This is The Last Night

My Neighbour


Baro hyung just asked me to have a sleep over at his house. My heart can't beat any faster now, soon it will explodes! Geez, what's up with him? What should I do now?

“So?” He definitely want an answer.

“Uhmm... uhmm...” Think Gongchan, think!

“Gongchan? Is that you?” I heard my mom coming out from the door. Then she looked to our direction. “Oh! You guys already finished your dinner? How was it?” My mom asked both of us. Great! Thank godness she came out and changed the subject.

“It was great, mam.” Baro said and my mom only nodded and smiled happily.

“So, why you guys still standing outside?” My mom asked. Oh great, I thought she will bring me inside and left Baro with the unasnwered offer but he just asked us what are we doing?

“Ah right! I was asking Gongchan if he'd like to have a sleep over at my house, since we used to sleep together when we're kids.” He explained to my mother. I could see her facial expression changed into a glowing-happily-excited-smiled. This is bad.


“but mom-”

“uh-oh no bad Gongchan.” She glared at me then she looked to Baro and said, “Have fun!”

“Sure mam.” Baro answered with smiled.

She looked to me again and whispered, “play safe”. Oh my god, did she just said, play safe? Did she hoping me to lose my ity? OH NO~ What kind of mother is she?

“Gongchan? C'mon let's go inside it's already late.” He said. I nodded and came inside his house.


It has been a long time since I went inside his house. Most of the interiors are still the same. The atmosphere of the house somehow feels different. Maybe because Baro hyung's parents is not at home anymore, so it feels really empty and lonely here.

“So, please sit here for a while. I'm going to get you a drink first.” He said. I nodded.

I sat on the couch and started to look around the house. It does feels very empty. Then I heard a phone rang, not long after that it stopped rang. I assumed Baro hyung already picked up the phone.


Baro's POV


“Annyeong haseyo, its me, Baro ssi.” a voice of an old man on the line.

“Ah, Mr. Lee. What brings you call me at this late night?” I asked him.

“I've been calling you for many times, but you didn't answer my call. I just want to inform you that the flight has been changed to Sunday around afternoon. All of your luggage has been sent today.”

“What? Why did you change it? Sunday? That's tomorrow right?” I asked a bit shouted to him. I was so shocked that tomorrow my last day in Korea.

“I'm sorry, but I thought you said that you'd like to go as soon as possible.” Well I remembered I said that but not when Gongchan is in my house and having a sleep over.

“Ok Mr. Lee, It's ok. I'll go tomorrow. Thank you for arranging it for me.” I said to him.

“Your welcome. I'm so sorry if I did something wrong, Baro ssi.”

“No, it's ok.” I said to him. Then I hung up the phone.


I sighed. I don't know what to do, this night is the last night that i spend my time with Gongchan. What should I do? Should I confess to him this night? No, no you shouldn't. You just gonna brake Gongchan's heart.

Without I realized, Gongchan already behind me.

“Whoa? Gongchan? How long have you been standing there?” I really didn't scent his present. Did he hear my conversation?

“Who was that Baro hyung? Were you going somewhere?” He asked me. Damn, he heard it.

“Uhmm... uh...” Baro you need to make an excuse. “As you can see, my parents...... person, was informing me about... my parents..... flight.” I lied. He mouthed an O. Thanks god he didn't take it seriously.

“So, why are you so stressed out now?” He asked me worriedly. “Is there something bother you? Mind to tell me?”

“It's nothing Gongchan. I'm fine. Nothing's bother me.” I answered him, obviously didn't want to make him worried. Next thing I ruffled his hair. He looked red and its quite amusing view.

Then I remembered that I was making a hot milk for him. “Here, I maked you some hot milk.” I gave him the glass and he sipped it. He looked satisfied with the drink. I brought him sit on the dinning room. Face to face. The moment is great somehow, I want to confess to him but the next day I'll left him alone in this house.

He finished his drink and looked down. I wonder why.


Gongchan's POV

I've been thinking what should I do now. I assume that Baro hyung doesn't feel anything toward me. He only thinks me as his brother. But I want to say it to him that I like him. I really like him. Should I the one who start it? I mean should I confess to him in the first place. Maybe I should ask Jinyoung about this.

I took out my phone and texted him.



From: Gongchan

Jinyounggggg >.< help! I'm in Baro hyung's house now and I'm going to have a sleep over. I want to ask you something. I'm in the urge of confessing to him, is it ok?


To: Gongchan

From: Jinyoung

WHAT?! You're having sleep over with him? And to my surprise you want to confess to him in the first place? Well, way to go Gongchan, It's very ok.


To: Jinyoung

From: Gongchan

Are you sure? I'm a bit nervous. I mean we have the moment now but he doesn't seem to have something to tell me. So, should I?


To: Gongchan

From: Jinyoung



I looked to my watch and yeah it's already midnight. I looked around again and I'm curious why Baro hyung still not coming back. So, I go to the place where he goes. When I'm in the kitchen, I heard a couple of conversation of him with someone on the phone. About the time arrangment, going somewhere, etc. I stood there for a while, waiting for him to finish his phone call and soon he hung up. He looked surprise when he looked at me. Later, he gave a hot milk. I used to drink hot milk before I go to sleep. We sat on the dining room. He just stayed silent and so do I. I knew that I should say it to him. I looked down for a while and gathered all of my courage. Then I faced him and said it to him.

“Hyung. I like you.” I said it. Oh my god! I said it.

“I like you too Gongchan.” He answered.

“No hyung, it's not like that.” He looked confused and I said again with a right intonation. “I like you, I love you.” Now I said it with love so he could understand what I mean.

He's a bit startled at my sudden confession. He looked at other direction and I felt like... like he's going to reject me in a kind way.

“Gongchan, you know... uhmm...” He tried to say something but he can't say it. I just waited for him to finish his sentence. “Uhmm... I like you, I really like you but not in that kind of feeling.” I smiled to him a fake one, trying to understand him. “You're like my own lil brother to me, Channie. So, please understand and I'm sorry.”

I smiled to him but I was so shocked at his answer. So it was true that all this time he only considered me as his own brother. I feel like, I want to cry now... I should stay strong. I'm in his house now, I couldn't hide anywhere.

“It's... it's ok hyung. I... I... really understand.” I said with a trembling voice. “Just forget what I said.” I said to him. I didn't dare to see him in the face. He stayed silent so do I. I decided to break the silent by saying. “Hyung, I'll go to the toilet first. Let's go to sleep.” Then I go to the toilet without waiting for his replied. I still remembered everything about his house. So, I didn't need him to give me a direction to the toilet.


I went inside the toilet lock the door and faced the mirror. I washed my face and looked again to the mirror. Soon, my tears rolled down and I just can't stop it. I don't know what happen tomorrow, how's my relationship with him. In the end nothing change, we're just neighbours and nothing special.

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LOL! I can't believe that i hadn't commented to this fic before when i read this
i think i read this more than a year ago
and now i'm browsing my subs...
I realized that I missed this, so i came here to read this again

I realized that i was a silent reader a while back then
gongchanbiased #2
Chapter 25: no!!please make a sequel i love this story!!no offence but i kind of hated baro ABIT when he abandoned gongchanㅠㅠ
Kyoko72 #3
Chapter 1: I love this story:)
Chapter 25: Oh my glob.. I loooovvvvee it!! I laugh and cry soo much!! ToT I am sad that its end already.. anyway, great, AWSOME story author nimm~!!
Sorry if I post this comment too late,, tehee~
bohyemi #5
Chapter 25: eheehehhehehe I have exam tomorrow but I stayed up to read this
night well spent
Awhh soooo cute <3
Kyaaaaaaa~! what a good story!
too bad I just found this now -____-

I love this so much! All the moments are so sweet~
there's a moment when I found myself giggle and then my eyes got teary..
you're awesome!! <3
whoaa this is so beautiful;~~~;
Iamspeechless #9
i cried when Baro left and when he came back... ahh! your fanfic is awesomeee<3 (':