Reasons Why You Shouldn't Carelessly Take Someone Back...


This story is a real life situation and I, was the character of Taeyeon but I've added the boys into it, hope ou enjoy it :)


Once upon a time there was three 9 years old girls called Taeyeon, Yoona and Jessica, that was as close as sisters even though they were just classmates. They always go to swimming and spent all their spare time together. They couldn't get any closer than that. But suddenly, Jessica has found that this cannot carry on like this, they can't always stick together as a three. So she decided to talk to Taeyeon herself without Yoona's presence and said to Taeyeon 'Get lost, stay away from Yoona. Best friends are only for two.' and walked off leaving Taeyeon confused and upset wondering why Jessica has said that, as she thought deeply about how they were 'Best Friends Forever' and how much happy times they have spent together. 'How can she do this to us? She's supposed to be my best friend, supposed to...' Tears started to pour from her eyes like a waterfall. Yoona  walks by and sees Taeyeon in such a state...

 [Ahhh what's gonna happen next?]


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