
Forbidden Act.

The clock is tickling as both men were continued staring at each other in the big office room. None of them is making the first move to talk. For Micky is he has nothing to talk about, anyway isn't it suppose to be boss giving instructions and he just has to follow. Aother hand, Junsu is just being nervous. He doesn't know why the hell he is nervous. He looked at Micky, he really not sure what to say. As the atmosphere is getting more and more awkward, Micky shifted a bit before clearing his throat, "Sir, may I know what am I suppose to do?" "Junsu." "Huh?" "Just call me Junsu when no one is around." Micky frowned slightly, " I don't see there is a need for it, Sir." "I want us to be friendly with each other." Upon hearing, Micky can't help it but chuckled. He thinks it is funny but seeing Junsu being so quiet and serious, he quickly composed himself back. "I love your laughter. It sounds like someone I love." Micky totally caught off from the sudden confession, his eyes suddenly turned cold and firmly replied," Listen sir, I feel sorry that you lost touch with the guy you loved but I can never be the guy you saying." "Is love." "Huh?" Micky is getting more and more confused. "I still love him. Not loved." "Okay, whatever sir. If you have nothing for me to do then I will return back to my table first." Micky bowed before turning the door knob but he can clearly hears Junsu's last statement. "I know is you. I will make you admit." Micky walked back to his that small table, thinking if he had made a right choice for staying in this company. He sighed at his empty table, he has nothing to do. He quietly took out a few pieces of blank papers and decided that he will just draw whatever his mind has. *Beep Beep* Micky quickly fished out his phone, fearing that his message alert may disturb others. It is Jaejoong. ~Hey, what do you want for dinner?~  Micky just pressed a few buttons hurrily and this time he remembers to switch his phone to silent mode.  After switching it, he goes back to his works. 

On the other hand, 

Jaejoong is wandering around in the supermaket, not knowing where to go. *Beep Beep* He quickly picked up his phone and immediately smiled at the respose. ~Your favourite, hyung.~ He pushed his trolley and decided that he will just cooked both of their favourite. As he was walking, he doesn't really watching out where he was going except the food so of course his trolley had accidentally collided into the poor man who was also very engrossed in his searching of food. "Ouch!" The poor man groaned as he felt the pain crept up his right ankle. Jaejoong was quite shocked but he doesn't forget that he had to aplogise. He hurrily bowed 90 degree as he apologied but the moment both of them meet each other's eyes. Both of them said in unsion, "Is you." Jaejoong doesn't really care a lot about last time incident but only caring at the man's ankle. He bent down and just as he wanted to touch to see if it really hurts badly but Yunho quickly withdrawed his leg behind. "It is okay. I am alright." Jaejoong smiles, it is the first time he closely looked at Yunho. Despite this is not his first time but last time he was too pissed to notice anyone. "I am Jaejoong." Jaejoong hands out his hand and very fast Yunho took the hand and smiled back, "Yunho." This is the moment, both of them feel that their hearts can't be slow down. "Are you doing food shopping too?" Jaejoong ask out of curious. "Er, not really. I am actually working but my mum suddenly inisite me on buying a few thing and get those thing back by noon." Jaejoong just formed a 'o' shaped as he nodded. Yunho glanced the list again and scratched his head annoying. Jaejoong just chuckled at the sight, surprisingly he found that the annoyed person is cute. "Let me help you." Jaejoong smiled as he took over the list."What are you looking for right now?" Yunho feels slightly embarrassed but still happy that someone is there to help him. "Er...milk?" Jaejoong immediately bursted out laughing, "HAHAHA, how can you find milk at here." Yunho fronwed, "It says drink sections." "Hahaha, I know. But milk suppose to be placed in cold storage not here with cans of soft drinks." Jaejoong pulled Yunho towards the milk''s location, "It clearly shows that you don't come here often." Heat slowly climbed up Yunho's face, he can't help it but feel nerovus as both of their hands touched. "Hmm...yeah...I rarely come." "It is okay, I will help you find the other stuffs too." Jaejoong flashed the beautiful smile again. Through the food hunting, both of them talked quite a lot, more or less they had already become friends. Yunho also had learned that Jaejoong is a designer too but he works through online. People just have to send in their ideal theme and Jaejoong will just have to follow the theme and designed it before sending back to them. Upon knowing this, Yunho quickly used his phone and checked up the website, the website is pretty well set up and it seemed like Jaejoong is doing really great job even though it is through internet. "Are you sure you don't want to take up the offer?" Yunho offered again, "You are a great designer, don't you think it will be waste if you only be given such a small place to show your talent." Jaejoong put his last item into his trolley before turning his attention back to Yunho, "I like working through internet is because it is own self own target. There is not much stress and you can reject whenever you like." Yunho doesn't not know why he feels so attracted to Jaejoong, he wants to see him again. "You are right...but isn't it better if you can work with your friend?" Yunho tried again. "My friend?" Confusion showed across his face, "Micky Park?" "That is my brother....wait...did you just said he works in your company?" "Erm...yeah? Right now is under my brother's supervision." "WHAT YOUR BROTHER? Wait...who is your brother?" Jaejoong knows the answer but he wants to double check again. "Erm...Junsu? Is there something wrong?" Lots of thing is on his mind but he can't just let it showed out. "Er...nothing wrong. I am just asking." Jaejoong quickly replied. Both of them just exchanged a few more sentences before really walked away from each other. 

Right now, Micky feels that he is more like a caretaker than a designer. He had been spending most of his afternoon time in doing some useless works such as changing water porter, re-filling coffee packets, printing papers and now what? Trying to find out where is the storeroom so he can go get stupid rolls of toilet papers just because the supposed in charged cleaner is sick and he asked to do it since he looks the most free person in that level. "Why are you here?" Micky jumped a little bit however loose a bit after noticing it is Junsu. "Yes sir?" "Aren't you supposed to be at your table?" "I am here to get toilet papers since there is no more in the toilet." "And why is it you?" "Aparently, I am free and the cleaner is not in today." "This isn't your job." "I know, sir. But since I am new here, I don't think it will be good if I reject other people's help." Junsu's eyebrown knotted tighter, "But still...they have no right to order you." Micky just shrugged, "They didn't order me and my boss didn't give me any work at all." Micky smiled in victory as he saw Junsu sighed. "Fine. Then you go home." "Huh?" "As you said I didn't give you any work then you can go home now. Report to my office tomorrow once you reach here." Not letting Micky to reponse as Just walked away. Micky seriously wants to beat the hell out of Junse, how can he leave the office now? He still have 3 hours before knock off. Ignoring the order, he continued his mission on finding the toilet paper and succeed within the next 15 minutes. Looking at his watch, he still have 2 hours 30 minutes. He surfs the net aimlessly and soon he got bored again. This time round, he took out his phone and played, at first he still playing quite happily but as soon as he saw the other's weird looks on him, he sighed and put his phone back to his pocket. He almost screamed out in frustration, he cannot take it anymore. He walked to Junsu's office and just barged in. He counts himself lucky since there is no one in the room at that moment. Junsu stood up from where he sat, "I thought I told you to go home." "But it isn't even reach the time for go home." "But there is nothing for you to do." "Then why don't you give me some other people's unfinished works?" "Don't forget you are under me." "So? You are not giving me any work?" Junsu sighed again," Believe me, go home now and tomorrow I will be giving you work to do." Micky wants to complain more but at the same time, he doesn't really want to look at Junsu's face any longer. He just huff in annoyance and walked out of the room so as to pack his bag and get his back to home. 

The sound of door knob turning, caused Jaejoong walked out from the room. "Why are you so early back home?" "My boss has nothing for me so he asked me go home." Micky kicked his shoes aside and walked towards the couch. "You listen to him so well..." Micky wanted to protest but again he felt exhausted and he is too lazy to reason back. Seeing Micky no reponse, "And today I met Yunho, the guy last time appeared in the restuarant with the his brother and helped to apologised for his brother's behalf? Do you still remember?" "Erm...I guess so..." Micky pretends to think hard however in his mind he is saying, "Oh? That cocky jerk..." Suddenly, he felt a weight lying on top of him. "What the hell are you doing?" Micky tried to pry Jaejoong's body away but failed quite badly. "How long are you trying to keep lying?" Jaejoong's eyes just told him that he knows everything and there is no point in lying. "I didn't lie." "Why didn't you tell me Kim Junsu is your boss? You lied to me!!!" Jaejoong screamed in his loud pitch voice. "You didn't ask? And I don't see any point to tell you." "You could have just reject the offer. Why not?" " It will be stupid to reject such a good opportunity." "Fine then! Continue pretending!" "Hyung, are you still angry?" "Forgive me, please.........Hyung!!!!!!!" Micky whined loudly as he keeps holding on to Jaejoong's arm. " You will have your payback." Jaejoong smirked. "What is it?" "Me and you will be working in the same company!" "Oh my god, tell me it is a joke." "Yunho offered me once he saw my website." Jaejoong winked playfully. "NO WAY!!!!!" Micky screamed as Jaejoong walked proudly back into his room. 


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ayazo13 #1
YooSu YooSu
Lola1234 #2
But yoosu is better than junchun >.<
icecreamchoco #3
Chapter 1: uuoooo daebak~ ^^