
Unicorns Are Real


I looked up from my reverie to the sound of my name being called. I was daydreaming – again. I sighed and tried to pay as much attention as I could to the lecture my mom was giving. After a while of listening to her, I gave up trying to be attentive and let my mind wander. She tended to take a long time to make her point and I was too bored to nod sadly the way I usually did, showing that I was indeed in agreement – it was easier that way.

It was another typical afternoon in Male', Maldives; blistering heat and nothing particularly interesting happening. I was in my home, trying and failing miserably to do my homework. A few minutes into reading the question and my eyes were struggling to remain open, so I started thinking about unimportant things like what would be the dish for today’s lunch or more importantly, what excuse should I make for my incomplete homework.

Unfortunately, when my mom had come down the stairs from her room to check up on the rice for lunch, she had seen me staring off to space without a word written on the answer paper.

Truthfully, I had tried to delude myself into thinking that economics was an interesting subject, but there was nothing in the syllabus which perked my interest. Very few concepts were used to find solutions for problems within the country. In my opinion, learning economics here was useless.

My mom was going to finish lecturing soon. I could tell from her eyes. She had very honest eyes. They were light brown with small eyelashes. She finished then, looking tired. I instantly felt guilty, wishing that I had at least written something on the paper.

After my mom went to check up on the rice, I took my things and stood up from the table, making my way up the stairs to my room. I was feeling sweaty even though I sat right underneath the fan downstairs, so I switched on the AC and fell on my small yet comfortable bed.

I looked around my small room, noting that the blue wallpaper had started to peel and cobwebs had appeared in the corners. I would have to clean it this weekend. The closet was small, as was all my furniture including the dressing table and computer desk. Books lay on the floor, usually with a bookmark peeking out from the middle. Crumpled papers from when I tried to write songs and didn’t turn out well littered around the bin.

I didn’t complain about the size of the room and furniture though. It was home and I loved it.

I looked at the clock above the door and yelped. Half an hour had gone by while I was lying down doing nothing. I quickly showered and decided to go and help my mom with lunch.

My mom had cooked rice and curry and made a delicious salad. I made the orange juice. Lunch was a quiet yet peaceful event. My mom and I got along pretty well with the exception of me not being able to improve my grades. She cleared and I waited for her to start speaking.

“Were you able to finish your homework?” my mom asked, lifting her eyebrows. She usually did that a lot while speaking. Creases appeared on her forehead.

“Not really.” I sighed. My homework was far from being complete. I got bored just thinking about it.

“Try to finish it in time for tomorrow,” mom smiled, “okay?” Looking at her smile, I couldn’t help but return it. My mom looked pretty when she smiled, her eyes sparkling and crinkling. A small dimple on her chin made her look several years younger even with the laugh lines. Her fair skin made her look even younger.

“I’ll try.” I hung my head, vowing I would try. We ate in silence for a while until I switched on the television, flicking through the channels at random. I settled for Star World since it had a comedy on. Mom and I sat watching TV till the comedy ended and the advertisements appeared. The next show wasn’t a particularly interesting one so I changed channels, deciding on a music channel. I turned down the volume to a soothing level and rose slowly to clear up the plates.

Mom had already taken away the leftovers and was washing the plates by hand in the kitchen. I took my plate and unfinished glass of orange juice to the sink and waited for her to finish, humming the song currently playing under my breath.

I lazed around the kitchen after I had finished washing and drying, wanting to put off going to my room and doing the stupid homework as long as I could. Mom was suspicious of me, no doubt seeing through my pretense of being exceedingly absorbed in the kitchen cabinets.

Before she could call on me and start on another long lecture, I reluctantly made my way up the stairs, pausing halfway to listen to the next song to see if I could recognize it.

A gentle melody began playing, its keys and notes weaving effortlessly into a heartbreakingly beautiful song. The piano being used as the instrument added to its perfection. It was so sad yet so strong. I felt the music reverberate through my very being. I closed my eyes and swayed, completely immersed in the unbelievably sweet piece of music.

As the music drifted to a close, I clutched at my chest, gasping against the sudden pain that had pierced through it. The last notes hovered for a few seconds before ending magnificently.

I finally opened my eyes, surprised at my wet cheeks and the goose bumps covering my arms. I didn’t usually cry, and certainly not because of a song I’d heard for the first time in my life. I ran down the stairs, trying to catch a glimpse of the composer before the next song started.

A young man wearing a suit was bowing at the audience and he looked like he just finished his teenage years. The camera closed in on his face and I felt my jaw drop in awe – he looked like every girl’s dream, with his auburn hair and brown eyes. My breath caught when he smiled, showing a set of perfect white teeth and a devastatingly adorable dimple on his right cheek.

I searched the rolling credits, looking for the name of the composer. To my intense disappointment, he had only given his stage name.

“Lay…” I whispered the name. Well, it was better than nothing. I would keep an eye out for his compositions. I was curious and already longing to see his next performance.

“Melissa!” My mom called, glaring at me from the kitchen counter from where she was helping herself to a glass of water.

“Sorry mom, I’m going now,” I said sheepishly and quickly climbed the stairs to my room before she lost her temper. I wouldn’t be able to escape before nightfall if she did.

I sighed and plopped down on the bed, my mind still full of the song I had just heard. I was still stunned to know that it had affected me so strongly. Screwing up my face trying to remember the whole song, I played it over and over in my head until my eyes started to feel heavy and I drifted into sleep.

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Chapter 1: The first chapter was honestly a little slow for my taste, >w< but I feel like this story has the potential to improve and grow. I'm rooting for you ^.^
youdontknowme21 #2
Chapter 1: The story is really interesting ~ ♥
I can't wait till she finally meets Lay!!!

Update soon ~ ♥