MAGICAL?.. Yeah that's it!

Go For It

January 2011 

It's been years of me training in this company, some people tell me to give up and get a degree in college but i never saw myself carrying that life. I have been helping produce some songs of SE7EN and Gummy, played around with my own tracks and learned to play piano and guitar so for me that's no time that has been lost. Yet my family the ones who really care are always by my side and YG is always saying how to not give up, that life has mysterious ways of working and patience is always tested. My patience has been tested for quite a while now LOL but giving up has never been an option. That day 5 of us were called to YG's office, Lee Hi, Nana, Jisoo, Jennie and me. We have gotten along lately and even were moved to the new dorm building a week ago. The same building were BIG BANG and 2NE1 live. What would i do if i would run into Ji again? 

At YG's Office.

Infront of us we have Teddy and Sean next to YG with 2 of the board members of the company, all looking at us. We don't know what's happening but are about to find out. 

The first board member speaks up. - Are you sure you want to do this? I mean you risked a lot when you debuted two groups that were not idol type and even though you did have success i wonder if this time you will succeed. You are not just dealing with a normal kpop group but also a group that contain 2 members who are not asian. How do you think the public will say?

The other board member agreed with what had been said and added that the board wasnt happy with this new decision. I couldnt believe that the words debut and me were in the same sentence. FINALLY the day that we had been waiting, yeah that day! 

Have I ever cared what people thought or said? I know your concern and trust it has passed through my mind many times but this group is different, they will be different because they are not our so typical group and because they would be the first group to give a chance to other culture artist. Yes they are not asian but they have been raised here. - YG said. 

Teddy added - If you could see them perform a song trust me you would be convinve inmediately that what you say really is not much when you compare it to talent.

Sean agreed and said that his hope were high and even though the public hadn't seen a group like this it was time to debut us because we were ready.

The board finally agreed after one hour in the meeting, we were sitting there but our minds were somewhere else, some thinking of being famous and debuting but all i could think about was the stage, YES that gracious stage. 


YG ended the meeting saying that we should go back to our dorms and wait to receive the text of our new schedule for the rest of the week because wewould be preparing for our debut. He told me personally to start thinking of a song that would fit us well. I could only hear the word debut and Sean's words about us being ready.. YES WE WERE READY, ready to rock the stage, ready to impress, ready to become a group that would give a feeling of hope. This moment seem so un real, so incredible, amazing.. Magical! 

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Im sorry im really bad at writting.. this is my first ever story and well truth is it is kind of a dream


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