Ch.1 Before Love came Life

Go For It

I guess I was a little small to remember or understand that changes that were coming to my life. We were moving to a country which our culture, language and costums were so different from ours. But Why?

My great grandfather who had died a year before I was born had left my mom a huge heritance that had millions of dollars, hotels, companies and lands, made us become one of the richest family. By advice of other people and until finally getting a grip that this was real and not dreams my parents decided to move to Seoul, Korea because it was said that asian countries were the ones to raise your kids better and live a better life. We moved when I was 8 years old and Nana was 6. At first it was hard, my mom says i would come crying everyday after school Because kids would bother me for not understanding them. I begged and begged to move back. (Glad they never listened) 

After a year passed we got a hold of the situation and the place started to feel more like home. My dad and mom invested in many companies and since they saw our love and passion for music they decided on behalf of my sister and I invest on an entertainment company but since they didn't know much about it they left it for later. 

Then came the day, the day were our lifes changed without even knowing, yeah that day. My mom took us shopping I remember it clearly because it was close to the first day of snow, I loved snow, i hadnt seen it before in my life, before arriving Seoul. We were at the mall when we heard this awesome song,  at the time i didn't know who they were or what song it was but my body apparently loved it. Nana and I started dancing while my mom was laughing and enjoying our performance. People started to Crowd near us and look at us with amazed looks. (The song was Hip Hop Kids from 1Tym) People clapped, cheered and enjoyed this two little girls go crazy with their dancing.

The next scene we see is a man with like 3 other guys talking to our mom and exchanging cards. We didn't know what was happening but we left happy because people had loved us, they actually enjoyed it. That day I found out was my dream, what was the thing i would like to do for the rest of my life.


A week later mom told us to wash up after lunch and to get ready to go out. We left the house and arrived at a strange looking building that had people dancing and all kind of music playing. My heart was going crazy i thought my mom was signing us up for a dance school or something but it was even better than that. The same man who exchanged numbers with mom was here again and welcomed us to his company gladly, he said he needed to talk some things with our mom but we could see the rest of the building.


We entered a room were there were many dancers dancing to the same song that we dance at the mall. When I go back to these days i realize how complete I felt that day, i felt like home.


Mom came out of the office and we heard when she said - ¨Dont worry they will be here right afterschool tomorrow.¨  As we were leaving the building i Looked back knowing how happy i was to know that i would be back. A big sign said YG ENTERTAINMENT but looked more like it said HOME. 

This is were my journey begins, where dreams, friends and love all join in to a mix of sweet and sour moments. 

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Im sorry im really bad at writting.. this is my first ever story and well truth is it is kind of a dream


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