


"Class, please stand." 
The screechings against the floor sounded as the lot of students stood up. 
"Jaejoong, please stand." 
All eyes turned to the back of the class. He was leaning way back against the chair, long legs spread out under the table. His school blouse was no where to be seen, only the school jacket covering his black tank. Some girls, who had the luck to be in the same class of the king of the school, giggled as they watched the teacher have the same battle that she always had with Jaejoong. 
He looked up at the teacher, rather glared. Silence hung awkwardly in the air as he eyed the teacher. His eyes were that dreamy and smoky grey that seemed wet and penetrating. Girls sighed as they watched his perfect features, his eyes so confident and glaring, his tank, showing a little if his toned abs. 
He continued glaring as the teacher finally admitted defeat and turned away. She sighed and lifted up a hand.
"Good morning Miss Kim." the class greeted, Jaejoong still sitting down.
She forced a smile.
"Good morning. We have a new student with us today. Please take care of him. Come in please, Yoochun." Miss Kim stated as all eyes focused on the door.
He walked in, carrying a black leather shoulder bag on his arm. His raven black hair was styled in that flower boy style, but also seeming a bit fierce. However, his eyes were the prettiest thing ever. They were a light brown amber colour that seemed to be smiling. 
Girls' eyes were fixated on him, boys' eyes were also on him, for some weird reason. 
"Hello," he smiled "Im Yoochun."

-Yuri's POV-
"Hello, I'm Yoochun." I said as I smiled at the class. 
I did a mental examination as I allowed my eyes to sail over the class. 
I found him.
He was sitting there with that nonchalant look on his damn face, giving me that 'you're worth nothing' face, which was followed by a smirk. Instinctively, my hand reached to my pants where my gun and my needles lay. Damn. If I were not Yoochun, I would have kicked him right in the balls.
Anyway... Time to start my acting.

-Jaejoong's POV-
Everyone stared at that weird guy. Including me. 
Gosh, a fanboy?! How annoying. 
"Miss Kim!!! Can I sit with Jaejoong? Please!!!" He whined at the teacher, suddenly grabbing her arm. 
She smiled. 
That scary type of smile.
"You'll," she paused and stared at me "Will be rooming with Jaejoong. Besides sitting with him.


Sorry, pretty short chapter after a long time. The next chapter might take a while coz of the reopening of school. So sorry:( BUT STAY TUNED YEAHH:) tnx for the subscriptions:)

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i likw this
lifejusthappens #3
Sounds so good :D please continueee !