’m working at 8am tomorrow!”

Junsu was ready to punch his boss in the face...but since he really wants to show his boyfriend and his own brother that he could do something on his own, Junsu took a deep breath to calm down instead.

After everybody left, Junsu just lay down in the employee room.

Junsu was busy cursing when his cell started ringing.

"What?!" Junsu answered.

"Hi to you too babe!"

"Oh, Yoochun...Sorry…"

"What’s wrong… your boss again?"

Yoochun could almost imagine Junsu's pout, and smiled because of the thought.

"So do you know when this load should be here?"

"I don’t know but while waiting I have to clean my department, take all the bad fruits and vegetables and fill up everything when the load is here."

"He's making you do all that by yourself?! I just hate that man!"Hissed Yoochun.

"Me too, but don't worry too much okay?"

Yoochun closed his eyes. He knew his baby, he knew Junsu was on the verge of crying in frustration (that he has to do so much, and also because of the fact that this little issue actually makes him tear up).Yoochun gave a look to the man next to him and shook his head. The man next to him stretch his arm in the back of the ferrari and grabbed the bags smiling.

"Babe… open the back door."

"Wha---are you..."

"Please, babe?"

Junsu shut his phone and went to the back door.
In front of him now were his boyfriend and his brother. Without talking both men came inside and Yoochun just took his lover in his arms, whispering sweet words in Junsu's ear.

"Uhm, guys...I can comeback if you both want." Smiled the oldest among them.

"Oh Jae..."

The youngest left the comfort of his boyfriend's arms and went to his brother for a hug.

"We’re here to help you Su,"Jaejoong whispered.

"You want me to do something about your boss problem?" Yoochun hugged Junsu from the back.

"Geez can you wait? I’m hugging my baby brother!" Shouted Jaejoong, trying hard not to laugh while tugging Yoochun's arms off Junsu.

"Oh come on guys stop making me feel like a sandwich!"

The room was now filled with laughs.

"Talking about sandwiches, I have food for us!"

They went in the room and set up everything on the table. Junsu was really happy, his boyfriend and his brother were there for him. Jaejoong cooked a lot for them and maybe if Junsu was lucky, he could bring them in the front to help him with fruits and vegetables. While eating, Junsu could see Yoochun watching him with that little light in his eyes. He knew his boyfriend by heart, he knew Yoochun was thinking about helping him. But then again Junsu wanted to face his problem alone. He wants to show that he wasn’t a daddy's little boy. He wants to show everybody that he can do something on his own. And anyway his past 5 other jobs before this one...he was kind of fired because of Yoochun.

First job… left in the middle of his day because Yoochun kidnapped him.

Second job… Yoochun punched Junsu’s boss because the man grabbed Junsu’s .

Third job… Yoochun got a ticket for Bora Bora for both of them and lied about telling Junsu’s boss that he was taking a week off.

Fourth job… Junsu quit because Yoochun was getting jealous of his co-worker. Not like he was going to cheat on him… he’s gay and he was working with women but still… it was Yoochun’s fault.

Fifth job he got fired cause he forgot to lock the door of the shop before leaving. Yoochun had called him saying he was hurt and bleeding to death. Junsu left in a hurry just to find out that Yoochun cut his finger on a paper while trying to do origami just to impress Junsu. They got robbed at the shop … so yeah it was always Yoochun's fault.

But this time, just this time he really wants to keep his job. He had a great friend, co-worker who's really nice. He had fun, well except for his store manager.

"What do you want us to do Su?”

“ Babe, we’ll do anything. Tonight you are our manager.”

“ You’re lucky, I’m here to help you when I can be in Yunho’s arms.” Jaejoong sighed.

“But you love your brother more right?” Junsu giggled, still in Yoochun’s arms.

“Damn right I love my little baby brother!”

“We should clean up before the load gets in. It’s gonna be faster since we are three.’’

“Show us the way!”

After a little clean up, they went into Junsu’s department. Junsu was busy with the vegetables while Yoochun was in the grapes section and Jaejoong was working with grapefruits, oranges and apples.

For a couple minutes they keep working without saying anything…until a flying object hit Jaejoong.

“The ?!”


“ Something hit me.”

Junsu turn around and half way back to his little section, Jaejoong shoot again.

‘’Something hit me again!

Junsu came back next to his brother and both looked everywhere to see what could hit him.

Junsu looked at his boyfriend…Yoochun was working with grapes without paying attention. It wasn’t normal to see a quiet Yoochun.


“Yes babe?” Said Yoochun with a little smile.

“What did you do?”


“It’s weird but I don’t believe you at all.”

“It’s not my fault I saw a mini bomb…”

“ Mini bomb?”

“ Yep! These bombs!” Said Yoochun with a hand full of grapes.

Before Junsu and Jaejoong could do anything, Yoochun started attacking them with grapes. They all started laughing like kids and ran around the fruit section trying to protect them from Yoochun. Junsu dropped on his knees trying to hide while Jaejoong tried to get closer to the kiwis. Yoochun ran to the grapes again. He was out of bombs and couldn’t see Jaejoong and his boyfriend.

“3!” Yelled a hidden Junsu.

“2!” Jaejoong answered back.

“1!” Both Kims shouted.

For the next minutes, fruits were flying all over the place. The three of them were having so much fun they didn’t hear the first ring in the back of the store.

“, I think the load is here!”

Junsu ran to the back while the other two  were left behind to clean up their mess.

A couple of minutes later Junsu came back with fresh fruits and vegetables. Still laughing, they placed everything really quick before leaving. It was already midnight and all of them were tired. After dropping Jaejoong to his apartment, Yoochun and Junsu went to their place. In the elevator, Yoochun’s arms went around Junsu’s waist, his chin on Junsu’s shoulder.

“Your boss is crazy babe. You want me to do something about it?”

“I’ll be fine.”

“But promise me, if he’s being an again, tell me. You know I’ll do anything for you babe.”

“I’ll be alright.”

“You really like working there?”

“Yep my boss is always mad and Changmin is creepy but I love working there.”

“That kid is too weird for his own good.”

“He keeps me sane in the store though…”

“And my job is to keep you alive outside it, hm?”

Both men walked into their apartment, and after a quick shower they both fell in sleep.

The next day, Junsu left for his job half asleep while Yoochun still stayed sleeping for another hour. Junsu was happy today…working in the morning was always the best for him since the store manager wasn’t there until the afternoon.


“What did you do last night?” Changmin asked this time.

“Nothing!” Hissed Junsu, my boyfriend and my brother just came to help me.

“Oh I was hoping that you had hot in the middle of the alley,” Laughed Changmin before going back to packing.

“Moron.” Junsu smiled before stopping by his manager’s office.

“May you please explain what the you were doing last night?” Said the manager while showing his screen where a video of himself with Jaejoong and Yoochun creating a…mess.
 Junsu opened his mouth to answer

“You know what? I don’t want to know! Enough of you! You’re fired! Get your stuff and get the out! I don’t want to see your face ever again!”

Junsu just had it. For the first time he was really having fun working here. Keeping his head low to make sure nobody could see the tears in his eyes, Junsu went in the back for his stuff, after making sure to glare at his stupid boss and banging the door with much force that the hinges almost broke.

“Are you okay?”

For the first time, Changmin was serious.

“Yes…I guess I just have to look for another job…It was really fun working with you, we can still have coffee some time if you want though…”
Junsu dialled on his cell phone.

“What’s up babe, miss me already?”

“I’m fired.”

“What? Babe I can’t hear you…”

While talking to Junsu, Yoochun put the call on speaker so his best friend and lawyer could hear too…

“I’m fired, Yoochun.”

Yoochun looked at his friend who nodded before leaving the office.

“I’m sorry babe. Give me 10 minutes and I’ll come pick you up. I love you.”

“Love you too.”

“I have to go back to working but I’ll be there for you before you leave. I’ll be done working at 3pm today so maybe we could go at the arcade after to cheer you up.

“Sure, thanks dongsaeng.”

“See you later then, hyung!”

After a while Junsu was ready to go back in the manager’s office to sign resignation papers.

“You just have to sign here and get the hell out.”

At that, someone barged in without knocking.

“And why the hell are you here?! And you just had the nerve to barge in with someone else? You have no business in this office. Get out!”

“Oh, but I believe I do have business here. I just happen to buy establishments…so now family grocery stores belong to me. I’m now your new boss, and here’s my lawyer who will explain to you if needed.”

Without waiting for an answer, Yoochun turned around and looked at Yunho. His best friend took the paper in his folder and gave it to Yoochun. The young man put it right in front of the old boss.

“Who are you to be doing this ?! Where did a kid like you find that much money, huh? Did you steal it?!” The old man helplessly threatened.

“My name is Park Yoochun, CEO of Park industries. And of course you know my lover Kim Junsu but as you probably don’t know, he is the son of the Kim Electronics founder and now brother of their CEO.”

The manager was at a loss for words. He was in front of 2 powerful men in South Korea. But money or not, both were still two bastards for him.

“Like hell I care! Now what?!”

“Well now Junsu is your boss so he can do anything for sure. So babe, what should be your first move?”

For a few moments he was aghast, but then he closed his semi-open mouth and smirked.

“You. Are. Fired.”


Yunho banged the papers right in front of the man who, unable to do anything, signed the papers, took his vest, and left the office after cursing everybody in the room except himself.

Junsu went to the chair and put his feet up on the table.

“Every time I come to see you in your office you always have your feet on your desk…”

“So now mister Kim, what are you gonna do with your new office?”

“Oh it’s not my office. That reminds me…” He the PA System. “Shim Changmin please proceed to the store manager’s office please.”

Moments later Changmin opened the door without knocking.

“Hey Changmin, from now on you’ll work in this office.”

“What?” Asked Changmin, Yoochun and Yunho at the same time.

“But you said you want to work for real?” Yoochun asked.

“Well I already showed that I can earn my own money so now I’m retired.” Junsu laughed.

They discussed things with some laughs here and there, and so in a few minutes Yoochun and Junsu got going as Yunho settled things with Changmin.

“Why didn’t you stay?” Asked Yoochun after getting in the car.

“I got the chance to prove that I can work on my own. And anyway I’ll have more time to see my boyfriend… if of course he still wants me to be his assistant like he asked a couple of months ago?”

“Hell yeah I do!” Yoochun pecked Junsu in excitement.

“So my dear assistant, any plans for the night?”

“I want fruits with chocolate,” Said Junsu after a kiss

“What kind of fruit?” Teased Yoochun.


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