Dancing Solo


Tokyo Arts High one of the best schools in the league. Tokyo Arts homes some of the best of the best of performers, artist, musicians, you name it! 

For the students summer is almost over and a new year is about to begin. The new year will bring in some more increadible and talented students, and five boys will really shine this year. 

A returning student named Choi Mae will be a sophmore, she is the best dancer the school has. She will go through some hard times with her hectic shool life and responsibility of having a job. Its a good thing she has friends... Right?



I dont know.... the discriptions sounds gay.... >.> sorry guys. But Its gonna be an AU (alternitive universe) So there will be lots of K-pop stars (well the ones I kno...) In Japan. Why Japan? well I like Japan so deal with it.... sorry XP ANY WHOO! I hope you like this. I think I might have a plot line for this story!!! OMG I HAVE A PLOT????? yeah.... Its gonna be Highschool based so I'll have fun. BUT they dont have uniforms cuz its a school of the arts. and well they are creative people. They dont need uniforms. PLUS if they did have uniforms it wouldnt be very uniform if all the students personalize it and all... ^^


OK so I started writing the first chapter in 3rd person. I want to write in POVs so that'll start in chapter 2. 


Well I don't kneed the poster any more and plus it doesnt fit the story very much now... So I shall draw something if I can make someting good. I want to put differnt pics I drew for every chapter cuz then it'll be fun. ^^ well unless I get lazy... 




“Who’re you?” She asked with an icy glare.

The person at Mae’s front door was defiantly not her best friend Amber; it was a boy, a cute one, but still a boy.

“A-ano…” He’s stammered in an accented Japanese. She observed him, he had a cute, light brown,  styled hair, large deep brown eyes, his cheeks were tinted pink and slowly glowing red as he tried to avert his eyes from her body (that was still only wrapped in a towel, I might add). He wore a black hoodie and a sport jacket to keep him warm in the cold night air, underneath was a simple white graphic tee. Grey skinny jeans adorned his legs, and on his feet were black high tops. 


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I like the idea im looking forward to it <3
Love this. Update soon!
Lubz_Beanz_4eva #3
i loveee the postahhh!!! taeminnies usin ayegoo!!!<br />
your poster is done :)
Lubz_Beanz_4eva #5
so short....make biggah chappies!!!! <3<br />
Lubz_Beanz_4eva #6
omo...this is very interesting!!! update soon <3