I.Love.You 3


As I promise, an update. Sorry again >.< Please forgive me *o*. Anywys Fishy’s POV in this chappie ^^ :D this is dedicated to Sha961 :) Thankyou :)


*in dream land*

OMYGIIIIIIIIIIIIE~ what a perfect dream agaiiin, wanna know why? Hmmm. Well, actually I’m with my prince charming ^^ /insert the fcking giggling sound of hae/ (hahaha).


“HYUUUUUUUUUUKKIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE” I shouted cutely at him while trying to get my nemo plushie. I know he can’t resist my cute charm /insert a fcking cute wink from the fish/


“please give my nemo back hyukkie….pleeeeease” I flashed my cutest puppy eyes and pouted my lips. I know he will give up soon. /another fcking giggle from the fishy boy/


“fine.. fine.. here!” said hyukkie. Omaygaaaash his y voice. I want to melt right now. Maybe later. I grabbed my nemo from his hands and I kissed his cheeks. Hihihi! ONE POINT for the Fish.


“thankyou hyukkie. I know you can’t resist me” /a giggle again/


BTW~ do you know where we are right now? /face palm/ I know you don’t haha. Well, were here at the park, having a sweet and quality time together. I know I’m so kyaaaaaa. Omygaaash. He held my hand. And. And. And. And. He intertwined it. /insert a fcking crazy heartbeat sound/ (thump thump thump) my heart is beating crazily. Omygaaaaaash. I don’t know what to do. I slowly looked at him~ and oh my fish! He’s looking at me. Kyaaaaaaaaa /insert the fish’s fcking blushing face/


“Hae….” Oh my gasssssh! Why does it sound so good? Him calling my name. It was perfect. I look at him and answered “y-yes hyukkie?” omgieee why am I even stuttering?


“I….Love….” yes! You love who? Kyaaaa! Is it me? Cmooon! Tell me hyukkie babyyyyyyyyyyyyyy /insert another giggle/


“this Stupid fish” whaaaaaaaaaat? Stupid fish who? Me? No am not /insert a fcking cute pout of hae/ I opened my eye. Fudge! My dream! Noooo! It’s not finished yet! /insert a crying sound/ pleaseeee! Noooo! Let me finish my dreaaaaam! I looked at the other side of my bed and I saw the dream of my life, Hyukkie. He’s talking to himself. Crazy monkey. Hahaha! I should talk so he can stop being crazy. LOL


“hyuk…hyukjae….lee hyukjae…..hyukkie!” I called him for the nth time and finally he looks at me. He looks so shocked. Haha! Cute *o*


“hyukkie? Are you alright? I kept on calling you but youre not responding” /le insert pout/ I hope he is fine.


“hae.. sorry. By the way goodmorning” OMYGAAAASH! That oh-so-sweet smile of his. I love him. Well, I greeted him back J


“hae I need to tell you something” /le insert sound of hae’s crazy beating heart/ omgoosh! Do you know what will he tell me? /another face palm/


“w-what is it h-hyukkie?” kyaaa! Did I really manage to say that despite of this nervous feeling. Waaaaaaaah.


“hae…from the very first time I saw you….i uhmmmm…” he scratched his head ily. OMGIIIIE~ I’m so nervous yet so eager to know it.


“what is it hyuk? Just tell me… I’m dying to know it” I said while pouting. And my eyes grew wider after he said that thing. The thing I really wanna hear coming from his mouth. Yes! Finally! After a year I heard it. Did I hear it right? OMG! I don’t know what to do, what to react? He really said it. am I still dreaming? /le slap face/ no? am not sleeping! So he really said that 3 words and eight letters.


“I Love You” he said. My prince said it. He really did. /le dies/






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I will love this ! :) fighting !