What's Yours Is Mine


Rating: PG-13 for some language

Genre: Angst, Fluff

Length: Oneshot

Summary: Sehun dreams of nothing more than to please people. Kai is one of them.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything but the story~



I sat on the passenger seat, mindlessly gazing out the window of a small, but roomy van. Small droplets from the sky had made their way to the tinted window parallel to me. It is May 12, 2008. About two years ago, I had decided to pursue my dreams of becoming an idol and auditioned for one of the leading entertainment companies in all of South Korea, SM Entertainment.

The past two years we're the hardest I have gone through in my 14 years of life. My dad had a and needed a lot of medical attention causing my mom, who is a school teacher, to look for a second job to support our family. My older brother was already preparing for his last year of high school, and my mom said it was unlikely that he was going to be sent to a proper university, unless of course, he gets a scholarship. I believed that he could do it; he could get a scholarship, study and work hard to help our family.

I admired my older brother a lot. He was so caring and selfless. Unlike most teenagers who like to spend their money as soon as they could, my brother would save the little allowance our mom would give us weekly. At the end of every month, he would use his allowance to help pay the bills, and once in a while, he will treat me and our mom out. I felt very insecure about myself because I felt that I was not able to help. Of course, I was only 12 at the time so I couldn't really do much.

I spent a lot of my days sitting alone outside, even if I had a trail of girls following me around everywhere. I would watch our soccer team practice out on the field. I would go out to the bleachers everyday, as soon as the 6th bell rang. As much as I enjoyed watching soccer, I had no intentions of playing. What I really wanted to do was to sing and dance in front of thousands of people. It may seem like the cookie cutter dream, but to me I really believed that I could make it happen.

And that one day did happen.

My brother was treating me out in the busy streets of Seoul when a very important woman comes up to me. She introduced herself as a scouting agent from SM Entertainment. She asked me if I wanted to be famous, and like what anyone would do, I said yes. She then invited me to an audition to see if I would qualify. Unfortunately, I did not pass.

But that only gave me new hope. New hope to help my family out. So auditioned again.

and again.

By my fourth time auditioning I was already 14 years old, ready to move on to other things more important like school.

But to my surprise, I passed that fourth audition and I could not be any happier.

So here I am training with the best of the best to pursue my dreams.


wc: 517

a/n: this is totally unbeta-ed and written on the spot, without any sort of plot. just kinda going with the flow. also, some materials might not be accurate but i tried to reseach to the best of my abilities. i'm just tryna write a fic here, nah mean? :-) pls don't kill me ok? hehe ^^ -HT

If you don't want to wait for this to be updated, then check out my other story because that one is complete! :-)


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