SM Wars


No this is not the AU I still have to write, this is pure crack and utter nonsense. It’s EXO and SHINee in a Star Wars setting.


I should warn you that I haven’t watched the movies recently and I’m not planning on replicating the story either. I’m just using the universe and the characters for my own humoristic drabble collection.

The drabbles aren’t necessarily connected as I just write what comes up in crazy conversations between Miss_kweeni and me.

If anyone wants to make fanart for this, please message me. We would very much like to see the covers of the DVDs with fotoshoped faces :D. I’ll send you a list with all the characters.


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Chapter 3: Oh my glob this chapter was hilarious. Chen is a wookie and I didn't know they looked like humans underneath.
Chapter 3: Haha, must be quite a sight, all shaved except his leg hair xp
Chapter 2: Is princess Chanyeoleia a girl or a guy? This is hilarious though.
Chapter 2: Loooooooooooooooooooooool!! :D
Chapter 1: Hahahaaa, this had me cracking up. I was totally imagining it with the voices you use when we talk about this! rofl xD
I'm so excited, and I just can't hide it!! Looooooool :p
don't mind me ^^