

I'm sitting here, waiting, but I don't know what for. However that's what he told me to do, so I guess I will.


I'm not really sure what I'm wirting here. I'm just bored and well this story isn't planned out at all, but hey it's just a oneshot so who cares? Yeah not me. This is a rather dark story so if you aren't in the mood for that then I don't think you should read. I mean, do you usualy do stuff you aren't in the mood for? Unless it's like work or studying or whatever I don't think you do. Anyway I'll stop now.


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Chapter 1: Omo.. Maybe kai was murdered but why the hell he even could spend his time to wrote a note? Maybe he comitted suicide.. Ahh i dunno..
But this fic is great ya know what i mean!! ITS GREAT N WELL WRITTEN!!and esp you make us, readers have our own imagination how should we make its end.. Yeah,, its up to the readers to decided what was actually going on.. Kekekkeee...
There are so many possibilities though..
1. Kai was killed by someone
2. Kai comitted suicide
3. Kai ed someone in the bathroom,LOL
4. Kai stood infront of the mirror and said IM FABULOUS
5. Kai was n was dancing like a mad man
6. Kai i dunno what did he do anymore.. Hahhaaaaa :D