Chapter 1

Roommate Issues

It was the usual summer routine. He woke up to the alarm clock at about 5pm and dragged himself out of bed so that he could check out his oily face in the washroom mirror while he sleepily brushed at his perfectly lined teeth. He had to go to work in about two hours, working as a waiter in the nearby sushi restaurant he absolutely loathed.


In the beginning it seemed like a perfect plan for a bachelor like him who still had two more years to go in order to complete his degree and get a job as a office worker or a salary man somewhere. However, working at the restaurant turned out to be one of his worst mistakes in life. And trust him, he had a whole list of the mistakes he had made since birth.


The first one was being born- which he can't really help.


There always seems to be heaps of people clattering around the restaurant no matter the day, and Kai hates working under pressure- which is inevitable at a place as popular as Hoi Sushi. He had managed to make more then a couple of customers angry just last night. Not only had he messed up their orders he also accidentally spilled noodles all over their clothes- however Suho, the restaurant owner, had been nice enough to let it slide and station him at the back to clean the dishes. And this was probably the thirteenth time something like this had happened to him since he began this job. Not getting fired yet was something of a miracle at this point. Kai was pursed by now to believe that Suho was a saint sent by god to cure the curse that had been following Kai ever since he could remember.


Bad luck was like his wife by now, and there was no chance for divorce. He was stuck with it for life.


The only good thing that had happened to his life so far was getting into a well known university and finding a friend as loyal as Sehun. Oh Sehun was probably the only guy who had it in him to stick with Kai like a parasite, and Kai couldn't say that he hated it, since basically he is the only true friend he had. He was also the only guy who would agree to hang out with a loser like him no matter how many times Kai had rubbed off his bad luck on the latter.


The other 'friends' were just devils in disguise and would do anything to bring Kai more misery. Which was why he was wondering why he had agreed to Kris's request of letting his friend -who had arrived from China a few days ago – room with him for the time being. Kris had brushed it off as one of the favours Kai still owed him, but Kai couldn't recall any. In the end he had guilt tripped Kai into letting a stranger stay with him and share the same air for go knows how along.


'It will only be until he finds himself his own apartment. Also, you don't want such a poor guy to live in the streets homeless during his first week in Korea, now do you?' The devil had noted, and Kai had succumbed because he didn't want to picture a poor soul soaking in the rain without a home all due to him.


“!” Kai muttered startled when the door bell echoed throughout the apartment. In the meantime he had also managed to knock over the toothbrush from his mouth in some unintelligible way until it landed square in the toilet beside him and Kai had to reluctantly let out a moan of displeasure.


It had only been a few minutes since he had awaken, and he had already managed to add onto his list of why he should just wilt away and disappear from the face of earth. Unfortunately, god had made suicide a grave sin, and he wasn't ready to face hell yet. Besides, he liked living, when it wasn't a constant pain in the .


“Coming!” He yelled while he tried to haul his lethargic body from one room to another with the need to buy a new brush lingering somewhere in the back of his mind.


It had taken him about a whole ten minutes to come to stand in front of the entrance to his apartment, dragging his feet through the piles of clothes scattered around the place while he halfheartedly tried to stuff as many as he could inside his excuse for a close. Seriously that thing couldn't even fit half the clothes he owned and it was a disappointment really. But Kai couldn't say that he expected more from a cheap apartment like this- he should be glad he hadn't burned it down yet due to his stupid luck for misfortune.


When he had finally managed to make the place look welcoming for anyone who happened to be behind that cursed door, he opened it and stood there for a moment while he tried to process in what he was seeing.


Just less then two feet away stood a body that seemed to belong to an angel then a human and Kai had to take in a sharp breath for reaction. Kai was currently wondering at this point if he was still dreaming because there was no way in hell an angel would approach within a hundred feet radius of his existence. Other then Suho that is, but he was an exception.


In the end he just stood there like a constipated whale- mouth agape- in his grey sweats and torso- staring at probably the most beautiful creature he had laid eyes upon after his mom. No one could beat her beauty, even if she turned into a wrinkly foul mouthed old hag.


The other scrunched up his their nose, obviously expressing their displeasure at the sudden situation.


“So, are you going to just stand there and stare at me? Or are you going to ing let me in?” The other asked, using hand motion to deliver his message as if Kai wasn't capable of understanding common words.


The low voice of the other was enough to break Kai out of his trance, and any answer he had got stuck in his throat as he widened his eyes and pointed at Luhan like he was an alien from outer space.


“Wait- you, are you a guy?!” the tone of voice Kai had used to ask his question seemed to have irritated the other until the latter was glaring up at him.


“Yes, FYI I have a and I'm lacking in the department. Would you like to check?” As he said this, he gave Kai the possiblest disgusted look the other could conjure and Kai had to grimace at the sight- it wasn't anything like an angel. “I would very much like to go and take a nap because the jet lag is ing killing me and oh my god Kris was supposed to be here but that -”


“So, are you the transfer student from China who is in need of a place to stay?” Kai asked, somehow everything clicking into place -he liked to this that he has short term memory loss in order to disguise his stupidity. Why the hell did he forget that this guy was supposed to come at five?


“Yes, and if you don't mind stepping aside and letting me in, I would gladly appreciate it.”


Kai only brushed past request, he needed to greet the male properly first, after all they were going to be sharing the same space for awhile. He beamed at the other with his best smile not realizing that he hadn't rinsed his mouth yet and he probably still had toothpaste stuck on his teeth. “Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Kai, I will be your roommate from now on.”


Luhan only widened his eyes at the smile before looking away and pushing past Kai to get into the apartment.


“Gross!” Was the last thing Kai heard before the male disappeared around the corner and he was left half staring dumbly out his door.


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Chapter 1: This is so nice. I love it already! Excited for the upcoming chapters. Update soon~
clairenoona_887 #2
Chapter 1: update pleaaaasssee.. !
it's interesting!! ^^
clairenoona_887 #3
Chapter 1: update pleaaaasssee.. !
it's interesting!! ^^
Chapter 1: Hahahaha this is nice
ilikefoodandkpop #5
Chapter 1: I love it so far (:
Update soon pls