Pretty feline eyes stared back at him in surprise from the bright phone screen; a small smile gracing those pretty lips making the picture even more precious than it was intended to be.

Though it was supposed to be a joke, he couldn’t help being happy that he managed to get the picture and had on many occasions wished he had more of them.

From his pretty eyes to lips and even his nose, everything about the other gave off a clean pretty feeling that drove him crazy the more he stared at the picture he had already embedded in his mind since the day it was taken.

He stared and stared at the photo until he couldn’t take anymore.


“Hyung what are you talking about now?”

Zico jumped from shock and turned to see the maknae staring at him strangely from his bedroom door way. He fumbled with his phone to change the picture he’d been staring at for the past 15 minutes to his background and grinned ‘innocently’ at the younger.

“Nothing…” he said through his teeth trying to not to be suspicious; not that he expected the other to be fool because everyone in the group knew of his antics so within seconds he dropped the façade and just pouted childishly.

“You know calling him would be so much easier right?” the other smirked but ended up with a pillow in his face as a response.

“Shut up,” the leader replied sulkily, “You know I can’t do that.”

P.O laughed lightheartedly and plopped down on the bed with the elder.

“And why exactly can’t you do that?” he asked wondering the reason behind Zico’s peril.

“Because it won’t work, that’s why,” the man flailed and threw himself into the sheets. Unfortunately he forgot that he had tossed the pillow to the maknae and it was no longer behind him as a result his head slamming back harshly against the bed frame causing him to howl in pain.

Instead of feeling sympathetic and try to ease his hyung’s pain, P.O just laughed at him and didn’t stop until he received a similarly hard blow to his arm by the other’s fist.

“Shut it,” Zico muttered groggily holding his head with his hands, “But you know it’s true. We just don’t fit together.”

“Who says?”

The injured one stared at the other as if he had gone crazy before going on a full out rant.

“Are you serious?!” he began, his eyes wide in disbelief, “Have you not seen him; he’s a pretty boy! A pretty boy as in a flower boy as in those type of guys who are so near to perfection that it’s creepy but you're not disturbed because you’re too busy flailing over them like a 13 year old school girl! Gosh what am I saying? I sound like one of their fangirls…” he gasped in horror after realizing just how crazy he sounded.

“Point is he’s there being all sweet and pretty with that way too polite personality of his and I’m here looking like a-”

“Gorilla out of the hood,” P.O piped in all too happily.

“Shut up…but yeah. It just won’t work; where he’s classy I’m street.  He’s nice while I’ve been called rude way too many times to count. We’re two completely different people with completely different personalities and I doubt he’d able to put up with mine. Plus it’s known that guys like him won’t be interested in guys like me. You heard what he said the first time we met; that I was a little too rough-”

“But that was a prank.”

“That’s beside the point,” Zico carried on, “What I’m saying is that that’s basically the kind of relationship we’ll be like. Him running from me because I’m too pushy and annoying,” he finished looking at the other for his input.

P.O shook his head with light smile and placed a reassuring hand on the elder’s shoulder.

“And what I’m saying is that you don’t know that unless you find out so do us and yourself a favor and just call him. It would be much easier I could tell you that.”

Zico looked at him for few second with a thoughtful expression before shaking his head, a very tight lipped smile on his face.

“Nope; I don’t think I’m gonna. Not up for making a fool of myself, so I’m gonna save myself the embarrassment of being rejected and just let it go.”

With that the usually confident rapper plopped under the comfort of his blanket and turned his back to the maknae officially ending the conversation.

P.O sighed at the elder’s stubbornness but left nevertheless, knowing that there was no way of convincing the leader now since he’s been trying to do so for ages.

Making his way to the kitchen of their dorm P.O tried to brainstorm of a way to get Zico to lose his insecurities and confess to the other when an idea came to his mind.

If Zico won’t approach the other willing then he’ll just have bring the other to him.

Smirking at the thought he went to fish his phone out of his pocket and dialed a number that he had gotten to know well over the past month.

“Hyung?” he asked when he heard someone on the receiving end, “Do you guys have any plans tomorrow?”


Zico cracked opened his eyes before shutting them groaning audibly as the bright sun rays hit his face with enough force to temporarily blind him. He nuzzled his face back into the pillow all the while allowing his mind to clear itself from the sleepiness his brain was still induced with. However the quietness of the dorm was too welcoming to pass up and with the warmth of the bed still clinging to his body he found himself slowly drifting back into dreamland.

 ‘It’s nice to have a quiet dorm to wake up to,’ he thought, his mind already starting to shut down but then popped opened his eyes when he realized something.

“…wait the dorm is quiet…”

Looking around he noticed that not only was the place quiet but he was alone as well. His best friend and roommate Kyung was not in his bed and from the sound of things no one seemed to be in the entire dorm, something which was easy to tell because there was no noise whatsoever.

“What the hell?” he muttered and swung out of the comfort of his sheets and head over to the door.

Instantly he was hit by the aroma of eggs and stew kimchi another uncommon thing to wake up to since the other members were either too late for a schedule to think about making breakfast or just too lazy to do something decent for breakfast. Normally it was the latter option.

“Well at least there’s something good to eat…I hope…” he grumbled under his breath and immediately head for the bathroom wanting to get ready for a day.

Upon entering he felt something buzzed against his leg and realized it was his phone that he had forgot to put away the night before. Shrugging it off, he checked the device and saw that P.O had sent him a message and scrunched his eyebrows in confusion at the text.

“Manager hyung announced that we have today and tomorrow off; just so I let you know.

Me and the other hyungs decided to eat out for your benefit so don’t waste the chance ;)

P.S: Hope you enjoy your breakfast”

Sender: P.O

Zico raised his eyebrows at the message and proceeded to get himself ready; happy that at least someone was kind enough to make him breakfast.

‘Hmm…maybe I should just get this over with and call him like Jihoon said,’ he thought to himself as he stared at the phone screen that had switched back to his wallpaper, ‘Just tell him how I feel and hope the feedback is good…hmm…I guess this is what those geeks in those shows feel like…’ he thought nervously to himself while brushing his teeth, thinking back on the tons of American sitcoms he watched growing up.

Most of the time, it’s usually a teen that falls for one of the jocks or cheerleaders at school but doesn’t have the courage to face them because they’re out of their league and would never like an unpopular loser like themself.

Technically he wasn’t a loser or unpopular; heck nowhere near it but he could relate to how they felt.

All these thoughts were passing through his mind as he made his way to the kitchen and headed straight towards the fridge, not even sparing a glance to the person hunched over the stove figuring it was one of the members.

“Hey can I ask you something?” he asked while searching the freezing machine for some water, “What’s the best way to ask someone out? And what do you think would be the ideal first date?”

There was a small pause before the other male answer, Zico downing his water calmly.

“Well I think the best way is be confident and go up to them and tell them that you like them…”

Zico choked on his water after recognizing the voice and spun around only to widen his eyes in utter surprise.

“Or you could just call them…”

The rapper stared bugged eyed at the other male who was leaning casually against the kitchen counter, giving him that charming smile that he couldn’t help but find pretty.

“Jinyoung hyung…” he muttered out unbelievable still frozen eve when the older approached him and was now face to face with him.

“Thought I’d drop in and see how you were doing,” the flower boy said, “Considering I haven’t seen you for a long time.”

“H-how did you get in?” were the only words Zico could get out at the moment, his brain still trying to process the situation.

Jinyoung looked down sheepishly at his feet causing the younger to squeal mentally.

“P.O kinda gave me his copy of the key…he’s also the one who informed us that you guys had a day off…”

‘That little rug-rat, I’m gonna kill him when I see him,’ Zico thought but instantly swept the thought away way too happy that his crush was willing standing in front of him. However he frowned when he saw the trouble look on the other’s face.

“Something wrong?” he asked boldly.

“Oh…nothing really…but for a minute there you looked as though you don’t want me here…unless you really don’t,” the other replied, his tone taking a sad feel at the end.

“Oh no no no, that’s not it. I do want you here…I mean I don’t mind that you’re here. It’s just that I wasn’t expecting you; that’s all,” he laughed nervously and continued, “I was just thinking of all the ways to kill our maknae when he gets back. I didn’t think he’d go and mouth off my secret like that. Damn he’s such a blabber mouth” he stated, his words leaving his mouth before he could filter them.

 Jinyoung smiled at this before asking the question that’s been on his mind for some time.

“So that means he was telling the truth,” he concluded with a hopefully smile, “and you like me?”

And once again Zico froze on the spot. It took him a few seconds to register what he just said and was immediately panic stricken at the fact that he basically just confessed to his male crush.

“I-I…yeah I do,” he breathed out quietly, feeling incredibly relieved and happy that he got that off his chest, “I have for a long time but I didn’t think you’d like-”

“A guy like you?” Jinyoung finished his smile broadening, “Funnily enough you weren’t the only one with thoughts like that.”

The younger of the two scrunched his eyebrows up in confusion which led the other to explain.

“I also thought that you won’t want to have anything to do with a guy like me mostly because I didn’t think you were into guys plus you’re such a fun person to be around and my personality is dull in comparison…I kind figured that if it’s anything you’d go for someone that could relate to you…” he admitted biting his lips in the end.

Zico felt a large wave of happiness pass through at the confession and before he knew it he closed the distance between them both and placed a firm and meaningful kiss on the other boy’s lips. They were just as he dreamt them to be; warm, soft and heavenly. If he could say they tasted pretty he would but he already promised that he would not use that word too much.

That doesn’t mean he won’t think it.

“Oh by the way if you still want an idea for the perfect date I think breakfast in bed is a good way to start things off and maybe we could get to,” Jinyoung bit Zico lower lip teasingly, “know each other better…don’t you think,” he ended playfully and skipped away to prepare the dishes.

Zico watched in shock and awe at the elder but could not stop the large grin that spread across his lips moments later.

‘Maybe I should have called earlier,’ he thought to himself before going over and giving a helping hand.

((The End((

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Chapter 1: ! haha should have wrote ! lol.... tease
Chapter 1: ahh omg this was so cute! they would seriously make such a nice couple~
Thanks for reading ^u^
maRian #4
Chapter 1: XD love this couple. The fic about them are like 5 XD!
This is goood~ thanks for writing!