Chapter 6

Before It Happened

Happy I updated? I had writers block  XDXD




Meeghan's POV

I was sitting in my room, reading manga, spinning around in my desk chair because I was bored. Key and I were going to hang out with his friends tonight and I was kind of nervous and really excited. It felt like the day was going so slowly because I was really looking forward to hanging out with them.

"Meeghan!" I heard my mom yell up the stairs. I opened my door and stuck my head out, yelling back.


"Zico and his parents are coming over for dinner tonight. I need you to set the table."


"Uh, Zico?"

"Yes. Zico and his parents. Now hurry down here and help me!" I heard her walk away.

Zico? Really? I couldn't blame my mom since she didn't know what was going on at the moment... But... I didn't really know what to do. I wouldn't be able to hide in my room all night.

I ran downstairs and into the kitchen. The second I walked in my mom handed me plates.

"Put them on the dining room table. Get out the nice table cloth." She instructed me.

"Uh... Mom?"

"Yes?" She was making something that looked like mashed potatoes.

"I have plans with Key tonight... remember?"

"Oh!" She stopped mashing and looked up at me, biting her lip. "I did forget..." She wiped her hands on her apron. "Why don't you just... invite Key too? And then you 2 can go out after dinner?"

I was silent. This wouldn't be good. I don't know if Key would be able to contain his anger towards Zico...

"Uh, that's okay Mom... He doesn't need to come over..."

"No, no, invite him! You can introduce him to Zico!" She wiggled her eyebrows. "Maybe Zico will get jealous and confess or something~."

"MOM!" I exclaimed, facepalming. "I can't believe you just said that."

"Just do it." She went back to mashing the potatoes.

I sighed and walked over to the house phone, then took it upstairs before calling Key.

"Key?" I said sweetly into the phone.

"Oh crap, what do you want?" He laughed.

"My mom told me to invite you over to dinner."  I said, biting my bottom lip.

"Oh cool! I'll be over then. What time?"

"Uh... 6?"

"Okay. Then we can go straight to the arcade to hang with the guys." I could hear him moving around on the other end.

"Uh... Key?"

"Yeah?" He grunted, probably pulling on his skinny jeans or something. It took him forever to get them on and off.

"Zico is coming too..."

He was quiet. I closed my eyes, hoping he wouldn't be too angry.

"Huh..." I heard him say quietly. "Hmm."

"Is that okay?"

"I guess." He sighed. "I can tell it was your mom's idea."

"She thinks that Zico is going to get jealous and 'confess his love' for me." I scoffed, secretly hoping that it would be true. He had been acting differently lately. He was always glaring at Key and giving me these weird looks, like he was thinking really hard about something.

"I hope not." He laughed. "That would be scary."

"Key..." I sighed. "I don't know what to do anymore."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know what to do about Zico... I mean..."

"You still like him. Yeah, I know. It makes me angry that you can still like him after how terrible he is to you. But I guess I can't do anything about it." He sighed.

"You could." I grinned.

"Pfft, what do you mean?"

"You could do something about it."

"Bah like what?"

"Act more manly so maybe I'll fall for you and then we won't have to worry about Zico anymore." I heard him snort. We both laughed.

"That ain't happenin' sweety."

"I don't want it to."

"What, am I not good enough for you?"

"No, you're too good for me."

I knew he was smiling. "I think it's the other way around."


"Oh hush up. I'm coming over now, okay?"

"Alright. See you in a bit."

"I love you~." He sang, making nasty kissing noises.

"Ugh you're disgusting." I chuckled. "Love you too~."

This was going to so bad, I could feel it.


So it was short and BLAH but comment ^^

I'll try to update again tomorrow ^^

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YouDunnoMe #1
i love ur fic!!!
Hahaha Zico xD Nice poster btw
sujushineegg #3
key so hot!! :DD
I LOVE KEE. O U O ; <3
And Zico's reactions are just priceless. XDDD;
Can't wait to see what else Key has in store.
And congrats on 200. ;D
Micky13 #5
LOL Key... your so funny :DD
maybe i should let your updates pile up for a bit so i don't feel so deprived whenever i finish reading one chapter...<br />
you always leave me hanging!!!
/dies./<br />
THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!! Every time a character says that I laugh, face palm and then I'm like "you prolly just made it worse" XD but I still love it~