His Guardian Angel


It was fate. Nothing could have stoped it. Right? The death of Choi Mi Tae leaves her in an odd situation and Lee Taemin in a deep regret. 

HEY GUYSS!!!!!!!! Its me Mae-chan again >.< I know I know I have other stories that I need to write but I REALLLLYYYYYYY wanted to start this one. Hehe yeah so enjoy!!!!!!!


  • Author: Mae-chan
  • Genre: Drama, maybe some romance
  • Rating: NOT R xd (i dont do that stuff...)
  • Warnings: Well there might be some swearing but other than that it shall be clean ^^
  • ANY THING ELSE?: Well i just got an awesome poster and background from taemin_luva4eva and its amazing!!!!


Main Characters: 

NAME: Lee Taemin

He an adorable kid, but he wants to be manly. His killer smile can send any girl crazy, well except for maybe one. 

Taemin forever blames himself for letting his best friend die when he was 8 and on his birthday too. He always wants to bring her back and go back in time to save her. 

He is the Maknae of SHINee and the lead dancer. He always studies hard and does his best to keep up with his band members. 

NAME: Choi Mi Tae

Well more commonly known as Mae she is, actually was Taemin's best friend. She was killed. T.O.P from BIGBANG is her half brother. When she was alive she was fun and crazy, she loved to dance too. Though now she is calm and will always protect her loved ones. 

Her status now: Angel?...... 

NAME: Kim Kibum

SHINee's protective umma and crazy diva. He prefers to be called Key. He is very over protective of Taemin and hates to see him sad. He and the rest of SHINee have no clue of how Mae affected Taemin's past, or even know of Her. 

NAME: Yong Mika

She is one of Mae's best friends. She was the one who greated Mae when she died. 

She is very blunt with her friends and very kind. She gets angered easily but will never take her anger out on her friends.  Mika is very defensive around her friend and has a sharp tongue with witty comebacks. Mika is very straightforward and is competitive. Around people she doesn't know she will be very quiet and maybe even a bit rude. That's only because she doesn't respect them though. She needs people to earn her respect. So a first impression is very important for your reputation with her. 

Her Status Now: Angel? 





- Lee Jinki (Aka Onew)

- Kim Jonghyun

- Choi Minho

Anyone else I feel like adding...... 


"Yah Taemin where are you going?" Key asked as Taemin grabbed his jacket and opened the door to their dorm.

"Somewhere on my yearly birthday walk" He said as he walked out. His voice was full of sadness. 

'Hmm I wonder why he is always sad on his birthday...' Key thought 

"Hey guys!" Key yelled at the rest of SHINee, they all looked up. "What are we going to do for my son this year?" 

.............. END OF PREVIEW


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Update please *puppyeyes*
Oh did i make her 9... haha i was just testing u guys >.< <br />
<br />
I'll go change it now... <br />
Well thank you for reading my story and don't worry about not really knowing much a bout Bleach if you get confused just ask me!
OohShinyDistracted #3
Hi awesome story! Even if I don't really get Bleach... I thought Mae was 8 though?