Mommy? Daddy?

[DRABBLE] Being Three

The door screeches low as it touches the floor while it opens, followed by the click-clacking sound of a pair of shoes. Baekhyun closes the door carefully as if the door is really fragile before taking off his shoes and steps on the warm carpet of their house.

“I’m home…” Baekhyun says lowly, just for formality. He knows that no one would answer because his spouse (you, yes, you) most likely have drifted into dreamland since—he takes a brief look at his watch, which tells that it’s almost twelve already- 2 hours ago.

He walks into the kitchen to have some water for his throat; the way from office to home was unbelievably hectic because of the quite severe car accident in the highway earlier. Thank God that he wasn’t involved in the accident and arrived home safely. He can’t even imagine what would happen if he was one of the victim, he doesn’t want his beloved people to be sad or whatever.

Baekhyun shakes his thought off and immediately walks to their room. There, he got a beautiful form lies on their bed. Your face was full with concern even though you’ve already sleeping. Baekhyun smiles and whispers as he walks towards the bed, “You must have waited and worrying too much again.”

Baekhyun sits on the edge of the bed and starts looking at your sleeping face again like he usually do, it gives him enough serenity after going through nerve-wrecking times. He brushes off your hair which falls down your eyes and tucks it behind your ear, he smiles again as he rubs your forehead gently.

Your eyes flutter open before you let out a small groan and say, “Oh, you’re home already.”

Baekhyun nods, “Yes, now just go back to sleep, baby. You must be really exhausted.”

You giggle, “Shouldn’t that be said by me? You’re the one who must be really exhausted, all I did at home was just cleaning and cooking and watching TV and waiting for you to come home.”

Baekhyun giggles back, “Okay,” he climbs to the bed and lies beside her. “I’m going to sleep now, I’m so tired…”

He puts his arms around your waist and closes his eyes, but you merely laugh silently and touch his nose before taking his tie off. “You should get yourself ready in a pajama first. And also brush your teeth.”

He whines, “I don’t want to…”

You smile, getting used to his childish character, and continue with taking off his tuxedo before ing his white shirt.

“How old are you? Why do I take your clothes off, really…” You pretend protesting. Baekhyun merely smiles and briefly answers, “You are my wife, it is your duty to help me taking off my clothes.”

As you throw his shirt to wherever, you pinch his nose, “Spoiled brat.” Baekhyun pouts in respond.

But then he climbs up on you and kisses you gently on your forehead, nose, and finally lips. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” You answer, taking some times to scrutinize his angelic face until you remember something.

You reach your hand to below your pillow and got something that you have been wanting to show to him since this afternoon.

Baekhyun’s little eyes grow wider when he sees two familiar stripes on the white-blue thing, then he gives you his widest smile before saying, “Mommy?”

“Yes, daddy.” You answer happily before drowning in Baekhyun’s hug.

“Thank you so much, thank you so much.”

You merely nod in joy until he releases his hug and sits back on the bed. He leans forward and gives your stomach a peck, he smiles and says, “Hello, it’s your daddy.”

You couldn’t help but let your joyful tears out, but Baekhyun’s there to wipe it out with his kiss.

“Sleep well, mommy.”

“You too, daddy.”

And the first night of being three has started from now on.



aigoooo, yes that's all baby!

i hope you like it!

and i like comments as well kkk

love you guys :*

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How many of you that wants a sequel? I will think about it, maybe another drabble kkk


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Tinkerbell94 #1
Chapter 1: my LORD please make a sequel author :)
i can't contain my baekhyun feels...
my baekhyun feels are boiling rawrrrr
and thanks for making such a fluffy story like this.. /tears of joy
Tinkerbell94 #2
Chapter 1: my LORD please make a sequel author :)
i can't contain my baekhyun feels...
my baekhyub feels are boiling rawrrrr
SharonLau #3
jesstephi #4
Chapter 1: sweetness overload ;____;
hryoung96 #5
Chapter 1: simple but sweet ^^