The Dream

Please Stay.
*Trigger warning: Gun violence, suicide.*
**This is just filler honestly. It's a dream. It doesn't have much influnce on the story. You won't miss anything if you skip it if your uncomfortable with the triggers ahead.**
I woke up, sweating and crying. I looked at my surrounding. I was still in my bedroom and Yongguk was still lying next to me. I got up from bed and went down to the kitchen. I got a glass of water and sat at the kitchen table, thinking about the horrible I just had.

*Flashback to the dream*
I was walking back to my house from school. I usually got a ride from Yongguk, but he's been really busy lately. I stepped into my house, and saw a familar figure standing in the living room. I ran to her, will my arms wide open, dropping everything in my hands. I hugged her tight, and cried. I never thought I'd see her again. I released her from the hug, letting her turn around to face me. As I looked at her face, it wasn't like I remembered it. It was horrid. A bullet wound was right through her forehead, blood dripping down her face like tears. I ran from her, crying harder. I couldn't stand seeing my mother looking like that. I went up stairs, trying to find my father. I walked into his room, and saw him...hanging in the middle of the room with a note on the bed. It read;
I'm sorry I have done this to you...I just couldn't stand the fact I lost your mother. I want you to know that I love you very much, but my depression has become too much to handle. Become the best you can be in life, never give up. I will alway be looking over your shoulder. I will always be here for you, Ri-Rin.
- Love your Father"

I couldn't believe this. How could this day get any worse. I called my brother and told him what happened. I asked if I could live with him and he said no. He said that no one cares about me and never will. I was a burden to have after him. That our parents only wanted one child. I hung up and ran out of my house. I ran back to school. It was as if school never ended. I walked into my class and sat in the back row. As each person came into the room, they gave me a glare and acted as if i didn't belong there. What the hell was going on? I walked out and found Lin-Eun. I asked her what was going on. She pulled me over to a small part of the hallway, where no one could see us.
" Look, Ri, I'm not even suppose to be caught talking to you. But, everyone hates you. Not one person likes you anymore. After the break up with Zico, the fight, and being with Yongguk, people have started calling you a and hate you. I think you should go." Lin-Eun said and walked away, as if we weren't talking. I walked past everyone that I thought liked me, they all called me names. My locker was covered in rude signs and photoshopped pictures of my face on stars' bodies. I ripped them down and ran out of school. I ran all the way to the park. I sat on a swing, crying softly to myself. I heard a car door close and I looked up. It was Yongguk. I was about to run to him, but what was the point, he probably hated me too, right?
He sat down next me and took my hand. It gave me a small climpse of hope that he didn't hate me. I heard a sigh come from him and knew it.."Look Reigna..." I stopped him there. " Let me guess, you hate me too and want nothing to do with me? Well join the ing club! Thanks to Zico, everyone hates me! Let alone, I found my father dead and I saw my mother with a bullet through her head. My own brother hates me and said I was the unwanted child. Lin-Eun hates me, and now you're breaking up with me. I'm not sure how anyone of this could get worse. I might as well just kill myself!" I yelled. He just looked at me. I couldn't bare what he had to say next, so I got up and walked away. He didn't even stop me. I walked back to my house and into my room.I didn't know what to do. I just screamed and threw anything I could. I grabbed a marker and wrote anything and everything I was feeling on my walls. I wrote memories, people I love, people I hate. I tore everything apart. Letters, pictures, everything. I looked at my phone, I had 6 miss calls and 28 texts from Yongguk. I had an incoming call from him, before I had a chance to answer it, my door flew open. Yongguk came running in.

"Please Reigna,don't do it! I love you so much." He said while hugging me tightly. I looked up at him and kissed him. "I know you love me, and I love you too. That's why I'm doing this..So everyone will stop hating me and you can live your idol life freely." I said. With one last kiss between us, I stepped back.."Goodbye, Yongguk." and shot myself in the head.
*End of Dream*

I was still shaking from the dream. I felt a someone walking into the room. I looked up and saw it was Yongguk. "Baby, what are you doing up so late? Are you okay?" He asked. I shook my head and hugged him. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. I shook my head again. "Bad dream, baby?" I nodded and cried. He rubbed my back and slightly swung us back and forth. "How long have you been up?" I shrugged my shoulders. "Well, do you think you are able to go back to bed? At least lay down for while. I'm not leaving your side." he said. I nodded my head and he picked me and carried me back to my room. We laid down together. I didn't say a word about what happened. As I laid on his chest, his heart beat was steady and was like a lullaby. I began to fall asleep. "I love you,Yongguk. Never forget that,okay?" I said. "I love you too, Reigna. Forever and always remember? I fell right back to sleep. I hope that nightmare never returns..



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Chapter 7: Update soon~~~
hyunnielover26 #2
Chapter 5: please update><
Chapter 3: Very goodd ** update soon
YuiLovesKpop #4
Nice story :)
Chapter 1: pregnant already? uhm, kinda too fast.. or she did it with jonghyun before? ><
AdivineScenario #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;