Enemy like you

It's More Than Hate, It's Love

Man, it took me a week to update. Sorry about that. I'm not going to make excuses and whatnot because quite frankly, I was just too lazy to update. Heh. Thanks to those who did comment and to those who subscribed. Your actions are my motivation. Here's the new chapter; enjoy it.


Could your headache get any bigger? Did this always have to happen during gym? The answer was yes.

You looked around at the rabid girls running around the gym and talking about their undying love for guys who probably weren't worth it, well maybe one guy wasn't. It was gym and for some guys that meant running around shirtless, and for some (desperate) girls that meant wearing the skimpiest clothes possible to get any attention they can. You whoever, were wearing a white oversized tee with black shorts that had CHEER printed on the back, just like what the rest of the cheerleaders wore. The boys who were on the basketball team were all currently shirtless and wearing the same black shorts.

"Alright that's enough warm up! Everybody get in line!" Mr. Kang ordered and everybody stop their jogging and got into a line. Unfortunately for you, you were stuck between two glistening shirtless boys.

"Do you guys really have to be so close when you're all sweaty and gross?" You questioned as you tried your best not to touch either of the two, who were your best friends. One of them draped a moist arm around your shoulder and smiled.

"C'mon Princess, don't be like that." Yoochun cooed and you rolled your eyes.

Another arm wrapped around your waist and you looked down at the hand and then back up to it's owner, who only smiled at you cutely. "Yeah Cutie. You should feel lucky that you're between two hot guys like ourselves." He pointed out and Yoochun nodded.

Out of irritation you pushed both their heads away and they winced together. "Oww~"

"One, get your hands off me. Two, don't be so conceited. And three, get off me!" You demanded and they both obeyed. You looked at your shirt and could see the circles of sweat here and there. "Look what you did. You got my shirt dirty."

"It was going to get dirty anyways. It's gym Princess. You sweat during gym." Yoochun pushed your head and you stumbled to the side.

"Oww you punk. That hurt!" You whined and he quirked a brow.

"I thought you were tough, so how could that one little poke hurt?"

Before you could respond to him, Coach Kang blew his whistle and everybody looked at him. "We're going to play basketball today and I will decide teams. Give me any crap about how I decide and you'll be running laps." Coach Kang began spliting up the people and thank god you had Junsu and Yoochun on your team while Jaejoong was on the opposing side. You tied your hair up and stretched out a bit. Yoochun and Jaejoong jumped for the ball and the game started.

Jaejoong was blocking the ball from Yoochun, so you decided to run in and steal the ball. You snatched it from Jaejoong's unsuspecting hands and dribbled towards the hoop and swish, it made it in. "Oh yeah! Two points for me!" You cheered and high fived Yoochun and Junsu.

"I'll get you for that Eunmi." Jaejoong warned and you smiled.

"Bring it on pretty boy." You retorted and began playing again.

The game was almost ending and your team was behind by two points. Your team had decided that you would be the last option to score a basket and you were totally fine with that. You had managed to steal the ball once more, but as you ran towards the hoop somebody slammed into your side and you crashed to the ground. The whistle blew and everybody crowded around you. "You okay Lee?" Coach Kang questioned as you blinked repeatedly.

"Ye-yeah coach I'm f-fine, but can you stop moving? The three of you are making me dizzy." You shook your head to refocus but everything was still a blurry mess.

"She's losing it. Someone take her to the nurse." Coach Kang said and several boys jumped at the opportunity.

"It's fine coach, I just need to sit." You explained and stood up, or tried to until imense pain shot through your leg and brought you back to the ground. "Ahh!" you shrieked as your hand clutched your stinging ankle.

"Now she really needs to go. Kim take her to the nurse." Coach ordered and Jaejoong nodded. Several boys groaned and several girls shot death glares. Why did Jaejoong get to carry you to the nurse, and why did you get to be carried by a shirtless Jaejoong?

"No really it's fine. I don't need to be taken to the nurse!" You protested as you squirmed in Jaejoong's finely muscled arms.

"Shut up and stop squriming. You're going to fall and I'm not gonna pick you back up." With that bark from Jaejoong you became silent and let him carry you. Jaejoong seemed to be carrying you without effort so you were sure he wasn't going to drop you, but just in case his arms caved you hooked your arms around his neck. "Couldn't resist could you?" He asked with a smirk and you rolled your eyes.

"Puh-lease. I'm only holding onto you so that if you or your arms decide to let go I won't get completely hurt."

Jaejoong scoffed and looked down at you. "You think that I'd drop you? I'm appalled Eunmi. Coach told me to take you to the nurse and I'll do just that." He retorted and you snorted lightly.

"I'll still hold on just for safety measures."

"And because you want to be as close to me as possible." Jaejoong added and you rolled your eyes.

"Keep thinking that pretty boy and I'll have to set you straight." You warned and he smirked.

"If people saw us right now wouldn't you think they'd get the wrong impression?" He questioned and your eyes narrowed.

"They would, but then again everybody knows about our deep disliking for each other so that wouldn't be a problem, would it?" You countered and he smirked once more.

"I see you're both making your weekly visit to come see me, and judging by the current situation I would say that Eunmi is the one that's hurt this time." You both looked away from each other and found Mrs. Jang the school nurse smiling at the both of you.

"Hello Mrs. Jang." You both greeted and Jaejoong bowed with you in your arms.

Mrs. Jang smiled sweetly before patting the empty bed and sitting next to it. "Set her down here Jaejoong." She ordered and Jaejoong set you down. "So, what happened today Eunmi?"

"Some idiot bulldozed me over during PE and I'm pretty sure I have a twisted ankle." You told her and she nodded thoughtfully. She moved her hands gently over your ankle testing to see which part was hurting the most. She tapped one part of your ankle and you screamed bloody murder and clutched onto something warm. "Omona!"

The said nurse snickered quietly when something caught her eye, but ignored and turned to look back at you. "I had to see where it hurt, and you were right it is a twisted ankle. Let me get you some ice for that and then we can bandage it." She left you alone and disappeared behind the back door. You sighed and relaxed into the bed.

"You can let go of my hand now. The circulation has been cut off for quite some time."

You screamed and shot up. "What the heck are you still doing here?! I thought you left!" You shouted as you stared at the strangely calm Jaejoong.

"I was going to leave but then you grabbed my hand and yeah." He explained and you raised an eyebrow.

"You could have just told me to let go or pried my hand off you."

Jaejoong shrugged and leaned against the wall. "You were in pain so I didn't bother with it."

Your harsh expression softened as you looked at Jaejoong. Maybe there was a sweet side to Jaejoong afterall. "Thanks, for bringing me here and not leaving when I was in pain."

Jaejoong shrugged once more and smiled crookedly. "Its what enemies do for each other."

You looked up at him and strangely smiled back. "I'm glad I have an enemy like you then." 


Wouldn't you kill to see half of DBSK play basketball shirtless and have one of them carry you? I most certainly would. So, YooSu are your best friends and Jaejoong is still your enemy, but an enemy with a nice side? Hah. Does that even make sense? You know what? Who cares. This is from my imagination and in saying so, anything can happen in my imagination. Comment and subscribe if you want. Until next time (:

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Chapter 35: Beautiful!!!
Just beautiful

Moonlighting #2
I barely started reading this and I'm already far ahead I really like this story!! Great job author-nim!!!!
Chapter 35: This story is absolutely beautiful. I died from everything literally. LOL! This also made my day so much better. I was feeling kind of down earlier and finding this fic was just a blessing. ^^ Thanks for sharing this with us. One of my favorites. ^^
Jamiesxz #4
Chapter 35: Great fanfiction (Y)
Jamiesxz #5
Chapter 15: So shinee.. Lmao that's smart
Chapter 34: Aigoo, this is so cute!! Update when you can please!! Love your story~ <3
Chapter 4: Woohoo!! Bring on the cat fight! Hahaha
I've never been in one before & I'm enjoying this story so much! Thanks for writing out your imagination, Author.
oatlover #8
Chapter 33: kissing your boyfriend in front of your mom & dad plus your bro is AWKWARD
but still cute
this story reminds me of someone I knew way back in junior highschool
we first met in some orientation for the new students
we both received a punishment because we couldn't answer our senior's question
both of us are somewhat like Jae and Eunmi
but not that extreme
we just bickered a lot, he would teased me a lot too
and I would counter attack him, it was just chaos lol
sometimes he was nice to me and other times he teased me a lot
good job Author-nim, will be waiting for your next update :)
oatlover #9
Chapter 32: Finally!!! *throws confetti*
so Taeyeon planned the whole "confession" thing?
good job Tae :)
I can totally imagine the scene where Mr.Kang suddenly appear and disturb JaeMi "moment" lol
and the way Jaejoong called out Eunmi while being dragged by Mr.Kang
oatlover #10
Chapter 30: it's really cute how Chunnie called Su for a back up
and Jae suddenly hug Eunmi?? adorable