Chapter 2

Don't Touch Me

When the lunch bell went off I first went to my locker and pulled out the books I had finished and need to return before it’s overdue. A small echo went through the hallway as the last of students had finally made it the cafeteria. I pulled the piece of paper Taehyung had forcefully given me and let out a small sigh. “I guess it can’t hurt.”


“You actually came.” Taehyung smiled standing up. I was a little surprised as he held up his camera; I looked down immediately as I heard the click. “Camera shy?” He questioned.

“Surprised.” I said hushed. Then I looked up and noticed it was just him in the room. “Photography club… just you?” He shook his head with his signature laugh-eye smile combination.

“No… my friends are down at the cafeteria.” I nodded my head.

“And you aren’t?”

“I stayed behind. To wait for you of course…” He said slowly and I couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed. My cheeks turned a slight pink. “Are you interested in joining?”

“I thought you wanted me to be your model.” I said confused.

“That too…” He nodded. “But that doesn’t mean you can’t be a member.” He smiled again. I couldn’t help but wonder why he smiles so much. “Does it bother you that I smile a lot?” He questions. I shook my head surprised. “Your face is easy to read.” He gestured.

“No it isn’t…” I stuttered looking away. He suddenly took another picture. “Hey!” I said frowning. A sigh escaped my lips and I held up my library book. “I have to return these.” Turning my body to the door I heard light quick steps.

“I’ll go with you.” He smiled brightly. “Keep you some company.” I sighed and placed both hands onto the books. “Is that alright?” He questioned.

“Do as you with Kim Taehyung.”

“Just call me Taehyung, Lim SaeYoung.”

“Then just call me SaeYoung.”

“Yeah… yeah…”




“Wait here.” I said pointing downwards as he pressed his back to the door. “Since you’re here I’m just going to return this book.” He pouted. “What?”

“Since when did you have a cold attitude???”

“Oh please.” I smiled. He smiled back as I turned to the teacher who was 9 months pregnant.

“How come you didn’t take your leave?” I asked her curiously as I searched for my student ID card.

“Just love this school so much I can’t leave.” She laughed. “The baby is coming at any moment now, so this is my last day here.” She sighed. “Maternity leave is so hard.” Then she rubbed her stomach and I stared at her. “But in the end another life and miracle is going to be born.” I stared at her and smiled.

“Isn’t this your 2nd kid?” I asked curiously. She chuckled nodding. “What will you name this one?” I asked curiously.

“I’m thinking InSu” She said quietly. She had such a mother vibe at that moment I smiled softly. “Maybe one day you can meet him.” I nodded my head and handed her my ID card after minutes of searching. She reached over carelessly placed her hands on top of mine surprising me.


Everything went a quick black as a vision came. She was screaming in pain. Hospital clothes. She was giving birth. As her newborn child was now out of her, as they cut the cord, she had her child for not only a minute with a smile on her face. “InSu.” Was her last breath.


“SaeYoung your book.” I snapped my attention back to her. “Are you alright???” I was quiet then I smiled handing her my book. “You were out of it. Did you get enough sleep?”

“Yeah.” I nodded my head taking my ID card back shoving it into my pocket. “You take care of yourself okay?” She had a questioned look. “I’ll come see you at the hospital.” She laughed and reached over to pat my head.

“You’re a good kid SaeYoung.” She said softly. My heart sunk as I bowed my head and left the now befuddled Taehyung to chase after me.




“I didn’t know you were close to the librarian.” Taehyung said surprised. I just nodded my head quietly quickening my pace. “Hey are you alright?” Taehyung grabbed my shoulder making me turn to him. “SaeYoung…” He whispered.

“Can you leave me alone for a little?” I said quietly shaking. Taehyung frowned and pulled me into a hug. I gaped slightly. “What are you doing???”

“When I’m down all I need is a hug.” He whispered. “From someone who cares.” He cupped my cheeks and leaned down to meet my eyes. “What’s wrong?”

“I feel helpless.” I whispered suddenly. Surprising myself with the words that just left my lips. Taehyung was confused himself but in the end he just hugged me again. “Taehyung.” I said.

“Quiet.” He said in a hushed tone. “It’s going to be okay.” He looked back at me and as if he had already read my thoughts he could tell what I was thinking. No. No it’s not. It’s not okay.


A couple days later I was writing in my journal some ideas for Taehyung, we had kept in contact and sometimes saw each other at lunch. During this lunch though all students were to wait in their classrooms until notified. Questions and whispers made their way around the classroom.  Then one by one the teacher of our class, some of the faculty members, and the principal had walked in; each of them holding one white flower. It was quiet for a moment then the principal spoke first.


“Earlier this morning, our librarian Mrs. Han died from child birth.”


I stopped writing and bit my lips looking down. There was a short uproar of surprise of course. Clenching my fists I startled the class as I quickly was the first to leave the class.



I slammed open the library door and saw the several vases full of flowers. There was a figure standing in front of the flowers. “I knew you’d come.” He said looking up. How could he feel how I feel? His expression showed sadness. As if he was hurt to the same level I was. “SaeYoung.” He said quietly. I couldn’t help but run into his arms tears running down my eyes. He stood there. He knew. He knew how I felt. I didn’t understand how. And at this moment, I needed his warm embrace.




I hope you liked this update. Like i said its going to be a short story so..

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Kurosawa_Shizuka #1
Chapter 10: This was honestly such a sad story. I feel really sad for Saeyoung because this is a horrible power that she possesses and the ending where Hobi dies is urghhh so sad I can't even. Thanks for the read, I loved it <3 Hwaiting~!
secretstayafterlove #2
I love this. It was written in a way where there is not much drama and action but I can feel all the emotions. I love it. Thanks
i gonna read this!
cyjames #4
What?! I'm not crying .... Something just flew in my eyes! This was a great and really original story !!! Loved every second!
nurafi #5
Chapter 10: Huwaaaa love it!!!
v-kookiee #6
Chapter 6: it's funny how the Taehyung here knows how to take a photo without being blurry, but in real life, every selca he takes is blurry XD
xKpopx_Jmna #7
Chapter 10: That was sooooo good! Thank you!
Chapter 10: THAT WAS GOOOOD. :)
Chapter 10: Nice story... btw I want to ask, Why taehyung can read her thoughts?