Hello Luhan

You were my hero.

This story takes during the sakura season.

          The sakura lead us to our meeting. In the spring of my third year of highschool I met my beloved hero.

Your pov.

It has been 2 weeks since the new year and the bullying started. As I open my shoe locker to find that my inside shoes drenched in water and covered in trashed. With a note saying:

             ' be careful of Kim Minhee! She steals boyfriends watch out or yours will be             taken.'

    It started when a boy I didnt know confessed. Of course I rejected him on the spot not knowing that he had broken up with Yoshihana a classmate of mine causing the whole class to turn against me and treat me horribly but I wont give in to this unreasonbly bullying.

      As I open the door to my class I was stiffen up at the sight of my table being used as a mourning ceremony for my demised. All around me were whispers of my class mates. I wont lose . Obviously I ingored them as i was about to sit down I suddenly heard a scream when i turned around to look it was Yoshihana: OMG! Guys that table just moved! What the? Isnt Minhee dead? Damn it i just wanted to be left alone. Tears were b but I wont cry. i can't its like admiting defeat. I. Wont. Lose!                    

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kanamehinata #1
Chapter 1: Wow, it's short but it's already exciting!! I love it!!! update soon~
´ ▽ ` )ノ
Mysakuraflower #2
Chapter 1: Its not done actually sorry