Just You & Me


They say to never judge a book by it cover.

But what if read too much of this book you don't want to go any further, otherwise, memories you tried everything to do to forgot, start returning to your head?



"You'll never leave me right?"

"Of course I won't. I always be laying on a cloud up there in the sky and watching you every day."

"But what about at night? You won't be able to watch me then."

"Day can't be day without night and night can't be night without day." He carefully kissed my forehead and ruffled my hair.



Heeey guyys~~ *pedo smile* ahahaha jk  jks.... Or am i.. * invisible moustache*

Sorry for the y description...I hate doing them. -.-

Comment, subscribe, and whatever else you wanna do. Ehh i dont mind criticism,.in fact I quite like it. 

Yeah..ill search for a shop thats does posters later...im a veryyyy lazy person so yeah.. Ehehe

-TheLonelyPanda...cause I have no friends T.T



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