
Beautiful Disaster

Chapter 1:
Yoona POV:
Here I was, walking on the streets again, looking for a job. My family could barely buy any food, and the power was shut off about a year ago… Being the only child and my mother/father both not having the exact age to be hired fast, I was put up with this crap. Entering another Café, and being told the exact same thing. “We don’t need any new employers right now, sorry.” Sorry my , I need a job.

Walking back home, I was preparing for the fight I would get with my parents. They would nag and nag about me not looking hard enough. Once I entered the house, the atmosphere felt different…
“Mom, Dad, where are you..?” And before they could answer, or before I needed an answer, I saw them sitting in the living room with 2 weird men. “Mom, what’s going on? Is something wrong?” This feeling, it felt so weird and wrong. Who were these 2 men, and what did they want? “Sweety, sit down please...” My dad answered with a quite sad face... What the hell was going on here..?

“I assume you didn’t find any job yet, right?” My mom started, to break the silence. Being a little ashamed, I looked at my lap. “Well, these 2 men, stopped by because we still had a dept. Now that we looked at all options, they offered us a job for you. You could go and work there, and a room, food, drinks, everything will be taken care of, for you. In the mean time you are working there, they’ll turn on the power again, and we can buy ourselves food every day. Once a week, in the evening, you can come visit us… Will you do this for us? This would mean we could start living normally once again.”

This whole story was quite a big shock. I could finally have a job, and help my family. But on the other side, going with these men, felt wrong. What kind of working place would it be? And would I really see my family again, or is this some trick to take me with them..? But this finally meant I could help my parents… “Fine, I’ll come with them and work at that place, but sign a contract, proving that those scary men would actually pay you guys a monthly payment.” After I finished, the men looked at each other and just smiled. Creepers… As they opened their suitcase and handed me a contact, I let my parents sign it. As the contact was being taken back by the men I felt nervous. They would take me with them right now, right?

“Miss, go pack your bag, we’ll wait in the car.” And with that the men left the living room, at least, what was left of it. The house wasn’t much with no money to fix anything you know…

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