Chapter 2

The Project

Liz pov:

Kris looked down at me without saying any thing. I shoved him away from me. I walked to the back of the room and grabbed my bag out of my locker. I walked out of the classroom slaming the door behind me. I walked to the other side of the school. I walked into Mr.Choi's empty room. He taught dance mostly b-boy style. I walked to his desk and sat down. his desk and chair were the only ones in the room. I left the lights off so no one would find me in here. A few minutes later Mr.Choi arrives. He the lights and gasped at the sight of me. "So you still refuse to give me a warning when ever you're in my room?" I un cross my legs and walk up to Mr.Choi and bowed. He was the only person that I have ever bowed to. He was like that cool father figure to me. "I swear, all you ever want me for is this damn key!" Mr.Choi knew that I was a troubled kid that had a bad temper. He thinks that if I leave school grounds I'll get myself into trouble. So when ever I get fustrated he gives me the key to the roof, thats the only place I can be bymyself and relax. He walks over to his desk and gets the key. He dangled the key between his fingers. "Now, don't"  "Let anyone know where you got this key from. I will deny all of it." I say cutting him off. He hands me the key. I bow agian and say thank you. I make my way to the outside of the building. I was on the third floor so I was kind of scared. When you walk out there are not any steps just a ladder that went to the roof. I began to climb up the fire escape dangaling ove a 3 story drop. In about six minutes i made it to the top. I walked around the roof looking for a spot with shade. I sat down and emptied my bag onto the ground next to me I packed a beer and some crackers with me that day. I sat up there untill the end of the day, just drinking and listing to music. I could see everyone leaving the building. As I was paking my things into my bag I heard footsteps aproching. Herle came and sat next to me. "Arn't you going home?" "I will. I just want to wait untill everyone leaves."  Thats what I always did. "We have a new project to do. I got paired up with a really hot guy." She said it and started blushing. "Whats his name" "Tao" "Isn't he one of the popular boys" I was so supried that she would actually like a guy like that. "Yes but he is really cute. Oh and we have the whole year to complete the project." "Well who's my partner" Herle's phone began to ring. "Hello?" I heard alot of yelling a screaming comeing through the phone. The phone call ended and Herle left in a panic aftersaying that she had to pick up her brother from school. People stoped coming out of the school so I decided to leave. I climbed back down to the third floor. I walked past the classroom and saw Yong Nam at his locker. I walked in and wraped my arms around his waist. He was a litttle taller than me. I reasted my head on his shoulder.

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Chapter 1: The first chapter was really intense! I love this story! ;)thank yuh author in!