B4 Cafe

My Neighbour


I woke up early again this morning. You guys already knew what I'm doing every morning right, as usual take a shower, greet my mom, eat my breakfast, then say goodbye, and go to school.

“I'm going mom! Bye!” I shouted to my mom. Then I take my first step outside the house and there's someone. I approached him and greet him.

“Morning Jinyoung!” I greeted him.

“Oh Morning Gongchan!” He said a bit surprised.

“What are you doing this morning in front of my house?” I asked him.

“Well, I was wondering if we could go to school... together?” He looked shy.

“Okay! No problem Jinyoung.” I said to him, we were going to school but then someone shouted my name.


“Eh?” I turned around and so was Jinyoung. I saw Baro there and hmmm with a long hair guy with glasses. I don't have any idea who's that guy is. When we were kid, I used to know all of his friends since I'm always beside him. But now, things really are different than the past that I had with him.

“Oh Baro hyung, good morning.” I greeted him politely.

“Good morning.” Said Jinyoung too.

“Are you going to school?” Asked Baro.

“Yes. You're going to University too?” I asked him too.

“Yes.” he answered. I just looked at him for a several seconds. Then again, silence and an awkward moment. But the long hair guy talked.

“Who is this Baro?”

Baro answered him, “ah, right, CNU, this is Gongchan and Gongchan this is CNU.”

I bowed politely to him. Then I looked to Jinyoung, he looked a little bit lonely back there, so I decided to introduced him too. “Baro Hyung, CNU hyung, this is Jinyoung, Jinyoung this is Baro hyung and CNU hyung.” Jinyoung bowed.

“You guys going to school together?” Said Baro.

“Yes hyung.” Said Jinyoung.

“I can give you a ride, if you want to?” Said Baro.

Jinyoung answered, “Really? I'd lov..erpaslkjhdslkjfgh” but then i covered his mouth.

“No, thank you Baro hyung, we decided to walk to school together today.” I said to him.

Baro looked annoyed somehow, “Oh? Really? Okay then, have fun.” Then he left and dragged CNU hyung with him.



“Yah! Gongchan what are you thinking? It is much better to go to school with a car.” Jinyoung protested.

“Jinyoung, please understand my situation with that guy.” I said simply.

I keep on walking, then I realized that Jinyoung stopped his step.

“What is it Jinyoung? Why are you stop walking?” asked me.

“Nothing, I'm just thinking now...”

“What are you thinking?” I asked.

“I'm thinking, whether I.........” then he took my hand and hold it, “I should hold your hands or not. But it seems better to hold your hands since you don't want to go to school with a car, so I'll be the one that make you comfortable.” He did it again, he smiled to me, another red tomato in my face because of him. I looked down and answered him.

“Well you could hold my hands... Thanks.” I said shyly.

Then we keep on walking, hand in hand, until we arrived and separated to our own class.

In recess time, I ate my lunch with Jinyoung. Then I remembered something that I should told him from yesterday. I should tell him about the night that I met Sandeul guy with Baro together. Since I think that Jinyoung has a crush to him.

“Jinyoung, Jinyoung!!” I said to him excitedly.

“What is it? What is it? Calm down okay.” He said.

“You know what!!! I met that Sandeul guy again, the night after we met him. I forgot to tell you yesterday.”

“So? Why should i know?” He said with I-don't-care looked.

“But... but... he was with Baro that night, all clingy and he even back hug Baro in front of my eyes!!!” I raised my voice.

“Hey hey okay, no need to raise your voice. So what if that Sandeul guy back hug that Baro?” again that I-don't-care looked.

“I thought... you like that Sandeul guy? You like him right?”

“What?! I already said it right, I only adore him okay. Stop making a gossip.” He said.

“Sorry...” I still can't trust Jinyoung. Is he really doesn't like? I could see it that he likes him. They quite cute couple actually.

“So, how did you meet them?” Jinyoung asked. HAHA I knew it! Jinyoung must be curious.

“Well, I was eating my cheese cake and then Baro came to me, we talked a little bit, then that Sandeul guy came and back hug him. Then Sandeul asked him “Are we going now?”, Then they left with Sandeul all clingy to Baro. I don't have any idea what are they doing.” I said to him in detail and focusing in Sandeul.

“Hmmm okay, no need to make it really detail.” He said.

Then the bell rang.

“Okay, time to go to class.” I said to him.

“Okay see you after school.” said Jinyoung.

“Ah, Jinyoung, I think I need to go somewhere first you can go home first.”

“No, I'll company you.” He said.

“No! Really it's okay, I want to go alone.” I said.

“Well, if you said so then, be careful! Byee” Jinyoung said went to his class.

School finished, then I walked around. I had this feeling that I need to go somewhere.The street full with people. I could see that some of students went to noraebang having fun with their friends. Some office workers rushing to go somewhere. There's a mother went out from a market. Now, what am I doing? I decided to go this cafe that looked interesting to me. The cafe name B4 Cafe. I went in, and took a sit near the window. The waiter come and said.

“Welcome to B4 Cafe, what's your order?” He said. I looked to him and *gasp*

“Baro hyung?!” I said.

“Eh? Gongchan?” He said.

“I thought you were busy? Something like University stuff?”

“Well this is what I call busy, part time job.” He said.

“Oh,” then i laughed. He continued working and asked me, “May I take your order?”

I laughed again and ordered “I want one Iced Chocolate, please”.

“Okay, one Iced Chocolate and what do you want to eat?”

“Hmmm do you have Banana Split here?” I asked him

“Sure we have it.” He said

“Ok, then one Banana Split.” Then he wrote it to his paper and said please wait like for 5 minutes. I just laughed looking at him working in a Cafe with that brown appron, he looked cute.I stared at him while he was working, he once looked at me too and smiled. Not long after that my order came. He said please enjoy your meal. Seriously he looked cute working as a waiter. But sometimes I could see that some girls wee trying to get his attention. I don't like it. I said it again I don't like it. Go away you b****. It's not like I like Baro, but I just don't like it that's all.

I finished my drink and my meal. I called him and said i finished. He sent me that bill and I gave the money.

“Thanks for coming Gongchan, are you going home now?”

“Yes, I'm going home now hyung.” I said to him.

“How about if you wait for a couple of minutes, my shift is about to finish then we could go home together.” He said.

“Hmm is it fine with you?” I asked him. I'm still shy around him.

“Of course, come on don't act like we don't know each other Gongchan.” He said.

“O-ok then, I'll wait.” He smiled and went to served other people. I could sense a quite scary stare from the girls around the cafe. Wow really Baro has fans here.

About 10 minutes later, Baro finished his shift and called me.

“Gongchan, let's go home.” He said and lead the way to his car.

He started his car engine and press the radio button, then the car started to move. The song was “Shy boy” from secret. Baro looked enjoying the song and dance to it. I only smiled because of his behaviour. Then I start a conversation.

“Hyung, You have a lot of fans in that cafe right?” I asked him.

He chuckled. “Not fans, they're friends. I call them friends.” He said. How kind this guy is. Baro really is an amazing guy. Since we were kid, he really was amazing, he's the one who help his friends from people who bullied them. He really is still amazing.

“hyung, I'm amazed. You really are so kind.” I said to him truthfully.

“Haha what are you talking about? Aren't we supposed to be kind to everyone?”

“You're right, but what about bad guys, we shouldn't treat them nicely?” I said.

“They deserved a nice treatment too somehow.” He said while looking to the front.

I just nodded.

Not long after that we arrived to his house.

“Hyung, thanks for the ride. And thanks too for the nice treatment at the Cafe.” I laughed and He laughed too.

“You're welcome. Please comeback again to the Cafe.” He said.

“Of course, I will. I'll invite Jinyoung too!” I said. Then I can see that his face look not so good.

“Hmm good idea.” He said.

“Okay then, I'm going inside, good night hyung.” I waved my hands and left.

“Gongchan” He called me.

“Yes Hyung?” He approached me. Then something I didn't expect. He hug me.

“Let's be a good friend again ok, good night Gongchan.” He released the hug then he went inside his house. I couldn't move, I'm too shock...

“Gongchan! Where have you been? What are you doing out there?” My mom said from the door.

“Nothing.” Then I went inside with a big smile on my face.

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LOL! I can't believe that i hadn't commented to this fic before when i read this
i think i read this more than a year ago
and now i'm browsing my subs...
I realized that I missed this, so i came here to read this again

I realized that i was a silent reader a while back then
gongchanbiased #2
Chapter 25: no!!please make a sequel i love this story!!no offence but i kind of hated baro ABIT when he abandoned gongchanㅠㅠ
Kyoko72 #3
Chapter 1: I love this story:)
Chapter 25: Oh my glob.. I loooovvvvee it!! I laugh and cry soo much!! ToT I am sad that its end already.. anyway, great, AWSOME story author nimm~!!
Sorry if I post this comment too late,, tehee~
bohyemi #5
Chapter 25: eheehehhehehe I have exam tomorrow but I stayed up to read this
night well spent
Awhh soooo cute <3
Kyaaaaaaa~! what a good story!
too bad I just found this now -____-

I love this so much! All the moments are so sweet~
there's a moment when I found myself giggle and then my eyes got teary..
you're awesome!! <3
whoaa this is so beautiful;~~~;
Iamspeechless #9
i cried when Baro left and when he came back... ahh! your fanfic is awesomeee<3 (':