a new mystery

The Empty Book

“You told him about Yugyeom?” My best friend, Kim Taeri said to me over the phone. I was still stuck in traffic on my way home. Seoul sure wasn’t too friendly to their drivers.

“Yeah…” I admitted. “I told you already. I was pretty drunk.” Taeri was my friend since elementary school and we ended up sticking together until college. We both studied hard together and got into Seoul University but while I was a creative writing major, she went for the sciences, but that didn’t stop us from staying together. Now, she was working for Samsung and probably had a much more stable job than I did, but that didn’t bother me.

“You wouldn’t let anyone mention his name for a while.” Taeri said.

“I know.” I sighed. “Which is why I think it’s weird that it slipped out.” I was so frustrated. I haven’t told anybody about Yugyeom and I thought his name was gone from my memory, but it seemed that he was still there, lingering in my thoughts.

“I heard he’s an idol now.” Taeri said.

“Well he was never really a good student.” I admitted. “I hope he does well… I guess.”

I heard Taeri chuckle from the other end. “I’m pretty sure you mean the opposite.”

“Yeah probably.” I sighed as I could finally push the gas pedal and move the car forward a bit more.

“So tell me. Is this Jung Daehyun the one we met at the convention?”


“The one you said looked lonely?” Taeri reminded me.

“I said that?”

“Yeah, you did.” She audibly sighed from the other side. “Are you sure you’re ok?”

“Well I think so.” I said.

“Wait hold up.” Taeri said. “Let me just organize my thoughts. You stayed over at his house because you got drunk but you woke up sleeping next to him?”

I blushed at the memory. “Well… yeah…”

“Are you sure you don’t like this dude?” Taeri asked bluntly.

I wrinkled my eyebrows. “Excuse me Taeri. We have a strictly professional relationship.”

“Telling each other about your first love doesn’t sound very professional to me.”

“You know what-“ I began but was cut off.

“Getting drunk at his house isn’t very professional either.”

“Listen here-“

“Not to mention you two basically slept together.”

“Alright fine. Fine.” I admitted defeat. “It’s not professional anymore. I get it.”

Taeri laughed from the other side. “He probably likes you too.”

“Why would someone like him like someone like me?” I rolled my eyes at the thought.

“I mean why wouldn’t he? You’re pretty. He’s pretty. You’re an author. He’s an author.”

“Don’t call guys pretty. It’s weird.” I sighed. “Anyway, he’s so much more successful in this business. He has no reason to pay any attention to me.” I explained.

“I mean he stayed next to you for the whole night and didn’t leave.” Taeri said. She had a point there.

“It’s probably cause he felt bad for me after listening to Yugyeom’s story.”

“Oh please.” Taeri said, exasperated. “If it was his brother, would he have stayed with you?”

I thought about it. “Daejung? Hm….” I wrinkled my eyebrows in frustration. Would he? “I have no idea actually.”

“Wanna test it?” Taeri suggested.

“Are you crazy?” I asked.

She laughed again. “Why not? Wouldn’t your sister be interested in him or something?”

“You are crazy.” I answered my own question. “My sister looks for money if you haven’t realized.”

“What does this Daejung do?” Taeri asked. At this point, I was already almost home.

“Hm… I never really asked. He’s not very busy. He was the one who offered to help me in the first place.”

“Do you think he just lives of Daehyun’s money?” Taeri questioned.

“No, he doesn’t seem like that type of person. He looks like the type to do office work.”

“Daehyun’s manager?”

“I don’t think his life revolves around Daehyun.” I said, annoyed at her ideas.

“Why can’t you just ask him then?” Taeri said.

“I will once I get home.”

“You can’t make it obvious though. He might think you’re a gold-digger.”

“I’m disappointed in the faith you have in me.”

I heard her laugh again. “I’m just saying. After what you just told me, I’m not sure if I can still trust you.”

“Aish, can you stop?” I said, realizing what she was referring to.

“I got it, I got it.”

“So how’s it going with your boyfriend?” I teased.

“You mean the invisible one?” She tagged along with what I was getting at. “I don’t know. I still need to find him.”

“I’m telling you. You should get with Yongguk.”

“I’m not interested in someone who edits sentences all day.” Taeri replied.

“What about that guy who works in your sect at work? What’s his name again?”

“Are you talking about Himchan?”

“Yeah him.”

“He’s such a womanizer I can’t deal with him.”

“What about the one you met at the library?”


“Yeah. He was nice right?”

“A little too nice. He probably has a girlfriend already.”

“The barista at the coffee place?”


“Yeah. He was cute.”

“Yeah cause he’s like 4 years younger than me.”

I sighed. “This is why you don’t have a boyfriend yet.”

“Hey. Speak for yourself.”

“I’m just trying to help you here.”

“Do you know anything about Daehyun’s editor?”

“I don’t think he has an editor other than himself. Maybe his publisher?”

“Hmmm publisher.” Taeri stretched the word out on her tongue.

“What? You interested?”

“How about you find out who this guy is?”

“So you want me to find out what Daejung does and who Daehyun’s publisher is?”

“Without sounding like a stalker.”

“Are you for real?”

“Just try ok?” Just then I heard someone shouting in the background of our call. “Sorry, my mom spilled something in the kitchen. I’ll call you later ok? Don’t forget about the information.” And without waiting for a bye from me, she hung up.

I was already in the elevator leading to my condo at this point. I pressed the end button to realize that I had 3 new text messages, all from the same, but unknown, number.

From: 10-2345-678

You left your drafts here.


From: 10-2345-678

Don’t you need them?


From 10-2345-678    

And your jackets here too.

Of course. Being the klutz I am, I would leave those things at his house. I didn’t need the ID to know that this was from Daehyun or Daejung, more likely Daehyun.

When the elevator rang to signal I reached my floor, I already replied.

To: 10-2345-678

I’ll go and get those later today. Thanks for telling me.

I opened the door to the condo to find my sister greeting me. I’ve been sharing a condo with my sister for quite some time since we both weren’t married and decided that we may as well save some money. After my father passed away a few years ago, my mom joined us in our condo. It was a little crowded for three people, but it had that feeling of home in it.

“So the lady who stayed overnight has come home.” My sister, Sokyung said.

“Give her a break.” I heard my mom’s voice come from inside of the apartment. “At least it was a renowned author’s house.”

I smiled at my mom and glared at my sister before collapsing on the couch.

“Tired?” My sister sat down next to me and the TV.

The news was on and a picture of Daehyun holding one of his books was on the screen. Before the screen changed back to the reporter, I bolted up and turned up the volume.

Yesterday, it was reported that Jung Daehyun, Korea’s beloved novelist, is planning to publish another book soon. Though details about this book have not been provided, many fans and critics are already full of expectations for this young novelist. Being the youngest novelist to ever sell one million copies of one book, the people are extremely excited for another one of this works.”

“That’s him, isn’t it?” My sister asked as my eyes were opened wide.

“When did he…” I muttered to myself. I never saw him even pick up a pencil or type the whole time I was at this house. How did he manage to write all this?

Why was it, that the more I found out about Daehyun, the more mysteries I had to solve?


a/n: annyeong readers :) i hope you enjoyed today's chapter, and yes a lot of things will be explained in the next chapter XD don't forget to comment, upvote and subscribe ^^ 




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guys i am so sorry for not updating in literally 3 months since ive been stressing about school. >.< i'll try to update this weekend!


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Vwansha #1
Chapter 10: Nooo... It ended at a perfectly good part. The story has a really good plot and is descriptive. I find that this story keeps me entertained and isn't draggy eventhough it took a little while for them to realize their feelings. I wonder what will happen next and in the future. *dun dun dun* ^_^
Chapter 10: i really like this story :) cant wait to see where it goes xD
Chapter 9: oh my gosh i dint see that coming at all =O
Chapter 2: oh my gosh i like where this story is going :)
Chapter 10: That's right! You must have faced the difficulty and so I am! This is confusing~ Don't take it as wrong opinion but actually I'm wondering. Why did Sojung afraid to start relationship with Daehyun at the first place? Did Yugyeom broke her heart? I think he did, I forgot the story. Mianhae~ (__ __) Why did Sojung fall for Daehyun? Because his physical appearance? His attitude? Errm, no, maybe. It's too vague for me, Author-nim. And why did Daehyun hug her?! Confusing~ @_@ You owed us, readers, explanation(s) on the next chapter. That means longer chapter~ Yippeee~~~ Hwaiting Author-nim~ \(^0^)/
eyesthatsing #7
Chapter 10: Finally...! They're just so cuute together!
A beautiful chapter indeed
Chapter 9: I didn't see the confession, heheh~ I hope the next chapter is all the flashback on that night. I should know when you wanted to rush story means this confession, hahah~ ^-^
If I were Daehyun my heart would be hurt so much!! DX
"I've confessed to you, you love me back! But why on the next day you bring her here?!" (; _ ;)
Hahaha~ XD
Chapter 8: Chukkae Daehyunie~ After three years. But three years? Daehyun has writen story for two years with nine novels, two or three months he published his novel. But Seohwa has left him for three years? Did I miss something? Daehyun has writteb story for three years, am I right Author-nim?