Getting to know HIM

A Gift From Heaven



            I’m Kim Myungsoo. I’m 22 years old. A student in a business school. I would like to have a perfect life, which I’ve never get before. I’m studying at my school just because my father told me to. To be honest my biggest dream is to be a musician, it’ll be better if it’s along with my friends. Yes, friends. I do have some, you may think someone like me won’t have something like that. But somehow I got stuck with them, at least they’re not really annoying, and I can find a piece of happiness with them. We’re from the same school, but different grades. Because of an event, we formed a band group called INFINITE, and we’re still together until now. I’m playing melodic guitar there.

            My father does know about us, but he actually never let me go with them. He said that they’re just common people who got stuck in that school and can do nothing but playing around. He never knew that my leader and maknae got 1st place almost every year. He never wants to know about me neither, I don’t really care, he always like that since forever. If you ask me where my mother is, I don’t know. I don’t wanna know and I don’t care. She left me when I was 6 and never coming back. Why would I care for someone who neglected me?

            I promised myself that someday I will go from this hell and living in my own. That old man is so freakin annoying. Telling me to do this, do that, forbid me to do anything that I want. I can’t see him as a father, AT ALL. He brought girls home and throw them away on the next day. And all he think about is money, I really have no idea how does he run his company. I think I know why did my mother –ehm, that woman ran away from him. And me. Maybe she thinks I’m a burden. Why didn’t she kill me instead?

            Maybe because that woman left me, I can’t get close to girls. Actually a lot of girls like me, because I’m handsome. But I just can’t, I’m afraid I’ll be hurt in the end. Just like when she left me.



Myungsoo reached his alarm clock on the bedside table and shut it off. He squinted his eyes and sat up, yawned slightly. I had a weird dream last night. He was about to get on his feet when a shadow fell over him. “you’re not dreaming~” someone said and giggled softly. Myungsoo looked up to see the girl that he thought came in his dream last night. He sighed and walked pass her towards the bathroom with his sleepy eyes. So it wasn’t a dream,-wait, how did she know… whatever.

Naeun just blinked, staring at the boy who just disappeared by the door. Is he mad because I read his mind?? She thought while tilting her head. Shrugged the thoughts off, she decided to lay down for a while. Just for a while, this bed is so comfy.. Naeun smiled, shifted to a comfortable position and closed her eyes.

Myungsoo came out from the bathroom while drying his wet hair with a towel –fully dressed, kbye-. Looking to the side, he saw the weird girl –he thinks so- earlier laying on his bed. He was about to kick her off his bed but then something odd struck him. What’s this?. He has never saw a girl’s face this up-close. Walked closer to stare at the girl, he dazed, slowly lost in thoughts. Long brown hair, long eyelashes, milky skin, pointy nose, rosy cheeks, cute lips. Does all the angels as pretty as her?

 Myungsoo’s thoughts faded as his mind came back to reality. Naeun was already awake, waving her hands in front of his face. “are you okay?” she asked with concern in her voice. Myungsoo just blinked a few times then walked away, tried to hide his embarassment. “I’m okay, don’t come closer” with that, he grabbed his uniform coat and backpack from the table then stepped out of the room. Naeun just stood there, jaw dropped.  What’s wrong with that guy?! She clawed the thin air angrily. Seconds later she disappeared, leaving a gust of wind with strands of feathers.

The driver just stepped on the gas. Myungsoo quietly sat on the back seat while staring out the window, wondering that he might be crazy that time.


            Feathers flew everywhere. There was a sudden weight on Myungsoo’s side, he looked to the side and found the angel girl. Right beside him. waving at him. “hello again!” she said with a big grin. Wide eyed, Myungsoo unconsciously held his breath. “wha-what are you doing here?”. Naeun just chuckled “following my client of course, what else?” she shifted further from the shocked guy and crossed her arms. Myungsoo just casually fixed his uniform and took a long breath, pretending that nothing happened. He didn’t realize his driver staring at him in confuse.

“I’m sorry for reading your mind this morning, are you angry?” Naeun asked, tried to read Myungsoo’s expression instead of his mind. “so it’s true? You can read minds?” he turned his head, feeling a bit curious. Naeun smiled and nodded her head happily, knowing her partner didn’t mad at her. “yes, but I won’t do that if you don’t want me to”.

“it’s okay though, so I don’t have to talk to you, you’ll understand anyway” Myungsoo looked away, staring at the scenery they passed by. He unintentionally saw Naeun’s pout from the corner of his eyes and smiled to himself. Seeing the whole thing –but without something- from the rearview mirror, the driver felt a bit worry “uhm, young master?” he called.

“yes Mr. Shin?” Myungsoo answered simply. Mr. Shin is his driver since forever and he likes Mr. Shin way more than his own father. Mr. Shin looked at the boy from the mirror, “who are you talking to? Are you talking to me?” he asked with curiousity. Myungsoo tilted his head, confused. He looked at Naeun who just giggled by herself.

 “Sorry, I forgot to say that you’re the only one who can see me..”



Naeun tried to catch up Myungsoo’s steps with all her might. They’re already in the school, but it was still a bit quiet –maybe because they came too early-. “why are you so fast? Can’t you wait for me?? Uh?” she whined, lifting her dress up because it’s a bit too long for her. Acted like she wasn’t there, Myungsoo plugged his earphone on and quickened his pace, leaving the poor angel behind. If I know this place I would have teleported instead of following this ice monsterl! Naeun managed to curse in her head while rushing in angry steps.

Secretly, Myungsoo took glances at her. When she almost tripped over a stone, frowned by herself, and mumbled something he couldn’t hear. Fool.. He thought, somehow he found her amusing. Finally they arrived in front of a big class room with wooden slide door and mid-high clear window. Right above the door, there was a label ‘2-3’. Oh, he’s a sophomore.. Naeun thought, right before Myungsoo –and her- stepped in the classroom. He walked to the back row near the window, threw his bag aside and sat on the chair before spacing out the window. Naeun sat on the chair beside him and do the same thing, spacing out as well. What should I do to help him? I don’t even know his problems..

Resting her chin on her palms, Naeun turned her head towards the guy beside her “why are you looking at the sky?”. Myungsoo didn’t look away, letting his eyes to enjoy the beautiful morning sky scenery, “i just want to” he answered, while something in the past replayed in his head.

“Mom!” a 4-years-old Myungsoo ran towards a beautiful woman who was sitting on a comfortable chair in their backyard. She held the boy in her embrace right when he reached her arms. “what are you doing here mom??” little Myungsoo asked while snuggling to his mother, enjoying the warm breeze in a spring day. “I’m just looking at the sky, honey..” she laughed softly, pinched her pretty son’s nose while he just giggled adorably. Myungsoo tilted his head in curiosity “why mom? What can you see up there?” he frowned, also looked up and wandered his eyes to find something amusing like his mom does.

The woman smiled, looking back at the sky once again. “look up, what do you see there?”

Myungsoo followed her gaze immediately. “hm, I don’t see anything.. Oh- wait! There’s an eager!!”

“eagle honey..” the woman chuckled at her son’s cuteness. “right! Eagle..”

“ah, are those ants mom? Ants can fly too?”

“no, honey, those are birds.. they’re going in a tribe..”

“whoaaa, mom look! there are so many colors! That’s yellow, that’s orange, that’s red” Myungsoo pointed to the evening sky, then pointed at the opposite side “and this part is blue. Wait is it blue mom?”

“yes you’re so smart..” the woman smiled proudly. The sun prepared to set that time. The woman stood up, picking her son in her arms “right, that’s why I love staring at the sky.. when you’re sad, you can look up the sky and you won’t be sad anymore.. sometimes I always think, maybe there are angels watching over us up there..”

Myungsoo stared at his mom with confuse “angels? What’s angels?”

“Angels were humans, they have wings on their back, beautiful, and very kind.. maybe your grandparents are being angels too” Myungsoo looked to his mom’s glittering eyes. He was so happy to be with her, and so was her. “ let’s go in, you need a bath.. smelly” The woman chuckled, earned a light hit on her shoulder. “I’m not smelly mom” the boy whined, but seconds later he laughed together with his precious mom.


Back to reality.


Naeun could see the whole story replayed in Myungsoo’s head. He thought about his mother. Didn’t want to bother his flashback time, Naeun went out from the classroom and watched him from outside –from the top of a tree to be exact-. For the rest of the day, Naeun followed Myungsoo everywhere, being invisible all the time because she didn’t want to bother him.

For Myungsoo, he had no idea where Naeun was. He did looking for her, somehow in his own way. A bit flustered why she disappeared all of a sudden. As the time passed by, the school already dismissed. Every students have their own activities after school, like clubbing maybe?

Myungsoo threw his backpack to his back and walked out the class. Naeun followed him quietly, wondering why he –somehow- walking with light steps, almost looked like he’s excited about something. Turned left in the end of the hall, Myungsoo opened a door which lead him to a room that looked like a music studio.

“Myungsoo-yah!” someone shouted at the boy who just came in the room and gave him a bear hug. “yah Lee Sungyeol, don’t touch me” Myungsoo warned the taller guy, and and pushed him aside. The Sungyeol guy held his arms, pretended to be hurt “oww, I just missed you okay? but just kidding! Let’s go play something!” his expression changed drastically to a happy one, he skipped towards his drums and started to make some noises excitedly. This guy can be a good actor maybe.

“ewww Yeol stop that.. here you go again acting like a gay” a guy with sharp eyes and furrowed eyebrows blurted, darted his eyes in disgust. He has a fierce look but who knows he acts like a baby sometimes. “said the one who hugging our maknae all the time, shut up Hoya~” Sungyeol scoffed, grabbed his orange juice from the nearest table and drank it. Hoya lifted his muscled arm, pretend to hit Sungyeol, “whatever!”.

 “stop fighting, hyungs” a guy who sat behind his keyboard chuckled. He looks pretty, even prettier than most of girls. “you’re always fight each other.. let’s just hug instead!” he exclaimed while clasping his hands together. His big grin disappeared in a flash when Hoya and Sungyeol shot him a deathly glare. “okay, sorry” he said while chuckling.

“let them be Sungjong-ah..” another guy said calmly, snatched Sungyeol’s juice and finished it in a blink. “yah! That’s mine, Dongwoo-hyung!”, Dongwoo just chuckled adorably seeing the younger guy’s disappointed face. Sungyeol was about to punch him in the face when another figures stepped in “Sorry I’m late guys~ who misses me?” the greasy looking one said, earned a smack on his head from the guy beside him later on. “oww, why are you so harsh to me sunggyu hyung?”. “Don’t talk like that to guys Nam Woohyun, or I’ll have you get married with one. And yeol stop being a kid, you all can go back to your place.. I have a new song for us to play” The kids –including Myungsoo- listened to his words, there’s a clear fact that Sunggyu is their leader.

In a minutes they were already lost in their own world, enjoying the moments with all their mights. Sometimes they would laugh, or pick an easy fight with each other. Naeun was there the whole time, sitting on a sound system, getting to know his client’s friends that she thought adorable to see. She joined their laughs and giggles, until something odd caught her eyes. A smile plastered on Myungsoo’s face. He smiled..She saw how his lips curved, a cute dimple formed on his right cheek, and his eyes twinkled. You look better if you smile.. Naeun thought, she sincerely smiled at the sight.


Myungsoo came home later than usual. Maybe it was around 10 pm, but it’s not the first time, he often like this if he played with his bandmate. He got out from the car and greeted Mr. Shin a goodnight. As he opened the front door, Mr. Kim’s pissed face welcomed him. “where were you?”

Myungsoo just looked away, not wanting to see his father at all.He just scratched his head in annoyance and put his hands on his pockets. Not getting the answer from his son, Mr. Kim got angrier, he already know the reason why and it couldn’t help to cease his anger. “playing with those punks again huh?” He said while gritting his teeth. “I told you not to go with them! Did you hear me?! I told you to stay away from them!”.

“They’re my friends! At least they’re better than you!” Myungsoo finally spoke, he can’t lose this time, not for all this time.




            Myungsoo smirked in irritance, what now? I just got slapped by my own father? He ran upstairs, leaving his father alone. “You’ll regret it if you don’t listen to me!!” He heard his father yelled from downstairs. Myungsoo just shrugged it off, went to his room and locked it. He felt his cheek burning, and also his heart, it was hurt.. He sighed and turned around, a bit shocked because Naeun was already there, looking at him with concerned face. She walked towards him and saw the red mark on his right cheek. “Are you okay?” Myungsoo just stood still, he felt weird because her presence didn’t bother him that time. A small hand suddenly touched his cheek, and with that his pain disappeared. He came back to his sense and saw Naeun smiled at him. “Feeling better?”

“I’ll try my best to help you no matter what happen, and I hope you can trust me because–”


“Thank you”




After a century~~~ finally i'm able to post another chap TT_____TT

i'm sorry for my moodswing but i promise i'll finish this one..

please bear with me~ ^~^


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Ishhhc #1
Chapter 2: Pls update..
Chapter 2: update soon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
TiaDaniela #3
Chapter 2: maigaaaawd. update soon!
Angelira22 #4
Chapter 2: I like it :'3 update soon authornim ♥
this is so cute! update soon author-nim ^^