Part 2

Somebody Loves You


Seunghyun stared blankly into space, zoning out on the world as he watched everything pass by in a blur. He could vaguely make out a child’s laughter ringing out as he rolled around on the grass, but only found it to be noise pollution that served to add to his sky-high mountain of frustrations. The mirage of colors painted in the dimming sky was spared an unconcerned glance as the tall man sat rigidly, frozen on the park bench, as if trapped in his own unreactive body. Emotion had overwhelmed him to the point where now only numbness remained, the events of the day still not completely registered in his astonished brain. Seunghyun had woken up late after his useless alarm clock didn't do its job, missed his bus even after pathetically running after it and tripping over his feet, but to top it all off, walked into his boss’s office only to find his girlfriend (and coworker) with her tongue down his throat. Seunghyun had frozen on the spot, shock rendering his senses useless as he vaguely registered his girlfriend frantically smoothing down her shirt and blabbering some lame excuse. From the corner of his eye, he caught a smirk hanging off his boss’s lips, and wanted to do nothing more than to wipe that smug look off with his fist. The logical part of his brain pulled the reins of his fists back just in time, but a string of curses had already been fired at the man who could easily have his . The man recalled leaving in a daze and stumbling back to his work cubicle, because as much as he wanted to run out of that building and have some time to himself, there were load of bills to pay.


The rest of the day passed with Seunghyun still in a stupor, the whirlwind of events not fully processed in his consciousness, the occasional pats in the back failing to lift his mood. He literally ran out of the building right after the clock signified 5-oclock, and just kept on running with no destination in mind, ignoring the protests of middle-aged men after he stepped on their overpriced polished leather shoes, ignoring the scrutinizing looks of women as he charged down the streets with disheveled clothes and messed hair. Finally, he stumbled upon a park; a small park isolated from the rest of the world, and allowed himself to sink into a nearby bench, completely drained, both physically and mentally. The pain of betrayal was now hitting him with full force, and with his heart toyed with and trampled on, Seunghyun was left in a state so much more vulnerable than he would ever want to admit. He curled up into a ball, almost attempting to shrink away from society, and just let the barrage of emotions engulf him and gnaw at his insides. I just had to find out on Valentine’s Day, too, He thought bitterly. How brilliant. 


The man would have continued to torment himself if a shrill ring of his phone didn’t force him to snap to attention. Pulling himself together, Seunghyun scrambled to locate the ringing device, face contorting into a scowl when his eyes landed on the caller ID.


“Yes, how may I help you?” he inquired as professionally as he could, trying his best to not let it sound like a sneer.


A snort was heard from the other end. “It’s very nice to talk to you too, Seunghyun,” the low voice of his boss chuckled. “Now, I’m calling you for a very important issue.”


“Alright...” Seunghyun trailed off, forged confidence disclosed by the slight shakiness in his deep voice. “What is it?”


“It seems like you were slightly uncomfortable with the... intimate moment I had with your girl today,” the man chuckled mockingly.


Another shaky breath was released. “No, not really,” Seunghyun uttered, as calmly as he could, while castrating and killing his boss in his head. “Thank you for helping me realize what kind of person she actually is.”


“You’re very welcome, kid,” the man sniggered. “She also helped me realize that I have too many useless employees. And you’re one of them.”


With that, the wind was knocked out of Seunghyun for the second time that day. “W-what?” he spluttered. “N-no, you can’t just do that! I promise you, I am a very hard worker! I really need this job!”


“And I need a workplace free of love-struck, heartbroken kids. Can’t risk the possibility of you attempting to kill me, kiddo.” Another snigger followed, and Seunghyun could almost hear the smirk plastered on his evil, disdainful face. “Your presence will be missed.”


“ you, Choi Dongwook.”


“I’d rather not, I have your girlfriend for that.” The cynical laugher that followed was cut short as the innocent device landed in the lake with a splash.


Staring blankly at the dissipating ripples in the large body of water, Seunghyun heaved another deep sigh (how many times had he done that already?), digging his palms into his closed eyes almost painfully. The two traumatic experiences right next to one another proved to be too much for the young man to handle, and he couldn’t help but succumb to the bottomless pit of depression. Just yesterday life was completely fine, yet in a blink of an eye he had lost everything he worked so hard for. Seunghyun built his life up from nothing – after running away from his abusive parents as a kid, picking up skills from fellow homeless people, sneaking into school with the help of his best (and only) friend Daesung, landing a proper job, and meeting his lovely girlfriend who he’s been together with for the past five years, life seemed to be looking up. But now, while Daesung was overseas studying at a prestigious university, life decided to kick him in the , leaving him once again with absolutely nothing but an incredibly bleak future.


But Seunghyun was tired of it all. He was tired of having to build up his life from scratch; tired of all the bull he had to deal with along the way. And the man knew that he definitely did not strength to start over, at least not by himself in this broken state. With another sigh, Seunghyun dug out his laptop in search of some ideas, before suddenly recalling the short trip to the pharmacy he made a couple weeks earlier.


Fingers swiftly travelled to his bag and found a small bottle of pills, leaving the man to wonder just how many he would have to take to end this misery. The fear grappling at him was overpowered by numbness, and he found himself in a similar state as one he was in years ago, before Daesung found and rescued him. How pathetic, Seunghyun thought, squeezing his eyes shut as guilt overwhelmed him. I’m just letting Daesung down like this after all he’s done for me. I’m a terrible friend.




Um, hopefully that wasn't too bad? Please let me know what you guys think through the comments >.< I usually don't write so please excuse my awkward writing style...


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Chapter 4: I love this ^_^
This is nice. But don't leave us with that cliffhanger. Update juseyoooo~ :)
Chapter 4: This is a good story. I hope you can continue this :(
Chapter 4: this is a great story!!! please make more chapters!! This story is so sweet and adorable!
Atenais #5
Chapter 4: This story is very cute and I'm really curious about what will happen with them.
Thanks for sharing!
anime_fushigi #6
Chapter 4: i have so many feelings in my heartt for these two~ seung tyring to convince himself to die really just made me sad :( (good thing he has ji now to distract him!) omg im knda loving how ji immediately recognized seung (though i agree with jikachiu in that it does seem a little unbelievable) ahhh i cant wait for jiyong and seunghyun to talk talk and fall in love! :)
Chapter 4: i love how u introduced the characters to the readers before the characters themselves had a chance to meet. Hyun's past breaks my heart, but it's nice to know that he also met good ppl along the way.Speaking of that i can't believe Ji recognized him right away.He must have really cherished that memory. It's pointless to say that i can't wait for the next chapter.Bring forth the awkward GTOP interactions :)
Chapter 3: Ah what a twist! I never expected them to know each other already :o I can't wait to read the next chapter!
hobuttlover #9
Chapter 3: so.. they knew each other.. batman ji & robin tae are hilarious!
Chapter 3: Ooh I like it! Please continue! Homeless young SH broke my heart