The journey that is taken

Let's grow old together

The bridge shook with metal clangs as desperate footsteps pounded towards him. Minseok was agonizingly slow to react and barely had time to draw breath before arms clamped around his waist and dragged him away. His tongue caught in his throat and his breath was sluggish as he was tackled down away from the fall. His hands came out like dolls limbs and his feet were unwillingly peeled away from the handrail.

He brought his hands up to his head, expecting to feel the full force of the tackle and subsequent fall to the metal floor below, but the crack to his head never came.

He was swung in wiry arms and dropped slightly onto the floor. His legs collapsed and a weight fell on top of him.

Everything had happened so fast that Minseok couldn’t make his brain work fast enough to process what happened. His eyes fluttered open to be greeted by a face just inches from his own.

So he did what instinctively came to him- he gaped and looked straight back into the eyes that were boring into his own.


Jongdae didn’t know what to do. His brain had stopped at ‘save the guy’ and now had apparently waved him goodbye and left him to it.

He’d swung the guy off the railing and back onto the walkway, but due to the excessive force had kind of pulled the both of them over. His knees screamed in pain and he kept his face frozen, ragged breaths falling from his mouth in clouds of condensation.

The other man was staring into his eyes and he felt compelled to do the same for a few seconds before a car passed beneath them, creating a breeze that made both of their eyes water.

Getting up first he offered a hand to the other man and was met with nothing.

A little shocked, he leant down to find the man staring into space breathing heavily and on the edge of panic. He looked like he was about to burst into tears.

Jongdae thought about what words of comfort would suit the situation best and found none sprang to mind. He closed his eyes to think but was roughly shoved aside and saw the red-headed man hurriedly making his way away from where Jongdae was knelt.

Left frozen partly in self-indignant shock and partly just from the cold it took him a few seconds to recover before he chased after the other man.

He caught up at the bottom of the steps, jogging to keep pace.

“Hey!” he shouted.

The other man made no move to acknowledge his existence and Jongdae felt a pang of panic.

“Hey! I know you can hear me - so stop ignoring me!”

“I’m not ignoring you.” Jongdae almost stopped right there at the quality of the voice that answered. It flickered in pitch and even though it seemed so small in the vastness of the night that swallowed them Jongdae made himself pick out every syllable.

“Wh- Well what do you call this then?”

“I’m just thinking.” The man burrowed his hands into his jacket and hunched his shoulders. Jongdae took the hint and fell into pace beside him, ready to let him talk first.

They walked side by side under the clouds and let the fields roll by. Occasionally the giant shapes of pylons would loom over them and thick bushes would rise behind ditches in the lanes. They got onto a stretch which was lit by the moonlight and Jongdae heard the other man take a deep breath.

“I’m sorry.”

Jongdae was a little taken aback. He turned to face the other man, eyes searching for an explanation. Seeing this, the flame haired individual took it as his cue to carry on.

“I’ve never done anything like that before. I… I honestly thought that it would just happen and that would be it. I-I guess I’m a failure even at dying. How stupid do you have to be to not even do that right?” the man was choking up with tears and in the moonlight his cheeks glistened with the ones he had shed.

“I’m just so tired. I’ve given up talking to people and I’m tired of feeling like I’m just less. I can’t do anything about it I will always be so goddamn insufficient and not quite enough for anyone. I am nothing to anyone and never good enough. Someone like me should just stop existing.”

Jongdae couldn’t take anymore. He grabbed the man by the shoulders and pulled him into a hug. He felt a shocked sob fall into his shoulder and hugged tighter.

What else could he do?


Minseok was broken. The situation finally hit him and suddenly it was hard to breathe. What even happened? This shouldn’t be here- he shouldn’t be here. He’d decided he’d had no future, hadn’t he? There was no room for this to be happening. He felt his stomach churn and a fear creep up his spine and cling to his ribs. He felt so ashamed yet so unfulfilled and he could feel the other man rest on him. 

He just felt so empty.

Tears started pooling at his eyes and a sob ripped from his chest. The arms of the stranger were strong and Minseok felt his arms rise to hug the man back. He’d literally poured his heart out to someone he’d never met before and who probably wouldn't even care.

They stood like that for a few minutes, Minseok crying into the man’s shoulder and the other rubbing small circles into his back.

Face still buried in fabric, Minseok hoarsely asked,

“W-what’s your name?”

There was a pause.

“Kim Jongdae. What’s your name?”

“Kim Minseok.”

Minseok pulled back and coughed, throat dry from crying.

“Sorry but I’m kind of cold- can we carry on walking?” Jongdae asked, returning his hands to his pockets. Minseok nodded and they walked on, yet the silence between them was not tense like the one before. After a while they reached a main road and Jongdae visibly sighed in relief, much to Minseok’s confusion. They made a left and walked past rows of houses and Minseok found his thoughts wandered to the occupants inside.

‘ Families? Couples?’

He realised that no matter who was inside their house still looked the same and this brought a frown to his face. Jongdae noticed this and frowned himself.

“What did you just think of?”

Minseok carded a hand through his hair and sighed.

“I just thought that people really are the same. Nothing changes.”

“I don’t think that’s true.” Jongdae smiled.

Minseok didn't have the energy to debate the matter and thought Jongdae would be happier if he didn't debate the matter.


Eventually they arrived at a building and Minseok drew to a stop.

“This is my apartment so, um, yeah. Do you live nearby?” Minseok asked.

It was Jongdae’s turn to become shame-faced and he sighed before rubbing a palm to his neck.

“Would you believe me… if I said I don’t have a place right now?”

Saying nothing, Minseok took Jongdaes sleeve and pulled him into the drive and then up the stairs to the main doors of the building. Jongdae peered through the mottled glass as Minseok tapped in the code to the building and took hold of Jongdaes sleeve again to pull him inside.

They tried to make as little noise as possible going up the stairs and, peering at the room numbers in the dark, Minseok finally found his apartment. He pushed his key in and swung the door open.

Jongdae was gently pushed in first and the two shed their coats at the door. Wooden floors creaked beneath their feet and Minseok left Jongdae at the couch before disappearing with the promise of blankets.

Jongdae awkwardly stood for a few moments before his eyes adjusted to the night. From the light bleeding in from the window he saw just how sparsely furnished the apartment was. Aside from the couch there was a bookshelf and a rug in the centre of the room but that was it.

‘This… is his living room?’

“Jongdae? Are you okay with sleeping on my bed?” A pair of eyes glinted from the other side of the room and Jongdae.

“I'm sorry?” Jongdae managed to spit out. Minseok rolled his eyes.

“It’s nothing like that. If you don't believe me, try feeling the couch.”

Jongdae lent down to press a palm against the leather and winced as a spring poked his fingers.

“You sit on that?”

“So you’re okay with the bed then?”

“Yessir.” Jongdae nodded.

“Okay.” Minseok gave him a pile of blankets and pointed him to a door, “There’s your room for the night.”

Jongdae opened the door before he noticed Minseok wasn't following him. The fiery haired man setting down a pillow on the couch, intending to sleep there.

“No way. You’re not sleeping there tonight.” Jongdae said.

“Well it’s better than the floor.”

“Oh for- come here.” Jongdae forcibly took the pillow from Minseok and he opened the door to the bedroom before setting out the blankets on top of the bed.

Minseok wandered into the room, lingering at the doorway.

“You can say what you like but there’s no way in hell you are sleeping on that couch and I get the bed.” Jongdae finished arranging the bed. Luckily it was slightly bigger than a single and he rationalised two people could probably sleep on it.

“But you-“

“No buts. It’s your own goddamn house for crying out loud!”

Minseok saw no point in arguing to he simply crossed over to the other side. Both shed the most uncomfortable articles of clothing they had on but chose to sleep in the rest.

Back to back, Minseok could feel Jongdae’s chest rise and fall with every breath he took and despite his heart occassionally speeding up if he thought of the day too much, his breathing gently fell into pace with Jongdae's.

And, just like that, the two men fell asleep.



Wow jeez it's been like over 2 months since I updated... um... sorry? >.< ''''

School has been crazy aaaah and I really can't write I just yeah...

Sorry m(_ _)m <3


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Chapter 2: OMG I need the second chapter like rn I'm in love with this!
Chapter 1: This is really good >< update soon :)