The Performance (really fail chapter , so so sorry !)

The Black Ribbon

"Carry these ! And these !" Yeon Hee threw a whole bunch of stuff in my face . There were 4 dry-cleaned outfits (Yeon Hee was carrying 2 of those for the twins and refusing th share the load by carrying another outfit, apparently she says "what if they damage their outfit on their way here before they perfom ? That'll be disastarous! We , as stylist must always be prepared!") well yeah ! i mean i'm totally absolutely COOL about carrying extra outfits if they didn't actually weigh a ton . I mean it was still wrapped in that plastic thingy it is after being dry cleaned , it weighs ALOT you know . Not to mention the fact that I was also the one carrying th make up box . UGH . I swear Yeon Hee is bias to the twins , she doesn't even want to bother with the other 4 and when she talk to youngmin she's like "it's okay you will do really well on stage ! Remember to smile!", all sweet and so not Yeon Hee like .' UGH what a , i swear i'm honestly breaking down from carrying this load of stuff.

I stumble walking on my way to the KBS building . The clothes are already covering my sight . Great ! i can't see , i can't walk properly and i swear if i fell i don't think i would have the ability to stand up anyway . Plus i'll be scolded for dropping the holy , expensive make up box . "PLEASE DON'T FALL" i reminded myself as i tried to 1) walk w/o falling 2)balance the 4 set of clothes and 3) while holding a 300 dollar make up box . being a stylist sure is tough alright.

"Do you .. need help noona ?" From my limited sight (blocked by the stupid clothes btw) , i could see hyunseong's face and and smiled . Ahh finally ! Somebody that actually respected the elderly ! (although I'm not THAT old) "wow ! really?  thanks ! but be careful , don't smudge your make up or dirty your clothes!" I said back as i passed 2 sets of clothing over to him . SEE ? I AM SHARING THE LOAD . NOT LIKE THAT YEON HEE. "can you manage ?" i said as we carried the clothes to the building .

"CHI HYE ! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ? THE BOYS CAN'T AFFORD TO SWEAT AND DAMAGE THEIR MAKE UP !" Yeon Hee shouted . urgh , that was easy for HER to say , she wasn't the one carrying 4 clothes plus an all expensive and heavy make up box . . "it's okay noona ! I can manage !" Hyunseong shouted . AWWW he's so nice isn't it ? he was the only one who actually bothered asking me if i required help plus he didn't listen to Yeon Hee , which totally adds a bonus point in my book .

"Aww , thanks so much for your help !" i said to him again , a genuine , not the kind of smile i put on to act professional. "It's okay noona, I can't let noona fall while carrying these heavy things , what if you get a scar on your cute face ? " he replied breezily . I blushed , i mean .. AWWW . no guy had ever said that kinda stuff to me before , it was so sweet and left a warm , fuzzy feeling in my stomach . "AHHH but i shouldn't overthink, he was probably just being nice to the new kid." i thought.


Rehearsals were first of course, they always start with the rookie groups in the morning before letting the big shot stars have their dry-run . It was kinda of like , if you're famous , you can sleep more , we'll accommodate more to your needs . Boyfriend was still a rookie group , so they had kind of had an early slot .

"okay ! START !" i heard the cameramen shout . WOW HOW LOUD WAS THAT ? I MEAN HE DOESN'T EVEN NEED A MIKE FOR GOODNESS SAKE . I squirmed as a rubbed my ears. The music started playing . Aww they were shining on stage with smiles on their faces ! i resist an urge from smiling too widely as i glanced as Yeon Hee . WOW , she was a fangirl too . As soon as youngmin appears , snapping his fingers during the first part of boyfriend, she totally giggled . I swear i ain't even kidding . Even fierce/strict stylist noonas had a soft spot for cute guys too!

"they're cute aren't they ?" Yeon Hee notioned to Youngmin as he gave a smile to us . AWW . "Yeah , totally ." I said totally keeping my cool , this is probably a trap anyway , to make me admit my admiration for this group of 6 . AND NO WAY WAS I FALLING FOR IT ALRIGHT . Okay , u may think i'm abit insecure/oversensitive , BUT it's all for my own sake , better to act like i don't really like them .

OOOHHAHHHOMGG IT WAS MINWOO'S PART MY BIAS/LOVE IN BOYFRIEND ! okay omg heheeee he is cute ! den it was my favourite blow me kiss part ! he was looking at me! at MEEEEE with his eyes and smile ! he gave me a wink after his part , i swear i started smiling like a retard . all i could think of was

"You like him?" Yeon Hee asked , feeling very proud of herself , as if she'd just exposed me. "NOO ! I WAS JUST .. I MEAN .. HE IS CUTE .. RIGHT ?" i said defensively .

YEAH , he's just cute okay . REAALL CUTE .

"well , just so you know , i can't come for the perf tmr . you'll get to choose the outfits , but you really need to put th make up fast tmr alright cos other stylists will be busy with sistar tomorrow too . So you have to do it alone . You okay with it ?" Yeon Hee asked . I nodded . Aww! maybe she wasn't so bad after all , at least she didn't scold me and even asked about my well-being .


ughh i swear this chapter is so fail . i mean . UGH i had like writer's block but i already wrote it halfway so might as well complete it!

story's moving at a reaaaaallly slow pace now . sorrrryyy for the lack of romance/interesting story plot /gets bricked/

i SWEAR the next chapter will be interestinggg ! i will make it become interesting no matter what kkk sorry sorry for th bad bad baddd storyline for this chapter . UGH D: disappointed much .

@Niczkpop : aww thank you for the comment ! (: i will update with the fourth, more interesting chapter soon !

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Update Soon. T_T
ppyongdino #2
Hi! Really interesting story :) Are you going to update soon? ^^
Wow they are die hard fans<br />
Well that's cute ^_^
iFlyInTheSky #4
Hey I really like your story! Do update soon! ^^