
You're All That Matters

Summer cicadas sing their night song as the sunsets, kissing the world goodnight. We sit in the empty cafe, just the two of us. The aroma of coffee never leaving my nostrils. Employee’s are chatting amongst themselves perhaps wondering when we are going to be leaving.


Lay leans back in his chair, extending his legs, while raking his slender fingers through his hair. He’s extra handsome today: He’s wearing that deep teal cardigan, the one his mom gave to him over a year ago, over a white wife beater. He paired it with silver jeans with a black belt wrapped around. Purple Beats and a dog tag necklace dangle around his neck. He smells good too. Kinda like Hollister with a hint of Old Spice mixed in.


“What’s wrong?” I study his face.

He sits back normally, “Tangled up feelings, here.” He points to his heart, sighing.

I arch an eyebrow. “About?”


Lay wasn’t one whose mind was troubled. At least not for long. If it was worth brooding about usually he’d tell me. When it was more serious, he’d tell me. We’ve been friends ever since. We bonded like atoms, creating the perfect element of friendship. Only thing is we’re missing one. Something I wanted to share but it’ll destroy this element of ours. Love. We do love each other. Lay doesn’t love me that way. The kind of love he shows me is brotherly or “friendzone” love. Boys aren’t the only ones who are friendzoned. Girls stray into that zone also.


“... about?” I ask again. Maybe he didn’t hear me.

Lay brings forward his wrist, eyeing his watch. “Yura, I need to show you something.” he helps me out of my chair. I smirk. What is he up to? “Hurry up, you slow poke!”




10:59 PM and we’re driving around the streets of Seoul. Lay drives like a maniac, afraid that he won’t make it on time to wherever we were heading to. City lights blur by as I stare out to the scenery. We drive through the lively city and enter the calm, suburban life. 11:00 PM.


“.” Lay mutters under his breath.

“What! Where are we going?”

“Nothing. Nothing. Wait. Wait. You’ll see.” he says, never taking his eyes off the road.


With that said, he accelerates the speed of the car. Small homes fall behind as we drive away. Soon, a family park comes in sight. It appears to be only us again. Just the two of us. Lay checks his watch again, sighs then steps out of the car. I check the time. 11:05.


“Yura, come out!” he muffles from outside the car. “Oh! Can you pop up the trunk?”

I give him a thumbs up and push the button. *What is he up too? It’s not my birthday nor is it Lay’s either.


Before I reach for the door, it opens with Lay carrying a woven basket. “Ready? Come, hurry.”

Lay hastily shuffles towards the park lunch tables. He’s acting like we’re running out of time. From the distance, Lay pulls out a blanket and covers the dirty table. *Is that all? Are we eating again?* He looks up, motioning me to walk faster.


“Yuurraa,” he whines. “Stop being an old grandma!”

“Alright alright.” I say, picking up my pace.

Once I finally arrive, he lies on the table, leaving just enough space for me to fit. “Lay with Lay. Ha.. See what I did there..”

I shake my head and laugh. “Oh shut up.” Naturally, I lie next to him. Bodies brushing lightly against each other. “Is there still that thing you need to talk about?”

“Yeah, let me tell you about her.” his voice raises to a happier mood while I feel like sulking in my tears. “She loves music, just like me! We’ve shared so memories subjecting to music. She’s so unique. She’s different. I’ve always loved her. I’m trying so hard to get her to notice me. She’s almost as important as my math final. I’m only focused on her. I’m stuck on this love like a needle on a vinyl. I think about her everyday. Her as my wife. Yes, for my whole life.”


As much of a nice guy Lay was, he had numerous lovers. You can’t really blame them. He 3-in-1: Good lookin’, intelligent both on academics and fine arts, and super sweet. It’s not that Lay was a player, no. He was far from that. From what he’s told me, he really did love them. But he said he’s always felt wrong about it, like it wasn’t the one. Speaking of the one, I believe that he’s found her. Deep within my heart, I wish it was me. Fat chance. I’m nowhere near those girls

“Oh.” I sigh. “Maybe she’s the one this time. Keep talking, I’m listening.”


Lay continues to stare at the stars. I watch his chest calmly rise and fall. “Yeah, she’s the one alright. Do you believe in 11:11 wishes?”

“Hmm, I guess so. Is it almost 11:11?”

“Five.. four.. three.. two.. one! Wish!” Lay’s eyelids tightly shut.


I let mine fall and wish. *I wish that Lay would love me like I love him*


Before long, Lay nudges me. “What did you wish for?”

“We aren’t supposed to tell, silly! It won’t come true then.” I push his shoulder.

“You know what I wished for?”

“No! It won’t come true Lay!”

“I wished to call you mine. To call you my one and only. You’re my everything, Yura. My world.”

My vision blurs from the tears forming. “Lay.. You’re kidding. Compared to all your ex-girlfriends, I’m nothing. I’m not even as good-looking.. This is a joke, isn’t it?”

He pulls me in closer, facing me to his chest as he embraces me. Our bodies snuggled up, our hearts closer than ever. That’s when it happens.

“Yura, the beauty in your eyes made me realized that you and your love is all that really matters. It really doesn’t matter who you are, it doesn’t matter if you can sing, or dance or anything. I just wanna know what you’re really about. The only important thing is to have you in my life.”


We both gaze up at the stars, smiling. His eyes slowly turns towards me. “There’s no one else I need, just you Yura.” He softly lifts my chin and looks into my eyes. Tears run down uncontrollably. Like windshields on a car, thumbs automatically swish them away.


“Don’t cry baby.” he says. “My love will protect you, it won’t ever disappear.”

Lay traces the outline of my jaw as he stalks closer. Only centimeters away from a kiss. Just like the movies, I close my eyes. Warm, soft lips meet mine as our fingers interlace. My hands tangle into his hair as his hands hold me.

“I love you Lay, I’ve always have.” I gasp between the kiss.

“I love you too Yura. I’ve always have.” he says, coming in for another tender kiss.

a/n: sorry if it . I’m not good at writing fluff or kissing scenes. lol. hope you like it!

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sebuff #1
I'm chocking on the huge amount of Lay feels. Even if this was a short one shot is was too cute and made me love my bias even more.
Now I want to punch him in the face for being too adorable.