
The devil's Flower.


"The devil's Flower"



The devil was strolling through his castle; he was restless. Bored. And because of that, angry. What use had this building if he had to spend eternity in it by himself? It could as well have been a grave. He wouldn't mind. He'd lived long enough. And he owned anything he'd ever wanted.

Jaejoong glared at his reflection in the huge, golden mirror that certainly looked expensive, due to the fine and detailed ornaments framing it. But what worth held it, apart being valuable? It had been easy to steal. Everything in this world was easy to get for him- too easy. It wasn't fun. And he'd been collecting too many precious things over the centuries. At first, it'd been enough to satisfy him, but whenever he got something new, the time he was interested in it grew smaller. Just like with this mirror. Narrowing his glowing eyes at himself, he decided that this object wasn't needed anymore. Why would a devil need a mirror anyway? He delivered a powerful blow to the useless piece of glass, causing it to crack remarkably, yet not to shatter. Which angered him even more. Like this, his face distorted by the broken glass, seemed to fit his existence way better. He raised his fist again, but this time not even trying to break the mirror. Instead, he leaned his head against the cold surface, taking a deep breath, closing his eyes. Was this truly all there was to his life?

After resting in that same position for who knows how long, Jaejoong backed away, examining himself one last time from head to toe, grim expression on his flawless face. Then, he turned around upon seeing something red in the reflection behind him. On a small table stood a flower, red as blood. Or at least it had once been, when he'd picked it. But a flower's life was short. He'd come to learn that. Though he appreciated and adored their beauty, they would die sooner or later. Jaejoong approached said table, slowly raising his hands to touch the bloom with the tips of his fingers. He was being ever so careful, and yet, one petal freed itself from the others. He caught it, unhappy, and clenched his fist. The petal crumbled. Much to his disappointment.

That was when he decided that a normal flower wouldn't do.

And that was why he decided to visit the human village. He hadn't been there in so many years, he'd stopped counting. Simply because he wasn't particularly interested in the human's doings. They lived every day in a rush, hurrying from one place to another- but he couldn't blame them. In contrary to him, their time was limited. And yet here he was, hoping to find what he'd been wanting to look for. He pulled the hood of his black cape deeper into his face, trying to move as discreetly as possible. Jaejoong wasn't eager to get involved with anyone, and if he did, it was bad luck for that unfortunate person. Strolling through the crowded streets, there was nothing that was beautiful enough to gain his interest. He reached the market place, where the crowd was even busier than elsewhere, and someone dared to bump into him. Not stupid enough to cause a commotion here, he only glared at the pitiful human, who looked deeply shocked upon getting a look at his face. Jaejoong smirked and continued his way in a slightly better mood.

But the village didn't offer anything worth taking a closer look at, which was why he started walking further down the hill, towards the river that made its way through here. The source of all life but his. The river, though, was beautiful. Especially when the sunrays made the water shine and sparkle. He'd gotten lost into staring in awe for a while, maybe that was why he didn't take notice of the figure nearing the river in the distance immediately. When he did, his eyes widened, and the play of the water seemed insignificant all of a sudden. Almost dull. Although he was still far away from the figure, he'd gotten a good look at her. It was a young woman. But not just any of those you'd find everywhere around the village- she was different. She was shining. And he didn't know why. She wore her brown hair up, and he believed it was a shame- he'd wanted to see how long it was. How well the brown curls would frame her round, slim face. Her eyes were of the same deep, warm brown, her skin slightly tanned, her cheeks red from the cold air. And then, something caught his eye.

She wore a flower, stuck behind her ear. A red one whose name he didn't know. But surely it must've been the prettiest flower on earth. And so, he made the easiest decision in his life.

He'd make her his. His one and only flower. And he'd make sure to never ever let her wither.

After that, Jaejoong had approached her quietly. Everything inside of him was urging him to take her, but he wasn't one to let his feelings lead him. Emotions caused trouble- they always did. How many times had he observed that? He'd have to be cautious so this would work out without any complications. And the first step to success was patience.

However, the closer he got, the stronger grew the longing, the unruly need to possess her. And he realized that he wouldn't be able to keep observing her from afar, much less to return to his castle alone. Once he longed for something, it was bound to become his. Right away. He wasn't going to accept anything else.

She sensed his presence very late, and when she did, she made the biggest mistake in her life that'd be turned upside down soon. Instead of trying to escape the nearing danger, she froze in her movement, like a deer spotting its predator. Her eyes, too, resembled those of said animal. It took her a few seconds to regain her senses, and when she did, she straightened her back, taking one step closer as she eyed the stranger in front of her curiously. Only to realize that she didn't know him.

"Who are you?" Jaejoong didn't answer right away, he was taken aback by her voice. Even that sounded so sweet, so melodious. And would soon be only for him to hear.

"That's of no importance," he declared, giving her a smirk that must've looked more scary than nice- she backed away again, frowning. He could see how she started to feel uneasy, her thoughts were a colorful mess, but in between that, he could pick out her name.

"Lee Suhee," he said calmly, and she looked terrified. Of course, she must've been wondering how he knew her name. But her plump red lips didn't question him. "From today on, you'll be mine." His words served as a cue, she turned around to run, not caring where, just into the opposite direction of where he was standing, still all calm, watching her run with a hint of amusement showing on his face. Not like she could escape his grasp.

This flower, he'd make sure to pick it.

Jaejoong effortlessly caught up to her, grabbing her wrist and whirling her around swiftly, so she faced him. Then he her cheek with his hand, amazed at how soft her skin felt under his touch. Soft and warm. His gaze wandered from her widened eyes down to her lips that were slightly parted as she was panting heavily. She must've been afraid, but he didn't see anything wrong in what he did. He was used to getting what he wanted, so this was perfectly normal. It was her fault for being so beautiful.

"W-what do you want from me?" she muttered under her breath as he continued to examine her features in amazement. He doubted he'd be bored of this one. So he had to make sure she'd be by his side, forever.

"I want you." She fought against him in a futile attempt to free herself, but Jaejoong wouldn't let her.

"What the hell are you-" Suhee snapped at him, the anger and desperation boiling up inside of her made her face flush even redder. At which he chuckled.

"I am a devil," he told her, though that probably wasn't even what she'd been about to ask. It was, however, enough to make her stop moving. Now, she was only staring into his ruby colored eyes in horror- as he took her away, into his realm.


He kept his new flower in a room up in one of the towers, a room that only contained a bed and lacked anything other than that. He should've thought about that before- but Suhee was, after all, human. And humans had certain needs. He learned that upon noticing her grow weaker by the day, though he couldn't tell what exactly she missed. And she wouldn't tell him either. The young woman refused talking to him. She rejected him completely. From the very first day on. And Jaejoong had grown tired of constantly trying to approach her. At this rate, she wouldn't survive, that much was clear. And because of that, he thought of the only way he knew to keep her alive. The same way he'd have chosen sooner or later anyway, since he couldn't let his pure flower age- or wither. He wanted to keep her youth forever, to keep her untouched beauty forever. The stubborn behavior of hers only fastened things.

As every so often, he entered her room to meet two furious eyes. Although she had lost weight and color, she still was as determined as someone could be. And as beautiful as no one would ever be. They didn't exchange a word, and she didn't back away when he climbed onto the bed beside her. The expression she wore- kind of triumphant for some reason. She was going to die soon, and that gave her a chance to get away from him. Little did Suhee know that he wouldn't let her off.

Not yet. Not in their endless future.

He leaned in for a soft kiss, disappointed that she didn't respond to it at all, but that was okay. As long as he could hold her.

"I'm sorry for doing what I'm about to do now, but you'll have to bear with it," he whispered close to her ear, at which she moved away from him as far as she could move in his arms. He then tilted her head to the side, her long hair back, and caressed her collarbone, then her neck, giving her goosebumps. What he did then happened too fast for her to be surprised.

But he had to mark her. There was no other way.

She moaned and screamed in pain as he dug his teeth into her skin, so tender. If he wanted her to stay, she'd have to keep that mark. And he would gladly renew it whenever needed. When he pulled back, her body had started to shiver uncontrollably, and he knew that it had worked. The side effects of what he'd done weren't nice- but he, on her account, had decided that it was worth it. He felt her body cool down under his touch, her heart beating much slower, as he took it over. As he stopped her time.

And eventually, he left her. His fragile, defenseless, beautiful, and now unwithering flower. Since she was irreversibly his now, he decided that he - or rather, she- should abandon her old name.

Fiore, he thought. From today on, you exist for me only.

And she did.

She did, and decades passed, in which her appearance stayed unchanged.

The flower had been frozen in order to preserve her unmatched beauty.



Okay, so since some of you asked and I myself felt the need to do this, here's a prequel on how Jaejoong made Suhee his.

Hm~ Is it lacking? I'm quite content with it. and I rarely am.

Special thanks to _DyNaR_ , who gave me the idea to write a prequel, since I've only been thinking of a sequel that I miiight write, too.

I hope you enjoy this as well C:

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Chapter 3: askldjfhaksdhjfasdkhflkasf. You better avoid me at school, or else you're dead. Seriously, DAMN! Why are you such a brilliant writer? WHY? WHYYYYY? I can't even... But why, why, whyyy did she have to die? WHY? Just, why? Couldn't you make him all soft and her fall in love with him and then they would be happily ever after.. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh. What a sad ending. I can't even... Aaakjsbfkjasbfdk
Chapter 3: OH MY DEAR....its so sad..T_T
why she must died?why????
aigoo..aigoo...finally his flower has gone forever...:(
thanks for the sequel it^^v
Chapter 3: It was so....omg idk, I'm sad she had to go, but i guess it was necessary or else it will never stop...I absolutely love this short story!!
Chapter 2: The story is as beautiful as the unwithering flower. Short but beautiful. I rarely found a good non jaejoong fics, but I fall in love with this one.
serenity2012 #5
Chapter 2: Sequel please
Chapter 2: ow dear,,,finally it comes..hahaha
sorry for the late comment,,it just im very tired this day n now that i have chance to read it..sorry..:(
wow,,,what a long chapter..its the best,,jjang!!!hahaha
can't wait for the sequel..thanks for the prequel dear..^^
aptxgirl #7
Chapter 2: Will you write the sequel? Because the prequel is great, so how about a sequel? Thank you for writing this ^^
aptxgirl #8
Chapter 1: Wow this is awesome!! Love it ^^
Chapter 2: So. Freaking. Awesome. You better write more about Jae and Foire, I reallyyyyyyyyy like it *3*

Oh, and: "grim expression on his flawless face." You see, if anyone had written that about Jaejoong I wouldn't have even noticed it, but well... Oh, A. He's not, he's just not :p
Chapter 2: Wah~ I can't stop loving this!!