Day ooo : Prolouge

The Unwanted Fairy Tale


*beep beep beep beep beep* Ugh. I wake up upon hearing the annoying beeping sound continuing over and over again in a loop. I drop my hand atop of the annoying machine, effectively hitting the button and shutting it off.

I am still half asleep and my eyes feel as though they are to close soon. I rub the tiredness out of my eyes using the back of my hands. I open my half-lidded eyes as much as I could. My vision was blurry and I could barely see my hand that way right before me. I d around on my night stand looking for my only pair of glasses.

My glasses were ones that one would think wasn't "fashionable." They were black thick frames, the ones that steriotypical "nerds" and "geeks" would be wearing. Well, that is how many saw me. But, I didn't care; I was use to their hurtful words anyway.

I quickly get ready for the day. My room isn't the biggest and I don't have a variet of fashionable or brand clothing. I wear what I can find; and that is good enough for me.

"Rachel! Get down here this instant!" Well, that is the sound of my lovely step-mother calling. Meaning, that it is time for morning work. I brush my teeth quickly before heading down the stairs.

I see my step-mother waiting at the bottom of the step with a not so pleasant expression. Her wrinkled were prominent and the sides of her lips were down. Her brows her furrowed and her arms were crossed. "Yes, step-mother." I said in my sickeningly sweet tone. But, if one heard closely, they could plainly see the sarcasm flow out through my mouth.

"It is about time! You take forever! What are you doing that requires you to take that long?!" She yelled at me. She spat a bit in my face as well.

"I was just getting ready." I plainly said, I was already use to getting this lecture from her but it was a bit tiring to hear as well. I feel that I should have lost my hearing already from this woman's constent blabber.

"Don't talk back to me! Now go and do your chores! I want to see this place spot less before you leave!" She said with a final huff and left the room. I sighed out of relief; one more second and I believe I would have been charged for murder.

I am just glad that-"Oh, RRiiinnnn~" nevermind.

I look towards the stairs only to see my "wonderful" step-sisters walk gracefully down the stairs in their new dresses. Who even wears fancy dresses to school?!

"Yes?" I asked, not really in the mood to deal with all of them.

"Would you be a dear and clean up our rooms for us? We wouldn't want to be late for class today, plus we need breakfast. So go to it." She said in a sugary sweet tone, that it almost made me want to vomit my nonexistant breakfast up.

However, as much as I hate it; I complied to their orders and went to tidy up their rooms. I knew that that would be a long job...


Two hours had passed and I missed my first morning lecture. I was too busy getting the princess' rooms ready. Though I knew they would just make a mess of it tomorrow.

I walk to my second class, since the first one was already over, only to spot the two reasons of my stress. They had their backs turned to me and probably haven't noticed I walked in yet; good, let's keep it that way.

As I walk up to find a seat in the room, my good friend pops up out of nowhere.

"Ah~ Rin! Where were you this morning?" My best friend is always there for me and I am grateful that she actually worries over me a lot.

"It's nothing, Jieun. I just had some morning troubles." I said. I told Jieun most of my problems. We never kept anything from each other. We were closer to being sisters than my actual step-sisters were.

"What did they do to you now?" Jieun was also the type to be happy and cheerful. The type to put a smile on other's faces; that is the reason why many likes her, and the reason why many wondered why she hung out with someone like "me."

"Just the same old, same old. Cleaning their little pigsty of a room." I said with a shrug, as though I was use to it all; which I was. I was always treated as my step-mother and step-sisters' maid, ever since they moved in with me and my father.

My father is gone to go and find business, so he had to leave to keep the little family we have. He only married the "witch" since he knew it was for the best, that is, if we didn't want to live on the streets. So I complied to my father's decisions.

"Rin, Rin, snap out of it!" I blinked a couple of times and saw Jieun standing right in front of me.

"Hey, Rin, you spaced out for a bit. Are you okay?" She asked; worry was clearly shown through her expression and her eyes. I jsut gave her a reasurring smile and nod telling her that I was fine. She didn't fully buy it, but she took it for now. I could tell she was still weary with my response. I am like an open-book to Jieun. She knows me as much as I know her.


After a whole morning of lectures and trying to avoid any contact with my step-sisters, I was glad that there were no afternoon lectures as well.

"Rin! Rin!" I turned to where my name was being called. I ly to see Jieun running towards me with full speed. I was shocked for a bit, feeling as though she may crash into me.

I unconsciously put my hands up to protect my head, but when I felt no pain of falling or being pushed, I put down my eyes. What stood before me was a crouched over Jieun with her hands on her knees trying to support her while taking deep breaths. She started to gasp out her words as well:

" me." That is all she said before collapsing on the ground from exhaustion. I looked down towards the tired Jieun.

"Jieun, you know that I can't go since then I will hear about it from my step-mother afterwards." I said, crouching down to where she was lying so I could talk to her.

"But, she wouldn't know." Jieun reasoned. She was not starting to get up and was currently sitting atop her legs. She had this smile on, the smile that showed she meant trouble. I was always scrared when she showed me that smile.

"I don't like where this is going..." I honestly said. She scoffed a bit and waved her hand towards me.

"Don't worry. She will never find out, since she will just think that you are with your step-sisters." Jieun said with much pride in her plan. She had her arms crossed and a prideful smirk across her lips.

"But they don-Oh. *sigh* Did you go around eavesdropping again?" I asked. She avoided my gaze and her arms dropped to her side now.

"Maybe~" She drawled out that one word. I knew this would just lead to trouble in the end.


hello~ okay this is just a little prolouge, which is the reason for it being semi-short ^^

the real thing will start next chapter..I think..

Anyways, this story is sorta based off of "Ella Enchanted" without the murder/politics/kings/princes and other junk. Sorta like modern day "ella enchanted."

I hope this was okay though >< I'm sorry if my writing is a bit sloppy and crappy, but I will try to get better >< I can't promise that the story will get better as it progresses, but please do give feedback to help me improve ^^

Anyways, thank you very much for reading my new story ^^ I hope it was okay ><

Thanks again!


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