Chapter 4

Don't Touch Me

We finished at the café and left with Taehyung leading. I was curious at where he wanted to take me. We walked quietly down the street unsure of what to say. My hands fiddle with each other behind my back until I was surprised at the click. “Again???” I said. Taehyung chuckled. “What is that the billionth picture?”

“What a wild guess.” Taehyung chuckled. “Well… you did agree to be my model.” I had forgotten about that honestly. I blinked at him. “Don’t deny it.” I pouted.

“I can’t now thank you.” My eyes wandered upwards and I flinched. Something wet dripping down my face. “Rain?” I said quietly. Taehyung flinched too and immediately placed his camera into his pockets taking my arm. In seconds it started pouring.

“Let’s go to my place. It’s close by.” Taehyung said taking my arm and starting to run. I didn’t understand this feeling, but a part of me wants him to take my hand. But a second later I had told myself it was stupid. Especially if I had saw a vision.


Taehyung seemed to live in an apartment by himself. I was slightly dazed. “Where are your parents?” I asked slipping my shoes off. “Sorry for intrusion.” I had whispered. Taehyung looked over his shoulder.

“Work. Won’t be home until later.” He turned to me. “But I don’t live with them.”

“Eh?” I said surprised. Then my cheeks rose pink and I sneezed. Taehyung flinched and left the room with in seconds he had a towel and placed it onto my head.

“Dry off. I’ll lend you some clothes.” He said softly my heart started pounding harder. His smile left me entranced as he pulled away. I held the towel in front of my face so he couldn’t see the redness in my cheeks. Then I sighed before I pulled my hair tie letting my braid undo itself.

Taehyung came back with a shirt and some shorts. “These are the smallest I have.” He said shyly. “Sorry.” I nodded my head walking over and he stood there staring at me. “You look nice with your hair down.” I smiled gratefully.

“It’s kind of a hindrance to ask to cut my hair.”

“Why would you want to cut it?” He asked surprised. Then he sneezed, I had noticed he still hasn’t changed. Was he searching for these clothes this entire time? “I’ll be right back.” I nodded my head and he left again.


I sat down on his couch. There was a decent sized flat screen TV in front of me. He had a mac book pro on the coffee table, his Nikon camera placed on top of his laptop. I turned over and noticed the tripods and bags in the corner of the room. Then above the camera I noticed a collage of pictures in one frame placed there. “He must really love photography.” I whispered to myself. I looked over and noticed that everything else seemed usual, he was a normal boy with a somewhat mess in this apartment, but something told me he had recently cleaned not too long ago, but the mess just came back.

Kicking my feet onto the ground I went over to the collage. “Are these his friends?” I asked myself staring at the pictures some on top of another. The collage seems to have been a gift, but the pictures look like he took them himself. I saw a picture of him laughing with some of his friends. I recognize some of them from school, but I’ve never talked to them of course. He had such an honest smile in each picture. These pictures were natural. And for some reason that’s what made them beautiful.


“Sorry to make you wait.” Taehyung said coming out of the hallway. He blinked curiously then noticed me holding his camera. I seemed to be looking through his pictures to not notice him. He laughed and went to the kitchen.

“How long have you been taking pictures?” I asked without turning away from the camera. Taehyung stopped to think about it.

“I don’t remember actually, ever since I was little I suppose.” Taehyung nodded his head and looked over at me. “Hot chocolate?”

“Yes please.” I smiled clicking to the next photo. “These are really good.” I said staring at them. This part in his memory card seems to all be of his friends. They were dancing, some were goofing off. But I noticed there were no blurs, there was nothing strange bout them. They look posed. But they weren’t. They were natural. You can see the dedication in their eyes; you can feel the hard work in each picture. “It’s like…”

“You’re there?” Taehyung asked as he let hot water boil. He sat next to me but kept his distance. “Like you can understand how they feel when you really can’t?” He asked. I nodded my head as he reached carefully taking the camera between my hands. “That’s how I’ve always thought of photography. A message, a feeling, you try to send to the other person without having to be there.” He smiled at me softly.

“Like a video?” I questioned.

“Not exactly…” He laughed. I nodded my head as he clicked through the pictures; I watched the picture change easily. “It’s hard to explain.” He chuckled. “Natural beauty is the best beauty.” He said. I nodded my head again then turned out the window. “It’s raining really hard isn’t it?”

“Doesn’t seem like it’ll lit up any time soon.” I said. He nodded then placed the camera in front of my face. “Hey!” I said trying to avoid getting my picture taken. He just leaned forward and I stood up. I laughed as he pouted. I just smiled, and his mouth went back to his usual smile.


We were quiet for some time when Taehyung heard the water start to boil he quickly left the couch. I stared at him with the corner of my eyes then looked back out the window. It seemed as the rain suddenly got harder and I pulled my phone out my phone. Two mugs were placed by his phone.

“Thanks.” I said softly.

“Are you cold?” Taehyung asked when he saw me shiver slightly. “My heater is taking its time to turn on.” He smiled sadly. “Sorry.” I shook my head and put my phone away into my pocket hugging my knees. Taehyung grimaced then left the couch again. A second later he came back with a small blanket and brought it over my shoulder. “Stay warm.”

I was quiet. “Thanks.” I smiled. He nodded his head then sat down on the couch keeping his distance. “Why are you sitting so far?” I asked curiously.

“If I get any closer I’d be tempted to hold your hand.” He said, cheeks noticeable pink as he scratched his head. My cheeks went slightly pink. “Can I ask you something?” He questioned softly. I nodded my head. “Is there something about you that makes it so you can’t hold someone’s hand?” He stared at me. I blinked surprised and I looked away.

“Of course not!” I laughed. “I just don’t want to hold someone’s hand.” I gave a soft smile.

“Stop lying.” Taehyung bluntly blurted out. I gave a surprised look and then laughed. “SaeYoung…” He said with a disappointed look. “I know I’m not the closest person to you but I can honestly tell that you’re lying to yourself.”

“How do you know?” I said.

“I just can.”

“That’s a lie.” I turned to him. He smiled and looked away. “Is there something about you like there’s something about me?” I asked him. “Taehyung tell me.” He laughed. “What’s so funny?”

“It’s funny how you want me to tell you, yet you won’t tell me.” Those words suddenly formed a wave of guilt over me. I sat back in my seat thinking about it. He noticed my expression and sighed. “Sorry.” I looked up and shook my head. “Let’s forget this conversation.” He stood up. “Are you hungry?” He asked me. “I think I can order something.” He thought for a moment. “I know! I have a coupon for.”

“I can see your death.” My words shaken I didn’t meet his eyes at all. Taehyung stopped where he was and walked back to the couch.

“Say it again.” He said staring at me. I looked up at him swallowing my saliva. He had a gentle look, as if he had to clarify it for himself.

“I… I’m able to see your death… through hand contact.” I looked down and Taehyung looked down with a small unexplainable look. He took a seat closer to me and kept his hands in his pockets nodding his head. Then he turned to me.


“How long?”


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I always post these before I go to bed. You're comments makes my mornings 10x better <3 

Annyeong :3

P.S What do you think will happen next?

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 10: This was honestly such a sad story. I feel really sad for Saeyoung because this is a horrible power that she possesses and the ending where Hobi dies is urghhh so sad I can't even. Thanks for the read, I loved it <3 Hwaiting~!
secretstayafterlove #2
I love this. It was written in a way where there is not much drama and action but I can feel all the emotions. I love it. Thanks
i gonna read this!
cyjames #4
What?! I'm not crying .... Something just flew in my eyes! This was a great and really original story !!! Loved every second!
nurafi #5
Chapter 10: Huwaaaa love it!!!
v-kookiee #6
Chapter 6: it's funny how the Taehyung here knows how to take a photo without being blurry, but in real life, every selca he takes is blurry XD
xKpopx_Jmna #7
Chapter 10: That was sooooo good! Thank you!
Chapter 10: THAT WAS GOOOOD. :)
Chapter 10: Nice story... btw I want to ask, Why taehyung can read her thoughts?