
A twist of fate

“W…w…we’re in a relationship. She’s my girlfriend” Eunmi says with a serious face.

“What??!” all the members almost simultaneously ask. I look at her with big eyes. What? Didn’t she just agree in telling them what’s going on? My cheeks get red, so do hers.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys before, I’ll explain it all later” she says and she removes her hand from my mouth.

“Could you guys please excuse us for a minute. I wanted to talk to Eun… eeh,  Kevin about something” I say and stand up, grabbing Eunnmi’s hand. They just nod, still completely surprised. I lead her outside and we walk until we reach a quiet spot.

“Why did you do that?” I ask her.

“We can’t tell them” she says.

“Why not? Didn’t you just agree on telling them?” I say.

“I did, but that was before I knew we couldn’t” she says. I tilt my head to show my confusion.

“I told you about my friends, right? You know that Miyoung loves reading all kinds of stories and legends.  I remembered she told us a legend about two people switching souls” she says. I nod.

“I asked her for the continuation of the story. She said this: ‘If the secret would be told, that these two people hold. Their contract would own a stain and the return of their souls would be in vain’ “ Eunmi says. My eyes widen.

“Meaning, if we tell anyone about this, we won’t be able to break this, ever. We’ll be bound to stay like this” she continues. I sigh. I’m happy she stopped me when she did.

“So you told them we’re in a relationship” I say and sigh.

“I couldn’t think of anything better, could you?” she says.

“Really” I sigh. I would be lying if I said I hated the idea, but it’s just too difficult at the moment.

“If you think I just want to date you because I’m a KissMe, you’re wrong. Even though I don’t hate the idea, I would never had said something like that if I could have thought of something better” she says: “At least I’m not the idiot who ran away after stealing a girls first kiss.”

She walks passed me right after saying this. I keep standing there, as if I were struck by lightning. I took… her first kiss? I sigh. No wonder she’s angry with me. I turn around and run after her.

“Hey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, it was just to…” I say but she interrupts me.

“Just to see if we changed right? A meaningless kiss” she says. Great job on picking your words, Kevin. She sighs and averts her eyes.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be a bother to you. When we can lift this, I’ll disappear. I won’t keep bothering you. So don’t worry about us being boyfriend and girlfriend for the time being, it’s also fake” she says and walks back to the practice room. When I catch up with her she’s in front of the practice room and turns towards me.

“To not make things worse with the members, you should go. There’s no other schedule for me today so I’ll meet you at my apartment after dance practice” she says and enters the room. Before I can react to anything she has said, she already told the guys I have to go home.

“Aw, too bad you have to leave already” Kiseop whines: “See you soon, right? Eunmi shii.”

I nod and smile.

“See you later” I say and bow. I walk to the chair to pick up my purse before going to the door. I glance at Eunmi, she’s not looking. Once outside, I start walking the same way as I came. When I meet the same guy from before, I slightly bow to him and continue to the exit.


When I enter Eunmi’s apartment, I practically go straight to the couch and sit down.  I don’t get it. Strictly speaking, I should be reassured by what she said, it should have put my mind at ease. She’s a fan and depending on what kind of person she is, things could get nasty, now and after we turn back to normal. She said we are in a relation but told me it was fake. I should be happy about that, but I’m not. She told me she wouldn’t bother me once this is finished, that she would disappear. I should be happy, but I’m not. I move my hand to my lips. I gave her my first kiss, but I also stole hers. I sigh.

“Why did you have to act without thinking? You idiot!” I yell. Why do I feel so weird. I lay my head back against the couch and close my eyes. I take a deep breath and sigh again. What to do?

I wake up to a loud knocking sound. There’s someone at the door. I stand up quickly and walk to the door, but little stars soon could my vision. Wow, what’s this. I grip the wall not to lose balance and breath a few times in and out. The stars disappear and I continue walking to the door. I look through thy little lens in the door and see Eunmi standing on the other side. I quickly open the door and let her in.

“What took you so long?” she asks me. I rub my eyes and follow her to the living room.

“Sorry, I fell asleep” I say. Eunmi sighs loudly. Is she still pissed off? I wouldn’t blame her though.  What could I say?

“They should give you guys more rest, overworking isn’t going to get you anywhere” she says.

“Sorry, was practice to hard on you? Sorry I forgot to warn you about that” I say. She turns around and looks at me.

“I’m not talking about practice, I’m talking about you guys in general. You’re always tired, not sleeping enough” she says.

“Ah, I thought you might be hungry, so I went to get some take out before coming here” she says lifting the bag in her hand. I’m indeed hungry. I ran out of the house this morning so I still haven’t eaten anything. Eunmi sits down on the couch and puts the bag on the little table in front of her. When she takes the food out of the bag, I see it’s pizza.

“Sorry I don’t  have a proper place to sit” she says. I sit down next to her and pick a piece. It’s yummy.

“I’m sorry I was so rude to you this morning” she says after a few pieces of pizza: “You didn’t do anything wrong and I was just being pathetic.”

“You were not being pathetic” I say. She shrugs.

“We should look for the key that makes us changed and for what can return us to normal” Eunmi says, changing the subject.

“Yesterday you… kissed me and we changed” she continues.

“We… could try again to see if we change” I try to say carefully. She sighs and nods.

“Close your eyes” I say.

“Ok” she says and closes them. I take her head in my hand and move closer. Right before our lips touch,  I close my eyes as well. This time she reacts to the kiss and answers it. The feeling I got yesterday, is back, making me feel nice and warm.

“This time, I won’t run away” I whisper when we end the kiss. I open my eyes and still look at my own face. Her cheeks have gotten red again.

“We’re still the same” she says.

“Then why did we change last time?” I say.

“It could be at random” she says. I sigh and rest my head against the back of the couch again, looking up at the ceiling. She does the same.

“I know it’s not the best situation, but let’s just try and make the best of it” I say. She nods.

“It’s not every day you can be with your idol” she says and chuckles.

“Or be your idol” I say and laugh. She shakes her head.

“This may be your face, but this is not you” she says. I look at her and she smiles.

“I prefer you with this face”


AN:  Thanks for reading and please comment ^w^ 

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Hayagi #1
Hey~, will you continue writing the story eventually? I really like your story so far and I've been checking for an update since November :/ I hope you'll continue ^^
anyways. love the story so far! freaking creepy stalker dude. i wanna know what happened! please update soon before i go insane thinking of scenarios that might happen! lol jk dont rush yourself.
Chapter 13: Welcome back!! :D I really missed your updates and don't worry we totally understand so thank you for coming back! I hope that with the rest you got from AFF, you're all set and excited to write again :)
thebiasedgirl #4
great story
thebiasedgirl #5
great story
Chapter 12: noooooooooooo
update soon please ; u ;
i beg of you
Chapter 12: Ok... fighting ^^. And for chap 11, who is that guy anyway? Why he's like destroying Eunmi's life? Love the update and once again, fighting \(^0^)/
Chapter 11: OMG NAO WHY. u phabo. hes probably some creeper or somehting. and lol, os theyre theory is right. so theres no awkwardness in life. oh well. did u hear about dongho leaving though?/ its kinda sad... like what do i mean kinda. it is sad. heart breaking. um. anyways.. minkis so cute!!!!!!!1
Chapter 10: AJ is my bias in UKISS. I don't like Hoon(no offence). BTW your story is so sweet!!!!Please update soon!!!!