relative to you


Highschool AU.  Points of similarity are not the only way to relate to someone.


I initially started writing this for a prompt but it got long and...went nowhere.  So I chopped up a chunk and posted a portion while I struggled with the rest of it.  It's still on going and it's even more of a draft than all the other stuff I post... but if I don't post it I'll never progress properly.  Should end up being three or four parts long.

Jocks were not cool in my highschool so I have no idea wtf I'm doing with these tropes lol. 


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xgetyourswagx #1
Chapter 1: oh my gosh! i am totally outing my self but i will never call anything i do crappy again. i guess i'm not used to helping kickstart a really awesome fic. most stuff just falls by the wayside. the snippet made sense and i'm so sorry if my thanks seemed insincere but i really do adore you for fleshing out the prompt. i didn't say this before but their dynamics were totally what i was hoping for and i loved cnu's nuturing and patience and baro's struggle in the snippet and i loved them in the longer piece. you rock!
bookworm206 #2
Chapter 1: Really well written, and the character development for Sunwoo's character is really well done. :-) Update soon.
WhiteWings19 #3
Chapter 1: Omg this was so perfect :') I really liked how you did Sunwoo, being insecure about his social status in school and slowly becoming attached to all of Dongwoo's mannerisms :) It felt really genuine. Will it be continued? For some sort of catharsis somehow :P I really loved it ^^