Eat Your Heart Out

It's More Than Hate, It's Love

Hello, hello! How is everybody? I hope y'all had a good Christmas and are making plans to have a fantastic New years. Me, I didn't do much on Chritmas. My family doesn't really celebrate it, so no one had a good reason to stay home, so I was stuck with my dog and nephew to watch. But it's all good cause I'm not really into the whole holiday thing. Hmm, I would have updated sooner, but I've been having dance pracices and my mommy's been on my case about "bonding-time" and "being too pale" Lol. Is it really my fault that me and the sun don't get along? Anyways, here's a new chapter. Please do enjoy it! (:


It had been a good week since Kikwang had arrived and everything was just peachy. You and Jaejoong hardly ever had fights anymore since you were always so preoccupied with Kikwang to even talk to Jaejoong. The change felt weird to you, but you decided that it may just be for the better.


It was Pe time now and everybody was running around the track. The goal was to complete ten laps in fifteen minutes. You had one more lap to go and five minutes left. Quite frankly, you were dead after the fifth lap, but Taeyeon or Yoochun had been there to keep pushing you forward. Right now, Kikwang was next to you and he wasn't even breaking a sweat.

"I can't do this anymore." You panted as you kept trying to keep your pace.

Kikwang chuckled. "Aren't you a cheerleader though? Don't you have to be like fit?" He questioned.

You rolled your eyes. "Yeah I'm a cheerleader, but we don't run laps. We may do like a lap or two to get our heart rates up, but we mainly stretch, practice our dances, and do stunting." You explained and he just 'Ohh-ed' at it.

"Do you want me to piggy back you?" He offered and you swore you COULD HAVE kissed him right on the spot.

"I'd love you forever if you did." You said and he laughed. You both stopped momentarily so you could jump onto his back. He tightly held your legs and you clasped your arms around his shoulder. Out of nowhere, he started running and you couldn't help but scream and laugh. In no time you finished your last lap with three minutes to spare. "Oh my god. You're such a BEAST! I've never seen someone run that fast with someone on their back." You said as he continued carrying you. He didn't say anything about it, so you didn't either.

"Thanks Noona. It's always nice to get praised for my BEASTLYness." He beamed and you could still feel your insides melting from when he had called you Noona.

"But aren't you tired? I mean, I'm not exactly the lightest person around if you haven't noticed." Not even your own "muscle man" brother could carry you for this long without complaining about you being fat.

"Pshh please. What do you weigh like ten pounds? I can barely even feel you on my back. You need to eat more Noona."

"Awwh aren't you sweet." You pinched his cheek and he yelped. "Oops! I'm sorry Kwang!" You blurted out and winced when you realized your slip.

"Kwang?" He murmured.

"I'm sorry. It just kind of came out. I won't call you that if--"

"No it's fine... I like it. You'll call me Kwang and I'll call you Noona." Once again you felt yourself melt at his words. The kid was just too sweet and his words combined with his actions were even sweeter. Just at the moment, you were passing by Jaejoong who was for some reason glaring at you.

"What's your deal?" You questioned and Kikwang stopped in his tracks so you could continue your conversation with Jaejoong.

"You're my deal." He answered and you scoffed.

"Well maybe if you treated me like this then you wouldn't be having a deal with me." You pointed out as Kikwang just smiled happily.

"I'd die before I'd piggy back you." He sneered, but you didn't let it affect you like it usually would. You were in a good mood and you weren't about to let Jaejoong ruin it so easily.

"Well whatever. Let's go Kwanggie." You said happily which caught one certain person's attention.

"You're calling me Kwanggie now?" Kikwang questioned. He was surprised, but not unpleased, with how fast the relationship between the two of you was progressing.

"You don't like it?" You questioned, feigning a hurt expression.

Kikwang wanted nothing more than to pinch your cheeks and never let go. "I love it!" He shouted jubilantly.

Yoobin, just like another certain someone, was disgusted with the scene playing infront of her. "Geez Eunmi. He's only been here for like a week and you're already acting like you're going out." Yoobin jeered and you just smiled.

"You know what Yoobin? I could care less about what you or anybody else thinks." You blew her a kiss then smirked and disappeared with Kikwang running towards Yoochun and Junsu.

"They'd make a cute couple." Changmin suddenly said and everybody looked at him weirdly. "What? They would. They've already got the chemistry and everything, so it wouldn't be any less different then how it is now. Unless they like you know kiss infront of people and they're not dating. Plus, I can see the attraction between the two and it's definitely solid, but you get what Im saying so I'll stop right there." He defended himself and actually patted himself on the back for such a well thought out explanation. They didn't call him a genius for nothing and he definitely didn't act like one just to have the title. Shim Changmin was indeed a genius.

Jaejoong was appalled by his friend's words. How could he even think that, much less say it? "That would never happen." He said angrily. It would never ever ever happen.

"Why not?" Changmin questioned. His explanation, in his own mind, was bullet proof so what was his Hyung talking about?

"Eunmi doesn't date guys like him and I--" He stopped before he could make a huge ugly mistake.

Yunho caught the slip and smirked. "And you what?" He asked curiously. 'I got you now Jae!'

"Nothing." He got up and stormed off. 'Control yourself jaejoong! You're losing it.'

- - -

The final bell rang and everybody left the class room. You were walking to your car when you saw Kikwang staring at his phone angrily. You went up to him and stood next to him. "Did you get in a fight with your phone?" You joked and he chuckled.

"Funny, but no. My driver is stuck in traffic and won't be here until like another hour." He pouted and you just wanted to glomp him on the spot and never let him go. Yes, it was just that adorable.

"Do you want a ride home?" You asked as the keys twirled around your index finger.

Kikwang brightened up immediately. "Really?! I mean, if that's okay with you then I'm all for it." He tried to play it cool, but the hue of pink that tinted his cheeks gave him away.

"Follow me then." You led him to your car and as fate would have it, it was parked next to Jaejoong's who was with Yunho and Yoobin.

Jaejoong's eyes darkened as he saw the two of you together. 'What the hell? Do they always have to be together?' He couldn't help but let his fingernails dig into his palms. "What are you doing with him?" He questioned as he glared at Kikwang, who just avoided the intense gaze directed at him.

"I don't really see how it's any of your business, but I'm taking him home." You answered him and unlocked the doors. "Get in Kwang." You ordered as you kept your eyes focused on Jaejoong who was doing the exact same.

"What, are you guys seriously going out now?" Yoobin probed, but you didn't pay attention to her. She was just trying to get on your nerves again and you wouldn't let it happen.

Your lips curved into a small smile and you winked at Jaejoong. "Eat your heart out." The smile turned into a smirk and you went into your car. It purred to life and you rode out of the parking lot.

Jaejoong stood there dumbfounded. Had that really just happened? 'She winked at me and I... liked it? And what was that whole, "Eat your heart out" thing? What is she trying to do?' None of it made sense to him. It was as if the hugging incident in Jeju was happening all over again and Jaejoong did not like that one bit.

"Ugh. She thinks she's so cool and too good for the rest of us. It's so ridiculous. God, she pisses me off so much!" Yoobin screamed as she stomped her foot onto the pavement harshly.

Jaejoong just stared at his reflection and frowned. 'Why do I feel like this again? Something's wrong with me and I hate not knowing what.' Jaejoong groaned and braced himself against the side of the car. "Get in." The two followed his orders and he did the same. 'Why are you doing this to me Eunmi?' 


And that my dear lovely readers is it for now. I like this Jae, how about you? Now Jaejoong is my ultimate bias, but Kikwang is just absolutely too adorable to ignore and leave out of this story. From the beginning, Nickhun was supposed to be in Kikwang's spot, but since he and Victoria are getting it on kind of faded out of my mind and Kikwang is always relevant somehow, I decided to go with him. I mean, who doesn't love that kid? Lol. Well, until next time my loves. Do comment and drop by my wall if you please (:

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Chapter 35: Beautiful!!!
Just beautiful

Moonlighting #2
I barely started reading this and I'm already far ahead I really like this story!! Great job author-nim!!!!
Chapter 35: This story is absolutely beautiful. I died from everything literally. LOL! This also made my day so much better. I was feeling kind of down earlier and finding this fic was just a blessing. ^^ Thanks for sharing this with us. One of my favorites. ^^
Jamiesxz #4
Chapter 35: Great fanfiction (Y)
Jamiesxz #5
Chapter 15: So shinee.. Lmao that's smart
Chapter 34: Aigoo, this is so cute!! Update when you can please!! Love your story~ <3
Chapter 4: Woohoo!! Bring on the cat fight! Hahaha
I've never been in one before & I'm enjoying this story so much! Thanks for writing out your imagination, Author.
oatlover #8
Chapter 33: kissing your boyfriend in front of your mom & dad plus your bro is AWKWARD
but still cute
this story reminds me of someone I knew way back in junior highschool
we first met in some orientation for the new students
we both received a punishment because we couldn't answer our senior's question
both of us are somewhat like Jae and Eunmi
but not that extreme
we just bickered a lot, he would teased me a lot too
and I would counter attack him, it was just chaos lol
sometimes he was nice to me and other times he teased me a lot
good job Author-nim, will be waiting for your next update :)
oatlover #9
Chapter 32: Finally!!! *throws confetti*
so Taeyeon planned the whole "confession" thing?
good job Tae :)
I can totally imagine the scene where Mr.Kang suddenly appear and disturb JaeMi "moment" lol
and the way Jaejoong called out Eunmi while being dragged by Mr.Kang
oatlover #10
Chapter 30: it's really cute how Chunnie called Su for a back up
and Jae suddenly hug Eunmi?? adorable