
Flying High

He could literally hear the wedding bells chiming.


The place was scattered with white lily petals, fragrancing the summer air with their perfume. The cherry blossoms which were on both sides of the aisle provided a stark contrast against the lilies. The sky was a deep blue; the sun was on the brink of sinking down the horizon. The twinkle lights which laced through the cherry blossom trees lit the place up as if stars themselves were igniting the place with their light.


The chairs were white wood; engraved with different patterns and swirls which differed from the person's personality. Several of their friends and family were already seated, chatting across the aisle as if they were from one big family. They were all eagerly waiting for the ceremony to commence.


Seungho waited nervously at the altar, his hands becoming clammy. He felt as if he was suffocating inside his tuxedo. His family smiled encouragingly at him to ease his nerves. He remembered what his father had said when he was getting ready.


''You'll feel like as if you're caged inside first but when you see her... it's like all those nerves go away instantly and all you can think about is how she's going to be all yours in a few minutes.''


Seungho smiled at the thought of her. However, before he could picture her face to soothe his nerves, the wedding march began, the audience stood up and a priest appeared out of nowhere.


All the excited chatter receded and everyone's eyes were on the small doorway which led to the altar.


Suddenly, Seungho's heartbeat quickened and all his calm thoughts vanished from his mind.


What if she doesn't show up?


What if she has another lover?


What if he's left at the altar, alone?


The bridesmaids and groomsmen walked down the aisle first and was immediately followed after by his father and her.


She looked absolutely breathtaking. The stapless dress fit around her haourglass figure perfectly and dissolved in to a small train of ruffles starting from her knees. Her hair was pulled to one side so that it curled up to her elbow. Upon a closer look, he realized that her hair was held back by his late mother's favourite turquoise hair clips.


No wonder his father had a smile plastered al over his face.


SHe walked gracefully, one of her hands clasped in his father's, the other holding a small arrangement of lilies. When she reached the altar, she hugged his father warmly and handed the bouquet to him much to his amusement. She then turned those chocolate brown eyes of hers toward Seungho, her face breaking in to the most beautiful smile Seungho had ever seen her in.


She stood up on her tiptoes and whispered, ''I told you I wouldn't run~''


Seungho's face broke in to the biggest grin ever.


''I'm glad.'', he murmured, taking her hand, kissing her knuckles and turning toward the priest. Everyone sat down and Seungho could feel everyone's eyes on them. Her hand tightened around his and he ran his thumb over her knuckles, feeling as nervous as she was.


''We have gathered here to join Yang Seungho and Im Yuni together in holy matrimony.'', the priest began and, as if on cue, he zoned out; his eyes focused on the flowers behind the priest before his head turned and rested on Yuni's beautiful face. She was alert as ever, her eyes focused and clear.


When they came to the part where they had to exchange vows, he began first, his words visibly calming her down. Seungho remembered that she had problems memorizing things and wondered how she was going to say her vows.


He started chuckling when he saw her scribbled handwriting on the menu card of their favourite cafe.


''I promise to love you, and only you. To speak when words are needed. To care for you when you're injured.... To disagree on sharing red velvet cake~'', she paused there to cover her face with the menu card, much to Seungho's amusement.


Her vows continued much in the same manner. They exchanged rings soon after and both of them fidgeted nervously for the final part.


''By the power vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. Seungho, you may kiss your bride.''


His heart leaped in to his throat and he wrapped his arms around her slender waist before, hesitantly, lowering his lips down on hers.


The kiss was brief and the audience erupted in to applause immediately. They pulled back, faces flushed, their arms wrapped around each other tightly.


Yuni turned to him and grasped his hand in hers. Before Seungho could lead his bride down the aisle, he was distracted by her voice calling his name.


''...-ho? Seungho? Oppa?''


He snapped out of his daze and found himself staring at none other than Im Yuni herself, the girl he had been crushing on for two years. He had finally mustered all the courage to ask her on a date on Halloween and he was daydreaming of their wedding already.


Real smooth, Yang Seungho. You're disgracing the goddamn family honour.


''I'm sorry. I was...uh...daydreaming.'', he confessed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. She smiled and brushed his slight bangs away from his forehead.


Holy , that was our first skinship!


His face flushed and he kept touching the spot on his forehead self-consciously. Regaining his composure and remembering some of the few pick-up lines Joon had taught him, he used one on her.


Much to her amusement, the pick-up lines were seriously corny and he escorted her out of her own yard before mustering all his willpower and grasping her hand in his.


'' called me Oppa?''


how'd you liek it? C: yes, yuni's vows are somewhat copied from 'The Vow'.

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yangseunghoppa:  His smile once again. :)

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awwww i wanna read this! update sooooooooon! <3