Bad Luck and Good Luck

My Neighbour



School just finished, i was standing in front of my school gate while waiting for Jinyoung. Today is seriously a bad day. Now i'm thinking about Baro again, i can say his name without hyung in my mind ok. Jinyoung words keep repeating in my mind, I shoudn't think about this too much. I need a refreshment, where should i go? An arcade? Or a Cafe? Hmmm... but... WHERE THE HELL IS JINYOUNG?! It's already 15 minutes late. This afternoon temperature is not helping at all! Gahh so hot!


When i was in my bad mood, someone passed our school gate, he was walking straight somewhere but then he dropped his wallet. I hurriedly took his wallet from the ground and called him

“Excuse me! You dropped your wallet!” i shouted. He turned around and looked confuse. I approached him.

“You just dropped your wallet,” i gave his wallet, “please be careful when you walk” i said to him

“Thank you” then he left.

As i saw him walking, he looks like had nowhere to go, then BAM! He stumbled. I ran to him again, “Are you okay?”

“ne, i'm fine.” he answered still smiling. This guy is so mysterious. He only smiled and at the same time making him looked stupid

I asked again, “are you sure? Where are you going?”

“Yes I'm fine. I'm going to my house, but i kinda forgot where it is.”

I was shocked! How come a person forgot his own house? This so weird. I'm so speechless.

“Gongchan~” Jinyoung finally came up. FINALLY!

“what take you so long?” I said to him and i dont need answer now, i need him to help me up with this forgetting-his-home guy. “By the way can you help me? This guy is so weird he forgets where his home is and i'm kinda freak out now.”

“WHAT?!” Jinyoung shocked. He approached the guy, the guy still smiling sweetly. Jinyoung start asking “Excuse me, whats your name?”

“Me? My name? Lee Jung-Hwan but you can call me Sandeul.” He said still smiling.

Jinyoung asked him again, “do you have your home adress?”

“Ah! Adress! Ne, i have it. Here” Sandeul gave the adress. “can you help me out?”

Jinyoung drag me a bit far from the misterious-guy-yet-stupid-looking.

“Yah, Gongchan, i think we need to help this guy. And by the way he looks cute though.” Jinyoung whispered to me.

I whispered back to him. “What?!! Oh no, i was just thinking we have to go to an arcade or cafe but you want to company this guy to find his home?”

Sandeul interrupted our whispering moment, “Excuse me, i'm sorry, but its okay if you can't show me the way, as i walk maybe i could remember the way.”

“No no no, its fine we will show you the way.” Jinyoung said. Oh man, all i can do is sigh and follow Jinyoung.


We walked to this guy home, Jinyoung seemed enjoy the moment and talk a lot with him while i just stay silent. We introduced ourself to him. As what i heard from Jinyoung and this Sandeul guy conversation, Sandeul is 19 years old and currently attending Korean University majoring in Music. Sandeul always in trouble, because of forgetting little things, he said that once he have to walk his brother to school but he ended up walk his dog to his brother's school. All i heard from this Sandeul guy is a weird story, but Jinyoung laughed and looked enjoying his time with Sandeul.

“So Sandeul errr hyung?” He blushed, I just chuckled and ready to after this “is this your house? It matches the adress that you gave me.” Jinyoung said.

“Ah right! This is my house!” said Sandeul, then he pull out a book, and wrote something... drawing i guess.

I asked him “What are you doing?”

“I'm drawing my house and the route to my house so I won't forget it anymore.” Said him.

“Thats good, i hope you won't forget your home again.” Said Jinyoung

“Yes, now I won't forget it! thank you so much Jinyoung.” He smiled. Then he looked at me, “Thanks to you too, Gongchan. I hope we can meet again! Thanks again.” After that we bid our goodbye and left.


“yah! What was that? 'Sandeul errr hyung?'” I immitated how Jinyoung said it.

“Wae? I'm just trying to be close with him.” He blushed again.

“HAHAHA! Love at the first sight huh?”

“hey! Who said that? Like i said, i'm just trying to be close with him okay.” Jinyoung replied and blushed.

"Really, you all blushed when you said it, trying to be close and growing love between both of you, am i right?." I laughed.

"Arghh! I can't believe it that you are my best friend!" Jinyoung pissed off.

“Okay, I'm sorry. whatever you said. Like we're gonna meet him again.” I said and laughed.


So, I went home and remembering everything that happened today. What a crazy day and i don't get my time for refreshing, thanks to that Sandeul guy. “What should i do now? I know! It's time for blueberry cheese cake! How smart I am!” i said to myself. I went straight downstairs and checked my refrigerator. “WHAT! Where's my cheese cake?” I asked myself. I saw my mother and I asked her “Mother, do you know where my cheese cake is?”

“the blueberry cheese cake? I served it for our guests this evening. Was it yours?”

“Yes mom.” Oh even tonight i have a bad night too.

“Oh sorry son! Here...” my mom gave me money. “use this to buy it again, i'm really sorry”

“its okay mom. i'm going then!”

“okay be careful!” said my mom, then i walked to buy a cake near our house.


I walked slowly to the store, i need a fresh air to clear my mind. I can't believe it this is happening to me. I really need to eat that cake right now. If this bad luck keep happening to me, i can guess what happen next: the blueberry cheese cake already sold out. Oh no!!! how can I even think of it? Please for this once give me a good luck.

I arrived to the store and i can see that the cheese cake still there. I'm in glory moment! I ordered it and ate it. Heaven! Oh god please give me a good luck afterwards, no more bad luck like today. I ate the cake slowly, but still I ate it fastly, blame my stomach. “Huah! That was delicious, but i think i need more cheese cake.” So, I ordered the cheese cake again. “What's better than this? Eating cheese cake till full! much better than this morning...”

“What happen this morning?” I heard someone talking to me. As i looked, the one who talked to me was Baro. Oh no! God please save me from this situation...

“Err Baro... Hyung?” now i looked stupid.

“Yes, its me.” He sat in front of me, holding a thick book. “So, what happen this morning?”

“Err nothing happen, really nothing happen.” Even more stupid now.

“Are you sure? I gave you a ride this morning, so I was in your worse morning right?”

“NO! NO! That's not it, I got detention this morning. That's all.” Oh my, I hope this will stop him questioning my morning.

“Ah, so you got detention.” Thanks god, that he really stopped talking.

Then... I don't know what should we talking about. He keeps silent too.

............................. still silent.

“Gongchan” great he decided to break the silence, “I think we need to straight things up.”

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LOL! I can't believe that i hadn't commented to this fic before when i read this
i think i read this more than a year ago
and now i'm browsing my subs...
I realized that I missed this, so i came here to read this again

I realized that i was a silent reader a while back then
gongchanbiased #2
Chapter 25: no!!please make a sequel i love this story!!no offence but i kind of hated baro ABIT when he abandoned gongchanㅠㅠ
Kyoko72 #3
Chapter 1: I love this story:)
Chapter 25: Oh my glob.. I loooovvvvee it!! I laugh and cry soo much!! ToT I am sad that its end already.. anyway, great, AWSOME story author nimm~!!
Sorry if I post this comment too late,, tehee~
bohyemi #5
Chapter 25: eheehehhehehe I have exam tomorrow but I stayed up to read this
night well spent
Awhh soooo cute <3
Kyaaaaaaa~! what a good story!
too bad I just found this now -____-

I love this so much! All the moments are so sweet~
there's a moment when I found myself giggle and then my eyes got teary..
you're awesome!! <3
whoaa this is so beautiful;~~~;
Iamspeechless #9
i cried when Baro left and when he came back... ahh! your fanfic is awesomeee<3 (':