Chapter One

Summer Lovin

Climbing out of the company van with the others, YooChun adjusted his sunglasses and the hat atop his head. The trio were bound to be spotted for who they were sooner or later, however he preferred for it to be later. The trio were going to a rather secluded area of the beach, however first they had to walk through the crowd to meet up with the local that was going to show them the way. Of course, part of the fun of going to the beach was shopping and people watching, so with his arm linked with JunSu's as they walked, YooChun kept his eyes on all their surroundings.
It was interesting to see peoples' reactions to them. For one, it was quite odd to see three grown men linking arms with eachother, then you add Junsu's talkative nature and JaeJoong feeding off of it and it looked like they were three crazy men. Well, two crazy men. YooChun was relatively quiet as he watched the crowd watch them. Eventually a fan girl would spot them though and their time alone would end. So far their sunglasses and hats hid them well enough, but if the other two kept this up no doubt they'd be spotted.
"Yah yah yah! Lets go in here!" Junsu said from the middle of the trio. YooChun turned to look at where Junsu was talking about and nodded casually. It was an antique store that seemed to have all sorts of cool antique beach decorations. Leading the way into the shop, Junsu seemed like a little kid in a candy shop. "I didn't know you liked antiques this much..." Yoochun said, unlinking his arm from the other so that they wouldn't be like an elephant in a china room.
"I don't, but there's this girl...." Junsu said, trailing off innocently and moving ahead quickly so that the others wouldn't ask the who/what/when/where/why/how of the situation. YooChun had a hunch that Junsu had met a girl he was doting on lately. He hadn't been calling the others as much whenever he got bored so YooChun knew SOMETHING was up. JaeJoong wanted to play around though, so quickly the oldest of the three chased after Junsu to get the details while YooChun mosied over to a section that had decorations made out of old vinyl records. YooChun loved to listen to vinyl records, so the idea of having a decoration made out of them made him a little excited. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea to come in here after all.
On his way to the display area, YooChun didn't notice a woman had been kneeling over in one of the aisles and as he turned around the corner he accidentally knocked into her. Hearing a squeak come from the woman on the ground, YooChun looked down at her wide eyed as she toppled over, the items in her hand falling onto the ground with a clatter. "Omo! I'm so sorry! Are you okay??" Yoochun asked, instantly kneeling over to help her up and then help her with her items.
Once the girl had all her items back in her hands, the two stood up and YooChun gave her an apologetic look, only for his eyes and mouth to widen a little as he recognized the girl. "SooMin-ah?" He asked, pulling his sunglasses off to show who he was. The girl then gave him a confused look before her eyes widened in recognition. "MICKEY?!" She then moved her stuff out of the way and instantly flung her arms around YooChun's neck in a tight hug.


ahhh sorry about the wait on this chapter! I hope I didn't lose anyone's interest >.<;; I'll be trying to update faster from here on out! It's always the first chapter that takes a bit keke. I hope you liked it ^o^/

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Chapter 3: So sweet. More soon please.....
Chapter 3: i wonder what if chun dump her for su hahahaXD
but nice^^update sooooon^^
Chapter 2: I forgot to ask you to update this one also. When you have time!! Love your stories.
Chapter 2: possesive suie?aigoo~~~ if we'll see yoosu here?XD
Chapter 2: Why's she kissing my Chunnie? lol. Cute story.
Yes, more, soon!!
Chapter 1: chappie one and already a cliffhanger you're killing me authornim>.<
update soon~~~^^
update soon^^