
Yours Forever . [TWO-SHOTS]
"I think she liked me, too," Jiyong said. Chaerin immediately raised her head and her eyebrows together. "Did you just said 'too'? Jiyong .. "
" What? Is the sentence wrong? "
" No. That's very good news, hehe. "Chaerin smiled even though it caused her heart stopped beating.
"Lee Chaerin. You're a mess. Your hair's just a random ponytail. Casual outfits. No wonder he chose her. That girl is very pretty. They both look harmonious. Yes .. true .. you have to support it if you really want the best for him. " Chaerin talking to her own reflection in a mirror in the toilet. Once again she let out a deep breath and smiles to herself.
"Chaerin-ah, I want to ask you something .." Dara called her.
Chaerin came over and sat down beside her. "Ne? What? "
"How is the real Jiyong? "
Chaerin did not expect to get a question like that. "He is a good and considerate namja. Although sometimes annoying and rude, haha. Hmm, waeyo Dara? "
" Hmm so .. in fact, he expressed his feelings to me yesterday. I just wanted to make sure. Thankfully if so .. "
DEG. Chaerin's heart was racing faster than usual. She's surprised that she couldn't comment anything.
"Chaerin-ah, gwenchanayo?" Dara asked.
"I... I need some air, I'm sorry." Chaerin shuffled out of doojoo and sat on the wooden porch.
Hhhh,, Jiyong .. You ..
This feeling is so heavy, it stabbed me
She whispered to herself.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Chaerin asked Jiyong straight on while traveling set off the next day.
"Tell you what?"
"You and Dara."
Instantly Jiyong laugh for a while.
"Why even laughing?" Chaerin asked, it suffered her even more.
"It's okay. Yeah right .. it,, I don't tell you because if I'm rejected, you're definitely going all-out laughing, " Jiyong said still laughing.
"So what? You were received by her, weren't you? " she asked. She felt the answer 'no, I rejected' would be better heard.
"Of course!! I want to tell you, but you already know first! Haha. "
Somehow Chaerin's heart ached to hear. But soon she hide those feelings with laughter, "Ahh so haha. Chukkae neh!! You must treat me later!"
She punched his shoulder softly. Jiyong just laughed and held up his thumb.
"Oh come on, can't you get off the bus faster?" JIyong scolded Chaerin at the bus' door waiting for her.
"I've tried quickly you know! Aissh! The bus is full of it! You're just too fast! You .. "
" Nanananana I don't hear it, I don't hear it .. hahaha. "
"YAH! Don't hit on my head! "
" One of your own, you're annoying the hell! " Chaerin grumbled.
They walked in the school hallway joking each other until a yeoja greet them.
"Annyeong Chaerin-ah! Jiyong! " pretty girl smiled at them.
"Hey Darla!" Jiyong immediately embrace her.
Chaerin tried to take her eyes with no attention to them. Jiyong and Dara looks deeply in fun conversation, as only two of them are walking in the hallway. Even they don't invite Chaerin to join in theirs.
Arriving in front of the toilet's door Chaerin broke away and ran into it.
"Jiyong, where is Chaerin? She was with us right? " Dara asked when they're already upstairs.
"Ah right. I don't know. I think she's down in the toilet. She'll also be back. I'll visit to your class later!" Jiyong waved his hand and walked back into his own class.
Chaerin wiped her tears that already flowing. She cried silently in the toilet. She hated to see her own reflection.
"What are you doing Chaerin? Silly girl. You should be happy for him. You should be happy, whoever makes him happy! " she exclaimed restrained.
"Chaerin! Where have you been? Suddenly you disappear! I'm anxious! " Jiyong asked Chaerin while approached her who just entered the classroom.
"Toilet. Thank you for worrying about me. But I don't need it, "said Chaerin relaxed.
"Why do you say so? Your eyes are swollen, wae? "Said Jiyong. He followed her to her desk.
"I'm sleepy, couldn't sleep last night. Hmm, But, don't forget to treat me later! You promised, you know! "Chaerin re-energized with a cheerful smile on him.
"Hmm,, ne, okay." Jiyong back to his seat. His eyes still staring her. He felt something different with his friend. And he thought he knew the cause.
Chaerin tried calling Jiyong's number that repeatedly muttering, "Where that boy anyway?? He said was like waiting in front doojoo!"
Can not stand waiting, she put her shoes on and went back home.
She passed the rocky footpath that connects doojoo place to the school. Along the way are many other doojoos and also grass. Then she saw there. The lovers were laughing. Both holding hands and even they don't realize the presence of the girl.
Chaerin walked over and threw an iron bracelet she wore.
"You said you would wait for me in front of my training doojoo place, but you never came and let me wait there for I don't know maybe hours, and I felt like an idiot there, while you're here, busy dating??? You ... UHH JIYONG FOOL!!!!!! "
Chaerin felt her heart was breaking and went from that place as soon as possible.
"CHAERIN!! WAIT! " Jiyong wanted to chase her but firstly Dara had hold of his arm. "You're going to leave me?" She asked.
"Just a second." Jiyong pulled his arm and chase after Chaerin.
"Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. What did I just say? I don't have the right to say it! What were you doing Chaerin?? Jiyong you're stupid you're stupid!! Why didn't you notice it?? I .. " Chaerin kept muttering throughout the grassland.
"Sorry whether I'm stupid. You .. what Chaerin?"
The girl turned around and found Jiyong who stood behind her. Instead of explaining Chaerin instead continued her path on. Her paths is getting faster and eventually turned into a run.
"WAIT!! Chaerin!! I can explain! " Jiyong pursued her.
Chaerin finally stopped and turned around. "Mianhae, I shouldn't say that Jiyong. You and Dara indeed dating. It was a natural thing .. sorry to bother you. You better get back, she is waiting for you. "
" Wait! Sorry, I didn't keep my words, "Jiyong said shortly. Chaerin paused, waiting for the sentence which may be pronounced by him. But nothing. So she immediately turned around and was about to step away.
"Chaerin .. Do you like me? After all these times? " Jiyong asked suddenly. Chaerin didn't turn around, she just turned her head slowly and said, "What do you mean? I.. don't"
"Oh, so you don't? Haha it's mean I'm wrong. Fine, be careful ne, " said Jiyong. Chaerin sighed and nodded. She walked slowly, hoping Jiyong will stop her again. But it never happened.
5 years later . . . . . .
Since the incident five years ago, Chaerin always trying to open her heart to another namja. But it didn't work, because Jiyong is always present in every her day, even though its presence is not for her. She was always smiling every heard he tells about Dara. She was always smiling whenever she saw them walking together. Although on the other hand she could never stop crying.


"Hahaha so, Dara always make me smile, sist!" He exclaimed across the line.
"Ah glad to hear it. You guys are fully-matched Jiyong! " Chaerin's commented across the other.
"Indeed .. Haha, ah almost forgot, I want to pick her up now!"
"Alright. Be careful! " Chaerin closes the connection and return a smile. "Be careful buddy .."
"Ah ne, Chaerin here. Who is this? "Chaerin listen carefully to the voice on the phone,"We're from Seoul Medical Hospital. We are contacting you as the last contacted by Kwon Jiyong."
"Ne, then? So what happened to him? What's wrong?"
Chaerin sat waiting in front of the operating room with Dara and Jiyong's family that she phoned an hour ago. She stared blankly, feeling nervous and hoping something good will happen. They waited until the doctor finally came out of it half an hour later.
"Doctor ! How is he? " Asked everyone.
"Kwon Jiyong is still unconscious, barely physically injured but he suffered a medium concussion. He should be treated in the ICU advance and please, do not be nagging him, let him wake up alone, "said the doctor.
"When Jiyong will wake up, doctor?"
"I am affraid that only God knows. We can never know the term unconscious patient who had a concussion. Oh but I believe he will wake up soon. "
"Jiyong! Hurry, wake up! I'm waiting here .. " Chaerin said softly. She grabbed that namja's palms that laid in front of her. It was the seventh day since the accident. Jiyong has been moved to the room though still with a respirator. He still has not concious until that moment. But Chaerin never stopped hoping. She visited him almost every day and always say hello, talk and pray for him. Even maybe he can't hear her.
"Jiyong .. If you are already aware, I'm not going to hit your head again! But you must hurry up, we miss you, all of us! "Said Chaerin. There was absolutely no reaction. Dara visit him occasionally. When visiting she just smiled and prayed for him. But just like Chaerin, it had no effect on Jiyong. He remained slumped unconscious on the bed.
It's been almost a month Jiyong isn't made ​​any significant progress. In fact his health has declined. His condition going down each day.
"Jiyong .. can you hear me now? Come back here .. we miss you .. your parents, I,,  Taeyang .. also .. Dara. You remember Dara right? She's a good girl, just like me she also waiting for you. So, quickly be concious neh! "Chaerin always say that every day, hoping he will hear it. The hope never vanished.
Both girls stared fixedly at Jiyong. Suddenly one of them sighed and said, "Chaerin-ah .. when will he wake up? He didn't show any signs. "
"Dara .. we just have to wait patiently. Jiyong will definitely wake up. Although maybe it will take a long time. But we will wait for him, won't you? " Chaerin said.
"Hmm .. I .. I don't know .. But if it is too long .. "
"Dara, Jiyong trust you, so you also have to believe it. "
" Ne, you're right Chaerin-ah .. "
"Chaerin-ah .." Dara called for her. "Ne? What? "
Both were in the Jiyong's room. Today it has entered the ninth month the guy stayed in the hospital.
"I want to tell you .. I,, I never feel happy during a relationship with Jiyong, "said Dara directly.
"MWO?? Wae? Aren't you guys been dating for five years? " Chaerin asked shockedly.
She just can't believe Dara said so, Jiyong was always happy with her. "Yes .. it's true. But I don't know .. I always find that feelings. But I get the feeling just like a friend. Finally I realized, that I.. I don't love him, Chaerin-ah .. " Dara said honestly. Chaerin paused.
Suddenly her thoughts drifted to Jiyong who always loved to tell her about his girlfriend, Dara .. Jiyong who always proud to have Dara. Everything is not commensurate with the reality revealed by the girl in front of her. "But, but Jiyong loves you! He trust you Dara! "Said Chaerin choked.
"I know .. Actually I've wanted to part with him, but I can't. He always, I don't know .. happy with me. "
" Don't destroy his heart Dara .. Jiyong really loves you .. " Chaerin replied.
"But I'm not happy with him Chaerin-ah .. I'm not supposed to be on his side .. All is a mistake! "
Chaerin mouth opened, hoping not to hear what Dara had just said. She couldn't imagine how heart breaking Jiyong may feel when he hear it.
"I don't feel better here, I'd better go home," said Dara. And she was out of the room, leaving Jiyong and Chaerin are still shocked by her words.
Suddenly Chaerin heard something. She was shocked when Jiyong fingers twitching weak. Chaerin put her ear nearly, and now a murmur was heard clearly.
"Dara ...."
And the tears fell.
Since the confession she made at Jiyong's room five months ago, Dara never visit him again. Chaerin feel better with it, but on the other hand she was worried about the state of Jiyong's now beginning to talk about Dara's name while unconcious. Finally, she thinks back to ask Dara to visit him, for making his awakening faster.
"Oh come on .. Dara .. accept my call, "Chaerin whispered impatiently. "Huh what? My pulse is out of order? Can't believe it! YAH!"
Chaerin was out of the room to use the existing public telephone on the first floor. How shocked she was when she saw Dara goes with a namja she knew as Taeyang, Jiyong's cousin. Both were laughing and looked very comfortable with each other. Chaerin immediately approached them and exclaimed, "Dara, so he makes you feel more comfortable? You left Jiyong for .. for his own cousin??'
"Chaerin-ah .. You don't understand my feelings. Please don't force me .. " Dara said.
"Jiyong will understand someday Chaerin," said Taeyang, holding Dara's hand.
"But .. hhhhh .. well there's no point of forcing. I just want to ask for help .. Please go see him again .. I think he needs you. He mentioned your name, Dara .. " said Chaerin surrender.
"I can't Chaerin .." Dara said.
"Why? If you don't love him anymore, at least please help people who love you, Dara!"
After saying that, Chaerin immediately left them and hurried to the Jiyong's room. She was very disappointed at Dara. She has given up on Jiyong recent years. But Dara precisely ..
"Chaerin-ah .." A petite figure emerged from the doorway and stood beside Chaerin.
"If you're only going to hurt him you'd better go home," said Chaerin bit cynical. Dara fell silent and watched Jiyong who was lying weak. The guy does mention her name many times. Pleaded her heart, then she walked over and grabbed his hand.
"Jiyong .. can you hear me? " Dara asked. Jiyong stop delirious and fingers look stretched. Dara stared at Chaerin, as if to ask 'what else to say?' Chaerin whispered, "Say something."
"Jiyong .. I am, waiting for you to be awake. Hurry wake up .. " Dara said.
That's what she did this late weekend. Chaerin hope that Jiyong will soon opened his eyes, although it wasn't because of her..
The eyes finally opened. Jiyong slowly blinked and started staring at two girls side him.
"Dara .." he whispered. "Ne .." She tried to smile, then his eyes leading to Chaerin. "Hey pabo .." he whispered again.
"Ne pabo. Thank God .. "said Chaerin happily. "Thank you .." Jiyong said softly.
"Dara.. you're not going to leave me,right? "Jiyong asked few days after recovering consciousness.
"Er? Ah it .. " Chaerin looked at Dara asked her to lie. "Of course not .."
"Thank God .. I'm glad you're here, " Jiyong said then holding her fingers slowly. Chaerin watched the spectacle. Suddenly her heart ached back again, after so long. Yeah, she's never able to accept their relationship.
 "Chaerin-ah .. I can not lie anymore ... Please don't force me. Importantly he was awake, right?  Now it's up to you .. " Dara said, outside the room.
"Please Dara .. Can't you just go back with him? Look at his face, he was expecting. Do not make his heart shattered .. " pleaded Chaerin.
"But I'm not happy with it."
"But you are his happiness!" Chaerin almost yelled.
"Maybe. But he isn't my happiness. My happiness is shared with Taeyang. I feel comfortable with him., Please understood Chaerin-ah .. " Dara began to look uncomfortable. Tears starting to flown down her pale cheeks.
"Please .. don't act selfish Dara. He trusted you. He hopesmuch to you. He is happy with you, he .. "
"Chaerin! Please, please, it's you, you are selfish. Please think my feelings well, happiness. I can't pretend anymore .. " Dara said. She didn't give Chaerin a chance, but instead ran left her, there was silence.
"Chaerin, why Dara didn't come up to lately?" Jiyong asked. He awoke, but still has an intensive treatment in the hospital.
"Mollayo. I don't know .. "said Chaerin. She was not ready to tell the reality on him.
Suddenly the door creak, revealing a beautiful brown-haired yeoja. "Annyeong .." she greeted.
"Dara .." Jiyong smiled, but Chaerin looking at her quizzically.
"Jiyong .. I think it's time for me to say the truth, "said Dara directly. "What do you mean?"
Dara momentary sigh and finish the sentence. "We should split up. I don't feel happiness when I'm with you Jiyong .. You certainly understand what I'm talking about."
Jiyong glued heard of it. Suddenly, he felt pain there, inside his chest. "Dara .. what did you say? "he asked. Chaerin was amazed at her honesty. She can't say anything.
"You've heard it Jiyong .. I have found happiness to others. "
" Who ..? " He asked hopelessly.
" Taeyang. "
The name increasingly makes him feel more pain. "But we have a long time .."
"I know, but I can't lie to myself anymore. You must understand Jiyong .. " Dara said. "But we can start again with a better beginning," said Jiyong.
"Jiyong please .. I'm going to marry him! " Her last statement destroyed his feelings. Somehow he was like already know it will definitely happen. Jiyong didn't ask much but just tried to smile and said,
"I understand .. Just go ahead, if you want Dara .. Taeyang is the right man."
Chaerin and Dara didn't expect to that words this soon. Both are still brooded in their respective places looked at Jiyong who is smiling sincerely. "I hope you're happy with him, Dara .."
That morning Jiyong was allowed to come out of his room to attend his family event. It's a cousin's wedding ceremony, Taeyang. He was wearing a black suit with a simple piece. He sat beside Chaerin who appeared a little more presentable in the morning with a purple dress. They looked solemnly followed the ceremony.
Jiyong looked at the bride blankly. She is none other than Dara, looks very beautiful in her wedding dress.
The pledge was finally pronounced. Eternal promise has been made​​. Jiyong held Chaerin's hand and tried to smile. Chaerin can see the difference in his expression that seemed a bit forced.
Jiyong .. you pretend to be happy when your heart really hurt right now, don't you? Chaerin minded.
"Chaerin .. You know what the most painful thing in this world? " he asked.
"What do you think?" she answered.
"When you love someone but you can not have her .. when you see the person you love, even married to someone else .. "he said quietly.
"Jiyong .."
"But it's okay. They will be happy, right? I still have you, as my best friend, Chaerin!" Jiyong said, turned his head on her, trying his best to hide his broken heart.
Chaerin just smiled. Jiyong,...
Jiyong looked toward the window. Shadowing starry sky of Seoul. In a few days he was allowed out of the hospital. It seems as though the sky turned bright welcome his to home.
"Chaerin .." he called. The girl who stood behind him, turned and asked, "Ne? What? "
"Thank you so much you're always there for me. This really isn't a short time .. And you're even willing to look after me," he continued.
"Indeed, how come you know that I.. I take care of you?" Chaerin asked, a little curious. "Mom and dad have spoken. They said you always try to wake me up somehow. Haha, I want to see your face at that time, you must be so funny "joked Jiyong.
"Yaa .. you shouldn't have to see it! "said Chaerin.
"Chaerin .. Do you like me? " Jiyong asked suddenly. Chaerin just laughed and said, "That question again. Haha .. "
"I heard your voice. You're crying. You keep saying my name in prayer. Answer me, Chaerin .. "said the namja. His eyes are now turning from the window to her eyes. He could see her biting her own lip. "So what? Is that wrong?" she said.
"I didn't say that"
Chaerin breathed heavily and looked down. "I. .. I do like you. Since the first .. But I never had the courage to say it. But .. if I have to spend it by just friend that was enough, " she said.
Jiyong is still looked at her, he was smiling and said, "I already knew that. But .. Chaerin forgive me, I can't give you a mutua response."
Chaerin closed her eyes and said," I know .. I'm not going to force."
Jiyong opened his arms, invited his bestfriend to join. Both of them hugged each other, feel the same way. That is the feeling of love itself. An unrequited love.
"I love you .. Chaerin as a friend and my llittle sister. We're still friends, right? "Jiyong asked. "Of course, silly!" Chaerin answered. Then both of them laughing together.
Without realizing quietly shining star out there are very bright. As if to say, keep your friendship as bright as my light. Maybe they don't get their love, but they have a more important part, which is called as BESTFRIEND.
I’m proud with you

You are my bestfriend ever


Whatever we have done, whatever we have had


We’re still standing here to face the future


And after all this time


You teach me one thing


That here we are, ready to listen our bestfriends


Ready to support them, ready to share with them


And ready for crying together


That’s what’s friends are for


In good times and bad times


That’s friendships are supposed to be








T H E   E N D  .








Okay the end !!! This is the ending~ I am sorry if maybe it's not like you're expected. And sorry for making Dara a little rude here, haha! But in fact I really love all of 21Bangs members~ Thanks for the support, comments, subscribing and ofcourse, for reading this lame fanfic! And if you have some critics or comments, please write down here, I'd be glad. Thank you!





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applerkang #1
Chapter 2: aww..Jiyong is hurt :( Why dara? :'(
Chapter 1: Skydragon and darayang juseyo TAT
Update soon :D
chocolakay #3
Chapter 1: why didn't try sunsky? hehehe...
infiknight94 #4
Chapter 1: skydragon and darayang authornim :)) please.. but please again, dont forget to make jiyong jealous over chae first.. hehee..
Chapter 1: skydragon and darayang.
Chapter 1: Skydragon and Darayang :D
sophiee #7
Chapter 1: i want skydragon & darayang....
update soon pleaseeeee