The Divas.

Mean Idols
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   Luhan boldly walked into the classroom with an unexpected enthusiasm. He wasn’t going to sit behind chicken boy today! He sat next to the two boys he recognised from yesterday. Within seconds of his bum touching the seat, the dark haired boy was in close proximity, rubbing his head against Luhan’s head. He was like a cat to catnip as he asked “Is this your natural hair colour?”

   Luhan awkwardly nodded to confirm that lilac was in fact his natural hair colour. Woohyun turned to Key and, clapping his hands like a seal, said “This is the colour I want.”

   Key looked over with a smirk. “I’m Key and this is Woohyun, he’s almost too greasy to function.”
“Oh... I’m Luhan” he said with a slight nervous giggle.

   Luhan trusted them as they were the first people to acknowledge his existence. He glanced at his schedule then asked with unease “Em... where’s health class?”
Key and Woohyun gave each other a knowing look. “We’ll take you there.” They said with an enthusiastic nod.

   Luhan was surprised when they entered a wooden room with sky pattern wall paper that did not look like health class. They took seats at the back of the room. Confused, Luhan asked “What is this place? Is it health class?”

Key casually said “This is the dance studio, it’s where we like to hang out and skip class.” Looking to the class of people he adds “Ah, typical, all the Divas are in the same dance class.”

“The Divas?”

“The Divas are like the school idols,” Woohyun explained, “everyone knows them.”

“That boy over there is Ren.” Key said, pointing to a long haired blond boy stretching against the wall.

Luhan spluttered as he said “That’s a boy?!”

Woohyun nodded in confirmation and went on to say “He’s pretty retarded, he once played hide and seek by himself for an hour.”

Luhan looked over just as Ren began to skip across the room.

“And that one there,” Key pointed to another feminine looking boy doing a drop, “That’s Sungjong. He’s super rich ‘cause his dad invented lemon candy.”

Woohyun said “He knows everything about everyone, that’s why he always wears a feather hat, it’s full of secrets.”

   Luhan nudged his head towards a tanned boy in the middle of the room who was dancing in front of a disorganised crowd. He was doing a dance consisting of grabbing his crotch and rubbing his lip kinkily. Luhan watched his fluid movements and tore his eyes away from the y sight to ask Key who he was.

“That’s Kim Jongin, but he makes everyone call him Kai. He’s the school playboy, he can seduce anyone he wants. If he likes something he will have with it.”

   When the dance finished Kai ripped off his top and threw it to the ground. A crazed fanboy quickly scurried to pick it up.

Key scoffed as he said “He’s a manipulative . Those two are just his minions.”

Meanwhile Luhan was unknowingly missing the very important health class.


   Coach Shindong brought out his preprepared children’s education book and opened it at the first page. He began to read “I stand when I pee

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InspiritYuki #1
Chapter 4: honestly, I would but it's getting a bit to predictable so maybe change it it up a bit?
InspiritYuki #2
Chapter 1: I see what you did there...Wookey :)

I hope that even though its inspired by Mean Girls that it won't be completely Mean Girls because that is just to predictable.
official #3
Chapter 1: Omg I just watched Mean Girls yesterday, so this is all fresh in my head. I'm interested as to how you'll carry the story out. It seems great so far ^^
InspiritYuki #4
I wonder who will the pairings will be<33