Lying Away From You

Fallen Blossoms

 “Channie hyung stay a bit longer please.”

“Yeah, hyung, please!!!” Himchan chuckled at his cute dongsaengs who were shooting puppy dog looks at him, trying to convince him to stay as he began picking up his belongings. Shaking his head he replied with a soft no before shrugging his jacket on. Even though it was spring the weather in the afternoon was chilly. Ahh when is this stupid weather going to warm up! I’m tired of wearing my coat, I want show off my buff arms. Himchan whined in his head as he waved a small goodbye to the group of guys who were sitting around the café table.

“Sorry guys but I have a date with Hana tonight.” Himchans’ smile reached each corner of his ears, threatening to rip his face in half. The thought of seeing his beautiful girlfriends face made his heart beat turn erratic and his face flush. It’s been nearly a month since the love birds had seen each other. Hana being busy with school, and Himchan taking care of his small business that opened a few months back.  The guys groaned in defeat clearly knowing they couldn’t win against their best friends girlfriend.

“Yah, guys why’re you sulking?” Yongguk, who had been quiet since they had all arrived at the café, spoke up raising an eyebrow in the process. “It’s not like we won’t see him ever again, besides its his birthday, its only logical he’d like to spend it with special girl.”

“Yongguk hyung, why do you have to be on his side!!!” The two elder laughed watching the younger boys whine and pout.

“Maybe because I’m in love with him.” Yongguk joked, earning him a punch in the arm from Himchan as he also laughed at his friends joke while the others sat with wide eyes and gaping mouths.

“How could you hyung! I thought you only loved me!” Whine Junhong, the youngest of the group as he pouted cutely at his hyung. The others groaned seeing Junhongs’ disgustingly cute aegyo. Himchan used this as his chance to escape. Shouting a quick goodbye he ran out the door and into his car. Once his seatbelt was on, he roared the engine to life and pulled out of the parking lot.

         “Steak and potatoes is so cliché…” Himchan mumbled as he walked around the market thinking of what to cook for tonight. Even though it was his special day, he wanted to surprise the love of his life. Tonight, he planned on proposing to Hana, and he wanted it to be special. Instead of going to an expensive restaurant like they usually did, Himchan decided to cook for her, after they ate dinner he would take her to the location of their first date. Once there, he would take out the small scarlet velvet box that held an exquisite ring inside; it was one of a kind since he himself had designed it. Not being able to contain his smile he headed over to the vegetable section, picking out the freshest of the ingredients. He walked around the market a few more times before finally deciding on the dish he was going to prepare, getting all the ingredients needed, Himchan headed towards the register to pay for everything. After paying for the stuff he once again headed towards his car. When he arrived home he giddily began cooking, two hours later everything was finished, the food smelled as wonderful as it looked. It was a piece of cake to cook, with the exception of the fire alarm going off once or twice, of course.

           After checking his watch, Himchan cursed under his breath realizing the time. He sprinted to the shower, throwing his clothes to the floor on his hectic run. Without waiting for the water to warm he jumped in the shower, shivering slightly as the freezing water hit his warm body. After shampooing his hair, and scrubbing his body thoroughly, said man wrapped a towel around his waist before standing in front of the mirror, he inspected his whole face frowning a bit at the reflection that stared back at him.

“I guess I should shave again…” He remarked as he turned his chin side to side. “…but I just shaved this morning and there’s no sight of any stubble yet.” Sighing shortly he grabbed the razor and expertly began going over his face, satisfied with how it looked, he dabbed some aftershave and grinned winking at his reflection. “Looking good, Himchan.” Chuckling he walked out of the bathroom towards his closet, picking out a pair of black skinny’s, with a very light pink, nearly white, dress shirt. After pulling the clothes on, he rolled the sleeves up a bit, giving him a chicer look, the man snapped on a white gold watch that glinted in the light, the black Versace shoes that had been sitting in the back of his closet, were now on his feet, his usual well kept hair was now mused in a slightly messy tousled manner, his fringe barely coming down to his eyes. His plump lips gleamed as he them nervously; he checked his phone in case Hana had called to alert him of her arrival, but nothing. Empty. The screen blinked at him, the brightness casting a shadow across his face. He shrugged thinking she was still probably getting ready as he set the phone down and reached for his favorite cologne, spraying a bit to his wrists and neck before putting it away.

           The table had already been set him earlier, decorating it with two candles in the middle. The shiny silverware glinted under the dim lighting, casting shadows on the white plates. He sat on one the empty chairs and pulled out his phone once again, this time he dialed the girls number, after waiting for a minute he was sent to voicemail. He hung up and called again, ending up with the same result, Himchan tried for the third time, hoping for her to pick up, but no such luck. You’ve reached Jang Hanas’ voicemail, sorry I couldn’t answer your call, please leave your name and number and I’ll get back to ya shortly, bye~. Beeeeep. The  machine waited for a response.

Himchan sighed to himself before speaking. “Hey baby, I’m waiting for you at my place, call me back as soon as you get this message, bye.” He sighed and set his phone down, running through th worst case scenarios, but laughed it off as her being occupied with getting ready or maybe being stuck in traffic. “Yeah, that’s probably it.” He said to the empty room. After a half hour had passed he checked his watch and frowned. What if something really did happen to her? Dialing the previous number once again he waited and waited until he reached machines monotone voice. “Baby, are you okay? I wasn’t supposed to pick you up, right? I’m sorry if I was, give me a call back and I’ll be right over, arasso? I love you…” He whispered before hanging up. He looked up at the clocked on the wall; it’s been over an hour now. Sensing something wasn’t right he decided to call once again. “Hana, is everything alright? Please call me back, as soon as you get this message, I’m worried about you baby.” Hanging up, he clicked on the message icon of his phone and started a new text.

To: Honey

Baby, are you okay? Nothing happened to you, right? I cooked dinner for us, so please come quickly. I have a surprise for you. Reply me so I know that you’re okay, I love you. <3

Himchan sighed as he sent the message. The clock ticked at an agonizingly slow pace. Himchan was now walking back forth in front of the elegantly set table. He heard the phone vibrate on the glass and he dashed towards it like a mad man, sitting on the chair he slid the unlock icon across the screen, he clicked on the new message notification and fought back the pain that shot through his body,  the phone slipped from his hands, dropping to the floor with a thud. His face was pale, the pain on his face couldn’t compare to the pain he felt in his heart.

From: Honey

Let’s break up Himchan. I met someone better, we’ve actually been together for some time now, sorry for leading you on. I’ll stop by tomorrow to drop off your spare key, and the keys to the brand new car you gave me. Thanks for everything.

       The phone blindly stared up at him as he slumped in his chair. It vibrated once again, Himchan was quick to retrieve it in hopes of his beloved playing a cruel joke on him.

From: Honey

Oh, happy birthday by the way.

His heart dropped as a tear ran down his cheek. This couldn’t be happening, this must some cruel, twisted joke her and the guys were playing on him so they could surprise him later. He waited and waited for another text, or a call, from her or the guys but nothing came. Wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, he hardened his once soft and caring features. His eyes now cold and void of any feelings, his once smiling lips, now sat in a straight line as his brows furrowed.

            “Yeah, happy birthday to me…” Himchan muttered as he harshly blew out the two candles in the center. The room was now dark, like his heart. He didn’t feel the need to throw a tantrum and wreck everything in sight, he simply stood up and headed towards the door of his apartment. Blindly he walked down the busy street, not bothering to stop and apologize to the people he bumped into. He had just crossed the street and was in the middle of the busy night street of Hongdae. Walking past people he made his way to the old closed theater. He stood outside staring up at the sign. Closed For Renovations. He didn’t care and pulled open the door. It was dark and empty, nobody was allowed in there unless they were staff, but Himchan being close friends with the director of the renovation crew was allowed acess to the place just for this night after explaining his plans to his friend. He walked up to the stage and ran his hand across the rundown floor before sitting on the front seat. He stared up at the stage and a small smile plastered on his face as memories came crashing back at him.

       This is where they first met, she was the main character in the play that night. Her acting had impressed him beyond words, her voice was beautiful, and the passion she put into her role had him mesmerized and wanting more. After the performance he had gathered up all his courage and gone backstage to find her. There she was, still in her acting attire, but beautiful nonetheless. He approached her and tapped her shoulder; she turned to him and gave him her most radiant smile. It was love at first sight. A few weeks passed and they had hit it off well, two months later they had started dating and became an official couple,  a year later and they were still together. He supported her acting, and encouraged as she continued acting school. A year and three months into their relationship she had to move overseas for a while due to her career. They stayed together through a long distance relationship until she came back. Himchan had started his dream business of a photography/art shop. She wasn’t as supportive as he was towards her drams but and goals, but he waved it off, only caring for her happiness. As the weeks passed by they saw each other less and less. She feigning being tired, or having to practice late at night with her acting crew; he’d offered to visit her but she’d always say no. He didn’t mind, he knew she needed to do this on her own. A few weeks more and they lost contact for two months straight, until he confronted her, once again she faked being busy about practicing for the new play coming up. And now, and now she betrayed him this way. Himchan growled in frustration. He was angry, no he was furious. Not at her, but at himself for being so stupid. He gave her everything, sacrificed things for her. And this is how she repaid him.

“So this is how it ends for us Hana. I don’t plan on keeping memories of us.” He stood up and reached into his pocket for the expensive looking box. He opened it and only froze at the stupidity he felt. “From today on, I’m a different man.” Himchan vowed as he set the velvet box on the stage and walked out of empty auditorium into the chilly spring night. Cherry blossoms seemed to scatter everywhere as the wind blew. Some of them swirled around the stoic man but he didn’t pay them attention. His mind was on something else until he collided into something, or, someone to be exact. He glanced at the woman in front but didn’t mind her any attention. Without a sorry he walked away from her, if it had been the old Himchan, he would’ve asked if she was alright and apologized; but not this new Himchan. This one was heartless, and didn’t care for others. He continued on his way to god knows where until he felt something hit his back.



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Oh and Hana sounds like a selfish b*tch. Sorry for the foul language but that was ed up of her to dump him over text. And who the hell has the nerve to tell her ex she met someone new right after sending him a breakup text. She could've at least let him take it all in before telling him the whole reasoning behind breaking up with him.
Chapter 1: Hey this is a pretty good start so far. Sounds very promising. Are you planning on updating this soon? :D