Goodbye baby.

Because I didnt know.


You Had called your dad and he agreed on giving you one more day on the deal but any further wouldnt be valid.You had agreed because you had one last thing Kai had told you to do last night.


"I knew it."Kai said making you turn around.

"Knew what?"You asked.

"That you like Tao."He said.You awkwardly laughed.

"N-No I d-dont."You said.

"You sure." He asked.You lifted your head and met eyes with him.He knew.His eyes showed that he knew for a while.Tears blurred your vision as you felt arms rap around you.

"I guess Im a idiot for falling in love with someone with such a great girlfriend."You said with a sad laugh"Do you know the pain of knowing you cant have what you need to live?The worst thing is that I have to find someone I love or i'll be married off.Well there goes that.Kai,Why am I such a fool for love?"

"Tell him."He said.Your eyes widened.

"W-what?"You said.He sighed before letting you go and holding you by your shoulders.

"Do you know,Min,Do you know the pain of knowing that you didnt tell the person you love that you loved them.Have you ever been Late in telling love?."Kai said before slapping you.Tears were now mixed with pain and emotion.

"I was late,Min.She could have been mine.My chances were slim but i could have tried.I could have suceeded.You dont need to be like me.And Sulli is not someone I would want with the person I love."

You silently stared at the ground with your hand on your cheek.

"Look Min,What I saying is...Act before its too late.You never know what can happen in the world."He said before patting your shoulder and running off. *

You clutched the envelope in your hands as you walked down the street replaying all the memories with Tao.

The happy ones

7th grade.

"Yah piggy,are you going to eat all day?"Tao shouted.You glared at him.

"You'd be eating Icecream too if someone crushed your foot with an iron weight."You said pointing to your cast.Tao rolled his eyes.

"Please,food is much more important than your foot."He said flipping his noexistent hair.You gasped.

"What?"You yelled.Tao laughed.You frowned but ended up laughing too.

"Now more over and give me some icecream,women."He said plopping down beside you.You glared but obliged scooting over for your best friend.

The Sad ones.

9th grade(Youre in 12th)

"Umma....Umma....Umma."You cried into your pillow when you heard the door open and Tao step in with something behind his back.You buried your head into the pillow and Tao sat beside you.

"Min...I know Your Umma died but...."Tao paused."...Stop crying.."

You sat up with teary eyes and Tao took the chance to hold you.As soon as you entered his embrace the sobs started again.After som time Tao grabbed your hand and showed you his wrist.He had a bracelet on.He took your wrist.

"Even if your Umma isnt here"He said slipping on a matching bracelet.

"..everything will be okay aslong as we are together."      

Every memory with Tao was all going to be forgotten by tommorrow.Tao was bound to love Sulli so you knew today was goodbye.

You warily approached his front door before walking in.You sadly gazed around until your eyes landed pn a picture of you and Tao sitting on a desk.You were about to set down the letter but someone coughed causing you to turn around.A glaring,Sulli was there.

"Where's Tao?"You asked.Sulli took a step forward causing you to step back,kicking the letter under the table in the process.You shrunk at her gaze.

"You saw?"She said.

"W-what?"You said.

"Cafe."She said.You gulped before shaking your head no.She laughed before talking.

"I know you did."She said."And I think I have once peice of advice for you."

Sulli was face to face before she finished."Tao's just another toy and I dont like to share."

Anger boiled.

"Dont talk about him like that."You said.Sulli slapped your cheek.Hard.

"What did you say?"She said with a grin."I think you dont realize that your talking to the person he loves." She said.

"You bitc-"You said before being interuppted by another slap.You were trying your hardest and your fist were shaking as tears formed in your eyes.

"You,though.You,my dear Min is nothing to him.He even told me himself.I a much more important to him wether or not your here or not wont change anything."

You had had enough.


Sulli had been slapped harder than anyone could imagine and she fell to the ground with an angry You standing over her.

"Dont eve-"

"MIN!WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO?"Tao yelled running to Sulli after walking in.Tears fell from your eyes and Tao scoffed at you.

"What happened to you?You dont answer my calls?Ignore me and now you want to slap the person I love?!"Tao yelled outraged.You sobbed a little and attempted to speak.

"Tao You have to beli-"You started only to be greeted by a third slap.This time though it wasnt Sulli but Tao standing infront of you.Sulligot up and hid behind Tao.

"Oppa,She is Crazy!"Sulli yelled.You glared at her earning a shove from Tao.Your tears never stopped flowing.

"WHY DIDNT YOU ANSWER MY CALLS?"Tao yelled.You flinched.

"You never called."

"Lies.Min,do you know how much I called yet you ignored me."He said."I bet it was That Kai guy right?"


"So not only did you become a you became a too."He said with a laugh.Your anger boiled."I cant believe you Min!WHAT HAPENNED TO YOU?!

"DONT CALL ME A ,TAO.WHY DONT YOU EVER STEP BACK AND REALIZE LIFE ISNT ABOUT YOU.KAI WAS NEVER MORE THAN A FRIEND AND EVEN SO,WHY DO YOU CARE?DONT YOU HAVE SUCH A PERFECT GIRLFRIEND?"You yelled using the last of your voice.Only then did Tao realize how much Kai effected him along with how hard he had had slapped you.He softened and stepped forward with his hand but you slapped it away making his anger return.

"Get out."He said.

"fine bu-"

"No,Min,I never want to see you again."He said breaking your heart."Out!" 


(Imagine it as Min)

"But Before you judge and call me a why dont you turn around realize who's really the one that loves you and who doesnt."you said eyeing Sulli."I just want you to smile for me." You said with a small smile and you were gone like the wind.

Tao ruffle his hair frustrated and brought Sulli home.As soon he got home he fell on his knees.

*If I love Sulli then why does it hurt when you say goodbye?* He thought letting a tear slide down his face.

Surely he would clear it up at school tommorow.

He had to.





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JasiaValencia #1
Chapter 9: omg my heart
Chapter 9: Plz update some more!!!!
Chapter 9: Faaaaahhhhhhnnnnnnsssss Whai you hurt my feels? Whhhyy T^T -sobs-
Chapter 9: TT.TT Taooooooo go get her
Chapter 8: ahhh so sad!! can't wait to find out who it is!!
Chapter 5: Awh TT-TT this is so saaadddddddd
Chapter 4: Heart hurts,more please!
Chapter 2: Oh my gosh<3