
How to Become a Vampire Hunter

A person wouldn't usually expect a living room in a house shared by six men to be so comfortable, but Do Kyungsoo had practically melted into the couch around midday, and it was exactly that.

There was plenty of space, enough for two couches and a loveseat to encircle the room. The bedrooms were tiny as a result, but it suited them well enough. Everything stayed, for the most part, clean. Before Kyungsoo's morning work out, he had picked up several glasses from their miniature party last night. Minseok had wiped the tables down later on.

This house was inherited and furnished by Joonmyun's family, but the six had lived together for a few months now, and their personal touches were slowly spreading around - from Joonmyun's framed pictures to Jongdae's flowery pink coaster (which he found to be hilarious.)

Kyungsoo was joining the room just in time to watch Jongdae's most recent wound get treatment from Minseok.

He didn't cringe when he saw fresh blood sprouting from a cut on the upper corner of Jongdae's . Kyungsoo was very used to blood. "Did that open up while you were sleeping or while you were drinking?"

"While I was dressing," Jongdae informed him with a shudder. "Nasty vampires... finding exactly where they need to cut to keep me from putting on a shirt."

Minseok smiled, at least mildly amused.

Kyungsoo raised a brow. "So, maybe next time you'll fight more and taunt less?"

Jongdae then sounded gravely serious. "I will train, mind and body. Become faster, wiser - but never, Kyungsoo, will I stop verbally abusing vampires."

Minseok was fully amused, tilting his head towards Kyungsoo. "What did he say again?"

"Before or after the vampire turned his weapon against him?" Kyungsoo tried to clarify.

 "I'm about to turn my weapon against you," Jongdae threatened either of them and grinned at himself.

Minseok was the one kind enough to change subjects a moment later. "Joonmyun is undercover about this time, isn't he?"

"About now," Kyungsoo answered. He pulled out his phone to lazily check the time, "He should have had time to finish work."

"I'm not completely sure feeding some guy's fish and bringing in his mail counts as work, Kyungsoo," noted Jongdae.

Jongdae wasn't being overly serious, but Kyungsoo was a bit irritated anyway. Joonmyun worked too hard for them, if anything. "It pays, doesn't it?"

"At least he's trying," Minseok added softly.

That sort of talk reminded Kyungsoo that someone needed to look into their budget for the week. They usually did so on Sunday, so they were officially a day late.

Money wasn't very consistent in a house like theirs.

Do Kyungsoo was a paid fighter, as small and unassuming as he could look - but that made for fantastic pay when he would win, and being so underestimated, he very often did. Minseok and Jongdae each had low-paying part time jobs, although Jongdae's sometimes earned him a good amount in tips. They also lived with Chanyeol, who made a killing with gambling but was stingy with his money.

Kyungsoo would rather not accept stupid Chanyeol's stupid money anyway, which is a story for another time.

There was also Baekhyun, who didn't provide much financial support, but occasionally he scrounged up something to buy a meal for everyone. They understood his position. He was a music student at a nice university that he'd won a scholarship to, and always declared that when he made it big, they wouldn't be forgotten.

It would be very hard, Kyungsoo supposed, to forget the people you fought vampires with.

Lastly, Kim Joonmyun was on a constant job search after getting fired as a journalist for his heavily vampire influenced reporting.  Between all of his oddjobs, he actually did pretty well. It couldn't be easy, Kyungsoo thought, especially considering he also had to lead a group of vampire hunters.

They were an odd little family, certainly, but they all had their reasons for doing what they did. Joonmyun was the one who somehow held them together, and so Kyungsoo had nothing but admiration for him.

"I don't suppose either of you worked out our budget for the week?" Kyungsoo looked between the two.

"Oh..." Minseok only just seemed to realize it needed doing as well. "Sorry."

Kyungsoo frowned. It was so much harder for him to relax once he realized something needed doing. He got up. "I need something to do anyway."  

In the hall, he almost walked straight into Chanyeol. He threw himself out of the way just in time to avoid contact, acting every bit as though the absurdly tall man was a disease. He might as well have been, Kyungsoo thought with a tightened jaw and reddening cheeks.

"Good morning," Chanyeol greeted with a clueless grin. It wasn't clueless, though, it just was some fake-clueless-fake-face.

"It's afternoon," Kyungsoo said, relaxing outwardly to a certain degree. His voice was a tad bitter, but not necessarily any more bitter than it became when Jongdae made a inappropriate joke, or Baekhyun forgot to wash his dishes.

"Good morning," Chanyeol repeated and continued forward, parting from Kyungsoo. He added, "Better afternoon!"

That sounded so stupid, Kyungsoo thought. Everything Chanyeol's velvety and impossibly deep voice said sounded stupid.

Kyungsoo was pouting as he went into his own bedroom, a room he shared with Joonmyun, where he could be alone with his self-appointed budget responsibilities, and not think about Chanyeol.

It didn't take Kyungsoo hours to budget, but he stayed in his room, finding himself interested in a book he'd received months ago from a friend and never touched. He was deeply invested until an ominous text arrived from Joonmyun.

'I think we have a problem...'

Kyungsoo waited and waited for that '...' to transform into a continued text. Since it didn't, he tried texting back: 'What?'

There was another wait, but after several agonizing minutes - during which Kyungsoo looked from the pages of his book to the phone repeatedly - Joonmyun texted again.

'I kidnapped Kim Jongin.'

Kyungsoo stared at the text, irritated, and bit his tongue as he tried to remind himself: Joonmyun is their hardworking leader. Nothing but admiration.

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milkdictator #1
Chapter 15: omg poor chanyeol :(((
this is such a nice story!!! hope you can finish it someday! thank you for writing it and I'll be waiting for the next chapter ~~
Chapter 15: aww. and i was getting interested on what's gonna happen next. :( ok, will wait for you! please return soon! :)
Chapter 14: Yeay kris help them please><
Chapter 13: Chanyeol.. you.. O_O
kosong #5
Chapter 13: Aa- Wha- But- Cha- \(O.O'!|)/ Chanyeooolllll...!!! Asdfjk that was pretty gore I almost stopped reading lol Is this what he really wanted tho? Becoming a vampire? Ow I guess I've to reread some prev chaps maybe I missed something x)
and kyaaa tough kyungsoo with bruises/blood in his face <3 i just love it somehow <33
Chapter 11: thanks for many updates! :D lol kai from bacon's comic~ ah so, sehun has a master? D: they should rescue Sehun immediately><
kosong #7
Chapter 11: woah so many updates! thanks for the hardwork :) suho and the others seem to have interesting backgrounds. jongin took name kai from baek' comic book haha x) and sehun is captured for real now Dx
DubuQueen #8
Don't think I forgot about you bb. Your fics are so good, I treat them like good kdrama-I wait till they are complete so I can start them because I know once I start, I can't stop lol and I know I am going to be soooo mad when I get to the latest update.

Commenting on the first fic very soon!
Chapter 7: aw:( get well soon! <3
i'm so curious about what will happen next aaa><
I love your storiessss!How to Become a Vampire is amazing!