the unsaid words.

Goodbye Summer


listen to this while you're reading it okay Goodbye Summer by f(x) feat D.O :)

Do Kyungsoo


“don’t ever forget that we’re alwas be best friends, okay? remember, I’m you and you’re me”

Best friends, Huh?

I guess that’s what she always think of me as.

Nothing more, nothing less.


Park Luna or as she preffered to be called as Park Sunyoung – Her real name – was actually the most sweetest, heartwarming, nicest girl I’ve ever met in my life. I considered myself as lucky though, to have known a person like her.

It was summer and our freshman year when we met. I was lost, knowing nothing about the school while she was there, smiling happily and told me that she’ll help me since she’s been around the high school before. That’s when I got caught up by her smile and ended up following her without any warning that she might be lying or clueless. After a few hours of going around the school, I realized that she was lost too. I can still remember her truning around to me and shyly grins while scratching the back of her head “I think we’re lost” that’s what she said. I can’t help but to bit back a smile but I ended up doing it while chuckling, never had I seen someone so cute like that. I stop chuckling when we were called by one of the teachers, the P.E coach I think, they were asking us why we weren’t at class. That’s when we realized the hallway was rather empty and everyone was already in class while we were lost. Before we could even told him the reason why, the coach already pulled us both to the baseball field, to punish us. SInce we can’t argue with him that time, we just went along with it, turns out, the punishment was rather fun I’d say. Despite the hot weather, doing a sprint around the large field with her didn’t tire us at all. In fact, we kept smiling knowing that we’ve made a complete fools of ourselves. That was when our friendship was built.

From what I learn about Sunyoung is that she’s a selfless person, always put others needs and wishes first than her own. Befriending everyone is probably what she always do when she met a stranger. She likes dandelions and she’s allergic to baby’s breath. If anything that she hates the most, it would probably be her annoying little brother, Park Chanyeol, though sometimes she loves him when he’s behave. Traditional Korean foods are her favorite, basically she eats anything whenever her stomach is grumbling, execpt Soojung’s cooks tho. Ballads and anything that has high notes in it that she can copy when she listens to them are her favorite genre of songs. Oh, did I mention that she has a really lovely voice too?

Hahaha look at me. Blabbing about her likes and dislikes. Well, what can I say? Knowing this little things about her is just a natural habit for everyone who has best friends in their life, right? I’m her best friend after all. Hmm yeah, just her best friend.

To be honest, after spending a lot of time with her, through day by day, I came to hate that ‘best friends’ label. Not that because I hate her or anything. It’s just that, I expected to become more than that. More than just ‘Hello, I’m Sunyoung’s friend, it’s nice to meet you’ whenever I introduced myself to any stranger that she just befriended with. No, I want to be more than that. Because I, Do Kyungsoo, had fallen head over heels in love with her.

But I guess my hopes and expectations are just far away to be reached. Knowing that Sunyoung would never sees me as a guy that she can be in love with, the guy that will be a companion in her life. Besides, everything is already too late. Senior year and Graduation day already passed behind us, and all that’s left for us is just to wait for that goodbye, for that bitter goodbye where we parted and have less time to see each other.

Having to had that hidden feelings for 4 years in your life when that person was right in front of you but all you can do is just hide it all, is tiring and patethic. I let out a heavy breath, just thinking about the taught tires me already.


My taughts were cut off as my eyes travelled to her small figure when I saw her walking up to the small stage, holding a mic on her right hand. I remembered her called me last night, telling me that I should watch her perform this song that Amber wrote. We are currently at the beach for our school’s prom. It’s not those formal kind of prom though. Just an event that we – the whole senior class – created to enjoy ourselves and have our last night together. Amber was in charge of the music so that’s why Sunyoung was picked to sing her song.

Her eyes then caught mine and she smiles while waving her small hand to me. I returned her smile and waved back as a small warm feelings fltters inside of me. For a second there, I taught I just saw a tint pink shade on her cheeks, but I guess that’s just her blush-ons. In fact, I just noticed her appearance today. She looks... stunning. Not only because of the dusk sky ad the amazing scenery around us now, but because of that blonde locks that flows in the same rythm as the wind, with a little touch of a small flower tucked behind her ears and her flowy white long dress that fits perfectly with her body. Never had I seen something so beautiful in my life.

“so you told her already?”

A deep voice snaps me back to reality, I turned my head and found Suho taking a seat beside me, his eyes are fixed on the food that he just brought along with from the buffet. I raise my eyebrow, giving him a questioning look. He cuaght it and points a direction with his fork towards Sunyoung, who was now busy with preparing her performance.

“Her. Sunyoung. Have you confess to her?”

I felt myself gulping when I heard Suho said that, “No” I simply said and averted my gaze to somewhere other than Sunyoung, “and I’m not planning to”

I heard a small chuckle coming from Suho. For most of the time, Suho had been someone that I share everything with. He’s the only person that I can trust when I told him about my feelings towards Sunyoung and I guess right now, he’s just worried that I might not get any chance to confess to her since it’s almost a farewell now.

“dude, you’re an idiot” he said, taking a bite from the food, “what’s holding you back anyway?”

“you know...” I groaned, “it’s just, I think it’s best if we just stayed like this. I don’t want her to hate me or anything if she knows my feelings for her”

Suho shook his head, a small smile came across his lips, “do you really think it’s the best for you then?” that caught me off guard, “Look Kyungsoo, if anyone in this school is as sensitive as me, they probably knows that you are head over heels for Sunyoung. I can see the way you look at her, there’s no doubt that you’re feelings are fighting their way to get out and confront it to her” I turn my head to him, bitting my inner cheeks. Sometimes, Suho just knows a way with words that caught me really off guard, “You said that you guys met in summer right? Well, today is summer and probably the last day you’ll ever see her. Do you think there’s another perfect moment to confess it to her?”

Suho’s right though. Today is summer and the last I’ll ever see her again, should I make the end of this day better then?

“ All I’m saying is that you’ve been hidding this for way too long. Don’t you think it’s time to let it all out?”

His head turned to the stage, I followed and once again, her eyes caught mine and she smiles, those warm feelings inside of me was once again flutters.

“It’s now or never, Kyungsoo”

I heard him say but I didn’t look back as the sound of a guitar playing was heard, played by Sunyoung’s little brother, Chanyeol, who volunteer to help Amber with the music. The first verse is sang by Amber, and the second one is sang by Krystal. And somewhere along in the middle, it’s Sunyoung’s turn. That was when I felt everything was jus a blur and all I can see is Sunyoung, standing there, singing that song.


What do I say, we didn’t have to play no games
I should’ve took that chance, I should’ve asked for you to stay
And it gets me down the unsaid words that still remain
The story ended without even starting


I have those unsaid words that I think will remains inside of me for a long period of time. I know I should’ve took that chance when I had it. But it’s slipped and it’s too late to get it back now.


Your song on the last day of the school festival, the flickering summer sea
Our feelings that were precious because we were together
Like the deepening night sky, goodbye


This song, the song that she sing in this last day of our encounter. I can’t say anything except the fact that it reflects all of my feelings for her.


The friend label is a label that I got to hate
The feelings I’ve hid still remain as a painful secret memory
The photos that can’t define our relationship is a heartbreaking story
I’m sorry, summer, now goodbye, yeah


I know that right now, I hate being friends with her. I stated it once to Suho that I’m sick of this friendship label because of my hopes that wanted more. Everynight, whenever I got to my bed to rest my eyes, I caught a glimpse of our photo together in that summer. We were smiling but I can’t really describe what are we really smiling about. Is it our freindship? Or something more?


Baby oh no oh oh
I’m sorry that this is a monologue
Oh, actually, I love you, yeah
If only our long-time hidden secrets were revealed
I would hold you in my arms


Those were some words that I caught when they started to sing. Funny how it sounded like something that I had in mind right now. Taughts that I can’t seemed to speak out in front of her, to confront to her. I really wished that I could go back, to say those ‘I love you’ to her and hold her in my arms. But I guess, it’s too late now.

She took a glimpse to my table again, our eyes met for the umphteenth time that night. All I’m hoping now is that she can see how desperate and bitter my eyes looked right now, if she sees it, I just hope she’ll understand it. I just hope she’d forgive me for being a complete coward this whole time.

“Sunyoung, I love you. And I’m sorry.”


I’m sorry, summer, now goodbye, yeah


And on this day. This year’s summer. I marked it as a day where I just lost my best friend. Where I just lost my first love.




A/N : annyeong! :O oh wow I just made another oneshot haha! well I can't help it, the song just gave me so much inspiration for the oneshot and the poster :') though I was hoping that I could make a better story though. I feel like this is a bit rushed huff *puffed cheeks* oh well... :) anyway, I can't believe I jus made a D.O fic lol! I always wanted to make one but I never posted it in aff :p leave a comment and vote this will ya :) thanks for reading! :)


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elementals #1
Chapter 1: THIS
Chapter 1: This is really good, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this~
and the fact that the main girl is luna is also heartwarming <3
Dream-Lightz #3
Chapter 1: This is the best "Goodbye Summer" fanfics I had read >< Daebakkk !! I love it !!
joonieeun #4
Chapter 1: This is my favorite song.. I listening to this song when I read the story and I cry really hard.. I love this story! Good job author-nim! I hope you will continue writing such a great story :)
Chapter 1: I love this song! And I really ship them and i don't know why but i a relly like them together, it's a sad story at the end btw but i really like it. Thanks! <3
Chapter 1: THIS
-redridinghood #7
Chapter 1: NO
Chapter 1: NOO!!! SOOO SAD!! D.O SHE LIKES YOU TOO! :(((( I'M CRYING!!
Chapter 1: OMG I'M CRYING T_T when the first time i read the meaning of that song i'm crying, and then i read this story T_T great job author!
Chapter 1: Awww...
This was sad but I loved it. I wanted to find a good fic based on the song and I'm so happy I read this.