
behind the song
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by Wonder Girls ft. Kwon Ji Yong



"Hello? Kiko? Babe? Are you in town?" Jiyong spoke into his phone. His head was spinning, he was seeing red and he needed to cool it off. Kiko would calm him down, he knew that she would. After finding out that Sohee was in Japan and hearing Taeyang say what he said, he wanted to punch something. 

"Yeah, babe. What happened?" Kiko said. She could hear his fast breathing and it worried her.

"Can you come over to my penthouse? I just need someone right now." He answered.

"Ah, again? Alright. I'll be there in 10."  She told him.

Jiyong sighed and hung up. He stood in front of his penthouse door, shoved his hands in his pockets and took out his keys. He looked down at it for a while, noticing that he hadn't taken off a certain keychain yet. He pulled it out to look at it even closer and realized that is was a picture of him and Sohee when they went to Lotte World. Jiyong took it off his lanyard and kept it within his fist as he opened his door.

He walked inside and everywhere he looked, it just reminded him of how he betrayed Sohee and how he never even thought of her as he did it.

"UGH, . I hate this!" He yells as he grabs his hair. He looks at the picture again, staring at the way Sohee snuggles close to his neck as his arm closed around her shoulder.  He lets out another frustrated yelp and throws the picture keychain across the room. It collides with a picture frame. A frame that coincidently holds a picture of a fluttering butterfly. He walks to his room, breathing roughly and slams the door. He takes his anger out on his bedroom furniture, flipping chairs and pushing things off of drawers.

You need to calm the down, why are you even mad in the first place? You broke up with Sohee for Kiko weeks ago. This is your fault, why are you so mad? His conscience echoed in his head.

"Shut up." Jiyong yelled.

Jiyong screamed some more until he heard the front door click open.

"Babe? You here?" A female voice called out.

Jiyong panicked, trying to fix everything in his room before Kiko came in.

"In here, babe!" He said as he rushed to pick all the fallen things up.

Kiko opened the door to find Jiyong laying down on the bed. She dropped her coat and bag onto the nearest chair and jumped on the bed to join him. Jiyong sat up, pulled Kiko into his lap and wrapped his arms around her waist. Kiko got the signal and wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a peck on the lips.

"I missed you so much." Jiyong said into .

Kiko pulled away, put her forehead to his and giggled. "We saw each other a few days ago!"

Jiyong pulled her even closer and rested his chin on her shoulder.

"I know but it feels like it's been months since someone's loved me." He said into her shoulder, although his eyes stared blanky into the skylights of Tokyo outside of his window, as his mind wandered on someone other than Kiko.




"Sooyoung! Where are you right now?" Sohee yelled, almost frantically, into her phone. Her breathing was rough and rapid as he ran into the hospital with Seulong trailing behind her.

"I'm on the 4th floor, room 4-H, hurry up." Sooyoung said on the other line.

Sohee hung up and ran to the elevator and entered with Seulong. When the elevator closed, she was breathing even harder and amidst her rough breathing, the tears fell. She had been staring up at the numbers, and all of the sudden, her eyes had been blurred and stung by tears. Sohee didn't notice until Seulong pointed it out. Quickly, she pulled on her sleeve and wiped the wetness off of her face. Seulong looked on at her sadly and moved closer to give her a comforting hug. 

"Sohee ah, he'll be fine. Don't worry." Seulong said, tucking her head under his chin and rubbing her back, running his finger through her tangled hair. He could feel Sohee nod before letting out a loud sob and crying harder into his shirt.

They stayed like that until the elevator opened again. Seulong was surprised to see Sooyoung waiting outside the elevator for them.

"Come on, visiting hours are almost over, it's already like 7pm. We have to hurry." She says, taking Sohee into her arms and whispering comfort to her.

Sooyoung and Seulong assisted Sohee as she walked, and together, they went into Sohee's dad's room.

Sohee finally looked up with her puffy red eyes and saw her appa lying down on the hospital bed surrounded by different machines and he felt her heart drop to her stomach. She didn't want to see it. His head and several other parts were wrapped with gauze but she could see the blood seeping through, even now. The doctor came in and saw Seulong and Sohee.

"You must be the other daughter. We have several problems with your father's condition. Er, lets go out in the hallway to talk about this." He said as he walked out the door with Sohee, Seulong and Sooyoung following him.

"Your father's injuries weren't as minor as we had thought in the beginning. We looked into it, and we can infer that when he crashed, his head bumped through the glass shield and into the bumper, which has now damaged his head permanently. If he manages to wake up, amnesia is guaranteed. He also broke several  bones, uncluding his ribs, which were fractured and some parts have moved into his stomach and into his lungs. We can try surgery but theres only a 43% chance that he will survive. If he does survive, he will be paralyzed from his arms and his waist down." The doctor said.

Sooyoung just stood there listening, as Seulong and Sohee's mouths and eyes were wide open. When the doctor finished talking, Sohee closed her eyes and bit her lips. When Seulong saw Sohee's cheeks get wet, he hugged her once again and covered her face.

"Sohee, what will you do? Are you gonna risk having him take surgery?" He asked.

Sohee wiped her tears and looked to Sooyoung. Sooyoung gave her a knowing look and Sohee nodded.

"We'll do it. 43% chance is better than just letting him die, right?" Sohee said, trying to smile through tears.

Seulong threw her a sad smile, pulled her to him and kissed her forehead.

"We'll just pray for him, okay Sohee? He'll be fine as long as you're here with him." He says, comforting her.

Seulong looked to Sooyoung. "I'll take her back with me to the hotel. Tell the doctor to start the surgery asap. The sooner they save him, the better." He said as he put his arm around Sohee's waist. Sooyoung nodded and bid them goodbye. Seulong led Sohee out of the hospital where some reporters and photographers were waiting for them. He turned to Sohee, put his beanie on her and pulled her hood up to hide her from the paparazzi as fast as possible. They quickly walked to the car, just barely managing to escape the paps.




Wonder Girls' Sohee and 2am's Seulong caught leaving the hospital together. He put his beanie on her and covered her with his jacket. Could they be hiding something from the industry world?

Jiyong turned the TV off and threw the remote on the floor. "What the is this?!" He whispers roughly to himself. Why are they together, at the hospital of all places? Seulong couldn't have knocked her up, right? He thought to himself.

Why are you even worrying about them? You don't care about Sohee. You haven't cared about her since you started ing Kiko. YOU'RE the one who cut her off. She's not part of your life anymore. Why does it matter if you think Seulong got her pregnant? His conscience attacked.

Jiyong ravaged at his hair in frustrating until he heard a door open.

"Babe, I'm done with the shower. It's your turn now."

Jiyong turned to her and nodded. Kiko watched as he took his shirt off and leave for the bathroom. She laughed and said, "You know you don't have to strip in the bathroom, I've already seen everything." Hearing that, Jiyong laughed.

Kiko walked over to Jiyong's desk and looked at his phone. She saw that he had 2 missed calls, one from an unknown number and one from 'S', whoever S was. She became suspicious and decided to listen to the voicemails they left.

She listened to the unknown number's voicemail first.

"Hello, this is the local hospital calling. You are one of our patient's emergency contacts and although you haven't answered, we would like to leave you a message letting you know that our patient, Ahn Byung Guan will be receiving surgery in a few hours. If you would like to come visit before he goes into the surgery room, emergency visits end at 9pm, which is in an hour and a half."

Kiko listened on, confused. "Who's Ahn Byung Guan?" She asked herself.

Then she listened to the voicemail from S. She was surprised to hear a pretty female voice on the other line.

"Hey Jiyong, I know it's been a few weeks since we last talked. I just wanted to call because the hospital called you earlier about my dad. Don't worry about it. Don't come, we don't need yo

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oh goodness, I finally updated BTS LOL, after how long?? Now I just need to update TNP lmao


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Chapter 29: Binge read through all of your chapters in just a few hours - you've gained a loyal subscriber and fan! heh. keep up the good work!
Bunnygirls #2
Chapter 29: Such a beautiful story T.T
Chapter 29: Cries. SO ADORABLE! I love the thought of Heedragon dating for so long. So much cute! <3
Hyu2nie #4
Chapter 29: Omg so cuteeeeeeeee !!!! Heedragon is indeed lifeeeeeee !!!
eyqahamid #5
Chapter 29: I want more heedragon!
shranoh #6
Chapter 28: You fulfilled my craving for HD updates. Great story, as always! Never stop spreading HD loves.
poudeeing #7
Chapter 28: I really like your story, please update more.
tbnklove #8
Chapter 28: A new Heedragon story!!! I've been missing them so much lately. You have no idea how happy I am that you wrote a new Heedragon story. And I love it so so much! THANK YOH SO MUCH for writing this!
Chapter 28: Dear! If i can see you, I probably encased you in a tight bearhug!!! I am pretty sure we were only quite a handfuls who still love HD but what can we do, theyre too adorable! I am sooo happpy! THANK YOU SO MUCH! I was supposed to sleep but how can I now? Hahaha. Too much fangirl feels.

And i agree with you, REBOOT is such an amazing album, the songs are really great! They really nailed it! Though I am still making peace with their swimsuits!
Alicesabella #10
Chapter 28: Finally heedragon story kkkk ! A story base on the song 'lets not fall in love next? Toobin and heedragon story? Or all the wonderbang? Please please please