Saturday, The Day

My Neighbour


Gongchan's POV

I woke up super early for the weekend. Saturday! Oh god it's saturday! It's the day! What should I do? I'm super nervous now. Calm Gongchan calm, just take it slow, take it slow... yeah just take it slow. Now, all I have to do is take a bath and have a breakfast.

I took a bath and after I finished I wore my casual clothe. I went downstair and greet my parents.

“Morning mom, dad!”

“Morning son! It's rarely to find you this morning, you usually still on bed at this time.” teased my mom.

“Is it wrong to find your son already awake this morning?” I asked her

“No, its fine son. So, what's bothering you? There must be something” She asked. She knows me, when something is not on my life track then there's mean something wrong happen

I answered her, “I don't know either mom, I just have this..... hmm a weird feeling, uncomfortable.”

“Just don't think too much son, it will makes you stress.” She said worriedly. Then she looked to the table and said to me, “Now, eat your breakfast, I've made a pancake!”

“Yeay! Pancake! Thanks mom.” I said. I sit down and eat my breakfast. My father just sit reading his newspaper and not listening to everything what me and mom talking, he has his own newspaper world.


Later on, I help mom cleaning the house. My dad just went on golf with his friends. I sat on the couch and watching tv alone. Mom was somewhere around the house. I decided to call Jinyoung, I'm worried about my dinner somehow.

I pressed Jinyoung numbers and waiting for him to pick up the phone. Then I can hear he answered the phone and said, “Hello Gongchan!!!!!!!!”

He totally screaming on the phone, “hey Jinyoung, whats up with you? Something happy going on?” I asked him.

“Of course, I'm happy now. More than happy. I feel, i feel like I'm the luckiest person ever!!!!!” Oh my god, what happened with Jinyoung... Is he sick?

“Are you sick Jinyoung? Want me to send you to hospital?” I said jokingly.

“Hey! I'm not sick or crazy. Just for your info, I'm happy because.....” He took his time and continued, “because me and Sandeul hyung are official now!”

“WHAT?!” I shouted on the phone. “Are yous serious?! KYAAAA!” Now I'm the one who screamed.

“Yah! Stop screaming and I'm serious. He just asked me last night and I said yes. I'm so happy.” I can see that Jinyoung is smiling like crazy now.

“I'm happy for you Jinyoung! I know that you both will make it. I said it right, that there's someone that loving you so much. I hope you guys will stay togethere forever. You really are a cute couple.” I said. I really hope that they will last long.

“Thank you so much Gongchan.” Then silence for a while and he said something that makes me blush... “So... when will you confess? Tonight?”

“WHAT?!” I was surprised, I wasn't awared that he will said those things. “NO! I'm not going to confess, we're just friends ok, well I like him... love him... well... uh.... I don't want to end up as a friend actually as you know but... uhh...” I stuttered and said every words panickly.

“Slow down Gongchan. I know, I know you love him, I know you're shy so just let the time decide.” He said to me and I laughed. “Why are laughing?”

“It's weird hearing you said something wise like that.” I said to him still laughing.

“Whatever, I'm just trying to help here.” He said.

“Hahaha, I get it.” I said. “Jinyoung, I'm worried actually about my dinner tonight. What should I do? Should I stay quiet? Talkative? Cool? Cute?” I asked him.

“Huh? You're asking me that? Well I wish that you just be yourself. It's ok Gongchan. Everything will be fine. You will do fine. I know that you'll be fine.” He tried to calm me and support me.

“Thanks for the support Jinyoung.”

“Sure, anytime mate and I'm sorry because I need to hang up the phone now, because I've a date now.” He said to me.

“AHHH! I envy you Jinyoung.” I squealed, I'm jealous.

“Go get a boyfriend then.” suddenly my mind was thinking about Baro hyung? I wish that he confessed to me tonight. “So, I hope you the best of luck pal!” He said.

“Thanks Jinyoung, say hi to Sandeul hyung from me.”

“Ok, byeee!”

“Bye!” I said and hung up the phone.


I rest for the rest of the time until around 5 PM. I looked outside, the sky already red. I took a bath and prepare my self for the dinner with Baro hyung. An hour more until Baru hyung picks me up.

I finished bathing then I wore the outfit that I bought yesterday with Jinyoung. Checkered red and blue looks good in me and I paired it with Jeans and skyblue shirt. I looked to the mirror trying to fix anything that looks wrong, I want to be perfect. I didn't forget to put some perfume on. Lastly I fix my hair and finished.

I went downstair sat on the couch and waiting for Baro hyung. I was nervous, my legs couldnt stop shaking. Suddenly, my mom came out from his room.

“Oh, you're going already?” Said my mom.

“Uhh yes mom.” I said nervously.

“Don't be nervous Gongchan, it's just your neighbour, your hyung, right?” She said, I just nodded but then she asked me again, “Or..... maybe you're happen to like him? Be honest to your omma?”

I blushed when he said that. I don't know how to answer it so I just keep silent and looked down on the floor.

“C'mon son, tell me, do you like him?” She asked me again a bit forcefully. At last I gave up pretending and nodded. “REALLY?! Omg son, I wish you the best of luck!” My mom said clapping happily and hugged me.

“Thanks mom.” I only could said that.

My mom still talking happily and tease me when suddenly our house's bell rang.

“That must be him right?” Mom said, I nodded, “Let me open it!” He then walked fastly to the door. I was going to said no but she already gone to the door.


My mom opened the door and she greeted Baro hyung. “Hello Baro.”

“Hello omma, how are you?” Asked Baro hyung. Baro called my mom, omma since our kid. Baro hyung and my mom are quite close just like me and him.

“I'm fine, thank you. How are you too?” She asked back,

“I'm fine too.” He said. “Well, omma, I'd like to ask Gongchan for dinner, is it ok?” He asked for permission to my mom.

“Oh sure, absolutely fine.” Answered my mom. “He's ready actually. Let me call him ok.” My mom went inside the house and came to me, “Gongchan, you have to know that he looks memsmerizing. You got something nice.” Said mom.

“Mom?! Stop it. You're ain't a cougar.” I said to her.

“I'm not, I'm just saying ok that he looks handsome. Now, don't make your date waiting.” She told me and brought me to the door. “Baro, here's Gongchan. I hope you guys have fun! Bye!” My mom pushed me outside and closed the door. Geez, she's too excited I think.

“Your mom's act is not surprising to me you know. It's been a long time not seeing your mom like that.” He said.

“I know, she really just too excited knowing me will go with you for a dinner.” I sighed.

Baro hyung laughed then he said, “So, can we go now?” I nodded. We went to the restaurant with his car.


We went inside a european restaurant if I'm not mistaken. Wow, the place looks so great. Baro hyung takes my hand and lead me to the table. We sit near a stage, inside of the restaurant there's a stage for a performance. This is great!

Baro hyung raised his hand and asked for a menu. The waitress came and gave us the menu. We read the menu and think what do I want to eat.

“Hmmm, so what do you want to eat? I think I'm gonna choose, Fettucini with Chicken & Spinach. How about you?” He asked me. I'm still confused on what should I eat.

“I think I want... this, hmm lasageunya” I don't know to spell it.

Baro hyung chuckled and correct it. “It's Lasagna, Gongchan.” I'm so embarassed. “Do you want a pizza? What pizza do you like the most?”

“Pizza? I want the one with lots of mushrooms.” I said to him.

“Mushrooms? Then let's order Carbonara Pizza.”

He called the waitress and ordered.

He looked at me and smiled brightly, I gave him the brightest smile of mine too. He looked happy but sad at the same time somehow. I could see it in his eyes. Is there something that he hides from me?

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LOL! I can't believe that i hadn't commented to this fic before when i read this
i think i read this more than a year ago
and now i'm browsing my subs...
I realized that I missed this, so i came here to read this again

I realized that i was a silent reader a while back then
gongchanbiased #2
Chapter 25: no!!please make a sequel i love this story!!no offence but i kind of hated baro ABIT when he abandoned gongchanㅠㅠ
Kyoko72 #3
Chapter 1: I love this story:)
Chapter 25: Oh my glob.. I loooovvvvee it!! I laugh and cry soo much!! ToT I am sad that its end already.. anyway, great, AWSOME story author nimm~!!
Sorry if I post this comment too late,, tehee~
bohyemi #5
Chapter 25: eheehehhehehe I have exam tomorrow but I stayed up to read this
night well spent
Awhh soooo cute <3
Kyaaaaaaa~! what a good story!
too bad I just found this now -____-

I love this so much! All the moments are so sweet~
there's a moment when I found myself giggle and then my eyes got teary..
you're awesome!! <3
whoaa this is so beautiful;~~~;
Iamspeechless #9
i cried when Baro left and when he came back... ahh! your fanfic is awesomeee<3 (':