An Angel Without Wings..... Yet

A Gift From Heaven





“Appa!! Appa, don’t do this.. please..”  I couldn’t hold my tears which was threatening to fall when I saw my father aiming a knife to his own throat. “DON’T COME ANY CLOSER OR I’LL HURT YOU!! GO AWAY!!!” He screamed while swaying the knife left and right, here, in our own warm living room. His eyes were filled with anger, disappointment, and sadness. I could see some part of his shirt were already torn off. He’s broken, he’s trying to kill himself. He doesn’t know if it’s hurt me too.

“yeobo, let’s talk about this.. don’t do anything stupid.. okay?” with her trembling voice, my mother stepped closer tried to calm him down, but appa just stared at her in anger. “Talk about what?! My life is over now!! Go away!!!” he swayed the knife to prevent my mother come any closer. Her eyes were b with tears, I know that she feels hurt also.


But then.. accidentally, he slashed her wrist. My eyes widened, did appa just hurted my umma?

I ran to my mother’s side, who was holding her bleeding wrist. “umma!! Are you alright???” I stared at my father in disbelief. This is too much. I saw my mother just keeping her head low, sobbing quietly. I walked towards my father, but my brother held me back.

“let me go oppa!!” I struggled, but Dongwoon oppa kept holding me tight. “calm down, Naeun-ah.. you’ll get hurt.. stay here..”


Then, Dongwoon oppa carefully came closer to my father. “Appa, give me the knife.. now”

“NO!! Go away, Dongwoon!! You can’t stop me!” my father’s eyes widened, tears falling from his eyes. This is the first time I see my father like this, his eyes were full of anger, his body trembled, and his voice, cold and harsh. Where’s my appa? My tears fell harder while remembering how sweet and kind he was before.

Umma hugged me, she cried so hard. I just her back, holding my tears to fall any harder.

“LET ME DIE!” My father suddenly aimed the knife to his chest. “NO!!” Dongwoon oppa quickly approached him and tried to snatch the knife from his hand. But it just started another problem. “Son Dongwoon.. Get. Away. From. Me” they kept snatching the knife from each other. I was afraid, what if they get hurt?

“Appa! please stop, please.”

“LET GO!!”

“No way! Get hold of yourself appa!” Dongwoon oppa still tried to throw the knife away.

“ARGH!” my father pushed him backwards, causing my oppa to fell on the hard floor. Dongwoon oppa stared at the knife in my father’s hand which was aimed at him, he quickly got up and run to snatch it.

“Dongwoon oppa stop!!”


Unconscioulsy I ran towards them. Little did I know, a sharp pain attacked my body.  The time slowed down. I looked beneath just to find my self stabbed right on my stomach. I couldn’t tell what happened but I was in Dongwoon oppa’s arms. “Naeun-ah..” he whispered. He held my wound which was couldn’t stop bleeding, causing his hand smeared with my blood. His tears flowing swiftly.




I heard something fell. My father finally dropped the knife, he just realized what happened and ran to my side. “Naeun-ah mianhae! Jeongmal mianhae!” he looked at me softly with his teary eyes. There, my appa is back.

I want to hug him, but I can’t.. it hurts a lot and I felt numb. So I just shook my head. “don’t kill yourself, a-appa..” I forced a smile and held his hand. But then I heard my mother’s soothing voice.

“Naeun-ah hold on.. I called an ambulance.. stay with us, okay?” I can tell she’s sobbing hard from the way she’s talking.

I stared at my family, Appa, Umma, and Dongwoon oppa. To be honest I couldn’t see them clearly because my vision blurred with tears. I knew I can’t stay. I want to, but I couldn’t.. I want to be there when they need me, go for a family trip like we always do, and living a happy life.

I’m sorry.. my tears flowing out from the corner of my eyes. My vision darkened and I can barely hear anymore. “please, be happy..” I closed my tired eyes. I could hear they were calling for me, sirene sound from ambulance, and some voices who kept telling me to stay. I couldn’t do anything, I gave up everything. And with that, my world faded.




Naeun was staring at the sky from her window. There’s nothing at the sky, she just couldn’t forget her past, the time when she separated from her family. She missed them so much. She thinks maybe it would be better if she can’t remember things about her past instead.


“Naeun-ah!!” suddenly someone popped out of no where, made her flinched.

“aish! Unnie, you scared me! I think I’ll die for the second time by a heart attack you know” Naeun said while holding her chest. The older girl just giggled softly , “sorry I didn’t meant to..”

Naeun continued her ‘staring-at-the-sky time’ while holding her chin in her palms. Why does the sky is so cloudy today?

“uhm.. are you remembering about your past again?”

Naeun just nodded. “I really miss them.. Chorong-unnie” she know she can’t hide her feelings from anyone. Chorong smiled and patted her back, “cheer up! You know we’ll go to the earth soon right?”

 “right..” Naeun smiled. This friend of her does know how to cheer her up, anytime she needs.

“then stop staring at a pretty girl like me..” Chorong said in a seducing tone while nudging her bestfriend.

“I’m not staring at you! You’re not sky are you?” Naeun laughed. Chorong followed her and they laughed together.






Annyeonghaseyo, My name is Son Naeun. you can call me Naeun, Eunnie, or whatever you want. I was a student from a music school and my HUGE hobby is playing my guitar. My father is a well known song composer in Korean music industry, and my mother was a solo singer. We’re musician family, eh?

Oh, don’t forget this person.. my only-one-in-the-world-super-handsome sibling, Dongwoon oppa. He’s just 3 years older than me. Don’t you know him? People said that he’s a talented singer. Well I don’t think so because he’s so annoying. But still.. I love him so much! Yeah, although he often annoys me with his pranks.. err.

I am 18 years old and that wouldn’t change forever. Guess why? Because I’m dead. So yeah, I died already. But I’m not a ghost! I’m too beautiful  to be one LOL. Okay, forget that one.

As you know, I died when I tried to save Dongwoon oppa and Appa from his beautiful stupid act. I accidentally twisted the knife to my own stomach. You must be wondering why did my Appa suddenly acting like that right?

Right before, my family were happy with our life. Until one day, my Appa got suspected in a huge plagiarism issue and his career shattered. He got fired from his company and nobody wants him anymore. For him, composing songs is everything. I know he wouldn’t do something nasty like that, so I’m sure there’s someone who envy him and trapped him. Yeah, because of that, my beloved appa wants to kill himself. Stupid, I think.

Ah stop it! I don’t want to talk about that anymore. I missed my family soooo much. I really want to know, how are they doing now. Are they living happily? Until now I don’t know anything about them. Because I can’t go there, to the earth.

Okay, actually, where am I now? This place is somewhere in heaven that called ‘White Wings Angels Academy’. Yep that’s right! I’m in a school for angels. I didn’t really know how did I get here. But as I could remember, when I opened my eyes about 6 heaven-years ago *about 2 years on earth*, a tall handsome man stood in front of me and he led me to this place. I admit, this place is AWESOME! I have my own room, a super nice sky to look at, good-looking angels everywhere, and the most important thing, a lot of foods! Believe me, you wouldn’t ever imagine them. Do you know, angels are eat too, if they aren’t, then where could they get their energy from? Angels use their energy mostly to fly, for those who have wings already. And for some magics, angels can do something that human don’t, like telekinesis and teleportation. Each one of angels have their own abilities. For me, I have mind-reading ability. Nice enough, isn’t it?

Angels couldn’t die, but they have 2 possibilities in their life. First, reincarnating as a human and come back to earth, or second, vanishing to the black gate. The only one black thing in heaven. If they’re doing good as an angel, they can choose to stay as an angel or go back to earth as another human. But, if they failed or broke angel’s rules, they will be vanished. To nowhere, and nothing. That’s the most scary thing I can think about.

In this place, I met some friend. The closest one is Chorong-unnie. She was 19 when she died in a car accident with her boyfriend. It’s sad right? But she’s really matured and cheerful, she’s the one who always cheering me up when I missed my family. Wait, I haven’t even had a boyfriend… what a life~ poor me, I died without love experience~ ugh! STOP.

In a moment, there will be a final exam for the last grade angels like me and Chorong-unnie. You know what?? I skipped a grade because I’m a genius mwahahaha.

Well, What’s the exam for? Of course for getting our wings and finally be a real angel and do angel’s job. What’s an angel’s job? They’re protects good humans from bad luck, evil thoughts and keeping their hopes up. So cool right??

Those ones who failed in this exam will go back to the very first grade and starts everything from the beginning… terrible. And about this exam, we will have a ‘client’ who had problems in their life and help them to solve their problems. Okay, I think that’s enough.. I’m getting dizzy here~ see you later




“I’m sure that all of you already know this, we will have a final exam to graduate from White Wings Academy. This exam related to humans, and you should follow the rules, get it?” Leeteuk seonsaengnim –the headmaster of the school- started to explain about the final exam for the angels-wannabe in White Wings Angel Academy. Everyone adore him, the most angelic angel in heaven. If that’s possible. The students listened to him carefully while he reads the rules.

“so, everyone.. this is the rules..”


1.    Do not get involved to the other human’s life except for your own client.

2.    Do not let other people know about your presence but your client.

3.    Do not use your powers for unnecessary things.

4.    The determined time for this exam is 30 days. You should get back in time.


“I hope you will do well” Leeteuk showed his trademark eyesmile, making the girls swoon over him eventhough they’re almost a century apart –they doesn’t get older anyway-. And then he added, “If you can’t pass the exam, you can’t obtain your wings and you have to repeat the lesson from the start.”

“and If you break the rules more than 3 times, you’ll be vanished.” Everyone shuddered. Who wants to be vanished? No one. “and the most important thing, do NOT fall in love with your client”.

Right when Leeteuk finished reading the rules, each one the students got a cloud-pad *what is this? -.-* which just popped out of no where for communication needs and also contained their client’s information. Naeun stared at her c-pad *seriously what is this? -.-* in her hands. The shape isn’t that odd, it just have a softer material and 2 little wings on the back side.

Slowly she unlocked it, there, she saw a folder labeled ‘Son Naeun – ASN 2384716’ and opened it. There’s a photo of a handsome guy with sharp eyes and perfect facial features, but something feels different. She couldn’t tell what that was.

She scrolled down to read his information.


Name             : Kim Myungsoo

Age/DOB       : 22 years old. March 13th, 1992

Occupation    : Bussiness management school student

Hobby            : Playing instruments


Father             : Kim Byungman *sorry.. sorry /bow/*

Occupation    : Enterpreneur


Mother            : Kim Yura

Occupation    : Restaurant owner


Status             : Divorced


            Naeun frowned at the word ‘divorced’. There must be something wrong about this. She just shrugged it off and locked her c-pad. I hope he’s nice.. well, maybe we share the same hobby. She smiled to herself.




“welcome home, young master” a few maids welcomed their master’s only son who just came back from his school later than usual. “the dinner is rea—”

“I’m not hungry” the boy cut the head maid’s words without looking at her. He walked straight to his room in the 2nd floor. The maid just sighed, it’s okay, she got used to his behavior who always been like that anyway. She looked back to see the other maids whispering something to each other. “what are you doing? Go back to work”.


Myungsoo loosened his tie and took off his coat. It was Monday and he had an extra class earlier. His head was so heavy, maybe because the lesson drained his mind. Why do I have to learn something I don’t like? He always think that way. But he had no choice, maybe everyone does the same. He looked at the window, the sun bid it’s farewell for today.

Sitting down at the corner of his bed, something caught his eyes. On the bedside table, there was a photo with a beautiful silver frame. Myungsoo stepped closer to take a better view of that picture. He stared at a woman and a little boy on her embrace, they looked so happy in there. His gaze softened, but then a pang of feeling hit him.

Thump. He flipped the frame down, didn’t bother to look at the picture anymore.


Knock knock.


Someone knocked the door, “young master, our master is waiting for you to have dinner together”.

Myungsoo turned his head and walked to the door, opened it. “I said I’m not hungry. Did you hear me?” he was about to close the door but then the maid quickly added, “but young master, he said he want to talk to you”.

Myungsoo just sighed and hurried to the dinning room. The maid bowed to him but she guess he wouldn’t see her so she walked away.

There, in the same chair as usual, Mr. Kim was eating his dinner quietly. He looked up to see his only son. “Myungsoo-ah, sit down” he said coldly, looked back to his half-eaten food. “you remember what I said last year right? You must study hard and inherit my company.. I have received your report this cemetery and I should say I am disappointed.”

Myungsoo sat down across his father’s seat, not so far but enough to hear him clearly. He hate it when his father talking about this thing, company, business, good report mark, what is he? A robot to use for?

“you know someday you’ll inherit my company.. you are my only son, and I want you to do well in your school, because—”

“Abeoji..” for the first time in his life, Myungsoo cut her father’s word. Mr. Kim stared at his son in curiosity.

“I don’t want to..”

“what did you say?” Mr. Kim stopped eating and dropped his utensils. The tension between them heated up. Myungsoo has been always be a well-listener boy in front of him. The truth is, Myungsoo kept all the problems to himself, because he knew no one will listen to him even he begged. All his father can think was just company, money, and girls. He couldn’t even count how many girls his father have been with.

“I said I don’t want to, I want to be a musician instead” a maid served the dinner in front of Myungsoo, but he didn’t bother to look at it. He stared directly to an old man in front of him.

“see? Those badass just give you bad influence. Stay away from them” Mr. Kim said coldly, before continued his unfinished dinner. Myungsoo clenched his fist at the statement, “they’re not bad , they’re my friends”.

“just do what i said or i’ll get rid of your friends and your instruments” with that, Mr. Kim left the table and went to his room. Myungsoo just stared at his hands. Why?!. He punched the table and went to his room angrily, left the maids frightened.







“oww seriously, they’re really harsh! How can they threw me down like that?!” Naeun cried, she landed on her once she arrived. She got up and dusted her white long dress. “wait..” she looked around and a smile crept up her face.

“I’m arrived! Hwaiting!” she pumped her fist in joy. This is the first time she go to the earth since she died years ago. Something caught her eyes, a white bed with black wooden ornament. She soothed the bed cover “I miss my old bed..” she looked around once again and realized something. “omo, this room is huuuge!” she unconsciously said it out loud, then suddenly covered . Isn’t there someone here? She thought while warily looked side to side.

The room was really huge, maybe it’s possible to hold a birthday party here. The wall covered with pastel blue wallpaper, just like staring at the sky. The floor looked like it’s made from gray granite or something, and beside that, most of things in this room are black or white colored.


Suddenly the door opened harshly, a guy with pitch black hair came inside with furry and threw himself on the bed while closing his face with his palm. He punched the bed hard, making it wobbled a bit. Naeun stepped back and stared at him in confuse, who is he? She thought. She walked closer and bent down to watch him closely. Is he Kim Myungsoo?

Myungsoo opened his face and a girl’s face appeared in front of him. It needed some time for him to react. He jumped out of the bed in shock and pointed at Naeun’s face “who are you??”.

She just blinked and then smiled “Hello! I’m Son Naeun, an angel-wanna-be..” she held out her hand. “are you Kim Myungsoo?”

“You what?!?!” Myungsoo’s eyes widened a bit. Naeun thought it’s pretty adorable so she giggled softly. “angel-wanna-be, errr are you deaf?” she asked jokingly.

“don’t lie, there’s no angel in this world. If you want money I can give you so go away” Myungsoo grabbed her arm and tried drag her out of his room. “what?! I’m not lying! Don’t do this, wait wait!” Naeun struggled and punched his arm continuously. This guy is so harsh, is this how he treats a girl?!

She managed to release her arm from Myungsoo’s grip, making him staring at her in anger. “what do you want? I’ll give you whatever is it, so just go *wooo~ pabo cheoroom niga mideoseulkka~ /bricked/*” he face palmed. Naeun just shook her head in disagreement, “I don’t want anything from you, I’ll help you.. I’m an angel and I will—”

“eventhough I don’t believe in angel, I think they have wings. And you’re not. Don’t talk nonsense” Myungsoo walked past her and crossed his arms. “shoo~ shoo~ I don’t need your help”.

Naeun clasped her hands and went in front of the guy. “please trust me! I have to help you in your life so I can get my wings” she said with pleading eyes. Myungsoo rolled his eyes, annoyed. He haven’t been interacted well with girls. And here, a girl just popped out of nowhere and said that she’s an angel. He thought this is nonsense. “prove me”. He said while looking at her.

Naeun smiled at his words, “fine..”. She held out her hands and a c-pad appeared. Myungsoo just frowned, what the hell? He thought. Naeun searched for something and smiled in content when she found it. “see this, this is my profile” she handed the c-pad to Myungsoo’s hand.

Myungsoo looked at the add thing on his hand. This looked normal, beside the wings on the back and soft texture. He looked at the file and almost bursted out laughing when he saw that, thanks to his poker face he can stay straight-faced. What the hell is this profile???


Name             : Son Naeun

DOB/DOD     : February 10th, 1994 / March 13th, 2011

Ability             : Mind-reading

School            : White Wings Angel Academy

Grade             : 6

Status             : Active student

Class              : Skyland


“believe me now?” Naeun pointed at him. He handed the c-pad back to Naeun and sat on the sofa in front of his bed. “from now on, I’m your angel” Naeun smiled brightly.

“nah, do whatever you want, I don’t care”

Naeun widened her eyes at his word. Aish this guy!




This is the first chapter ^~^ hope everyone who read this will like it ;__;

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Ishhhc #1
Chapter 2: Pls update..
Chapter 2: update soon pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee
TiaDaniela #3
Chapter 2: maigaaaawd. update soon!
Angelira22 #4
Chapter 2: I like it :'3 update soon authornim ♥
this is so cute! update soon author-nim ^^